Praise Bible Crafts for Sunday School
"Praise Him!" Children's Bible Lesson with Crafts and Activities
Praise Him! Bible Lesson and Bible Crafts for Kids

The following crafts and activities come from the Sunday School Lesson - Praise Him! from Psalm 148:5, 7-13 available on The Resource Room and as an instant download.
Paper Bag Maracas
Children of all ages will love making these and using them to praise God. They are super easy and cost only pennies to make. Warning - these maracas are very loud!

What you will need:
Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Beans, Small Pebbles, Rice, or Anything You have to Place in the Bags
Colored Pencils, Crayons, Markers, or Paint
How to Make the Paper Bag Maracas:
1. Have your children decorate the bottom third of a paper lunch bag with markers, crayons, paint, or colored pencils.
2. Unfold the decorated paper bag and place another paper bag inside the decorated paper bag to give the maraca strength.
3. Have your children place a tablespoon of rice, popcorn, or anything else you would like to use in the inside bag. (Try different things in each bag and compare the sounds the bags make.)
4. To finish, gather up the sides of the paper bags smoothing them out as you crinkle them up. Spread out the tops of the bags and blow into them to puff out the bottom of the bags. When you have a good shape twist the bottom of the bags to make the handle of the maraca. Use colorful tape such as duct tape or washi tape to decorate the handle and to keep it from unwinding.
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Easy Craft Stick Castanets

What you will need:
Giant Craft Sticks (Jumbo craft sticks will work, but they aren't as effective as these giant craft sticks.)
Posca Paint Markers or Sharpie Markers
Craft Razor Saw or Exacto Knife
What to do:
1. Cut 2 1/2" inches off the ends of one giant craft stick using a Razor saw or Exacto knife.
2. Cut three masking tape pieces, 3-inches long.
3. Wrap pieces of tape around the flat end of the 2 1/2" craft stick so that the tape is one-inch below the end. (See Diagram)
4. Line up the 2 1/2" craft pieces at the end of a giant craft stick so that one piece is on the bottom and the other is on the top.
5. Wrap the other 3-inch piece of tape around all three craft stick pieces so that it covers the tape hanging from the end of the cut crafts sticks, but not the craft sticks.
6. To finish paint the castanets with acrylic paint and decorate them with paint markers.
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Paper Tube Shakers
These shakers are super easy to make and need no preparation.

What you will need:
Colored Card Stock (Heavy Paper, you can also use a paper towel tube and regular-weight paper.)
Clear Tape
Masking Tape, Colorful Duct Tape, Colorful Washi Masking Tape (Optional)
Unpopped Popcorn, Dried Beans, Small Pebbles, Rice, or Anything You have to Place in the Bags
Colored Pencils, Crayons, Markers, or Paint
How to Make the Tube Shakers:
1. Have your children color and decorate the bottom two-thirds of a piece of card stock with colored pencils, crayons or markers. (A printable pattern with the words "Praise Him" is available to members on The Resource Room and as a instant download above.)
2. When the child is done with his design roll up the paper into a tube. Stick tape down the entire side of the tube to keep it rolled up.
3. Close up one end of the tube. Press in on the sides of the tube so you have small indents. Press down on the top of the end to close it and then staple or tape it closed. (Note: you can also add ribbon to the ends. Cut the ribbon into 12" lengths. Place three or four lengths together and tie a knot in the middle. Place the knot inside the end of the tube before stapling it closed.)
4. Let your child place a tablespoon of dried beans, rice, popcorn, etc. into the tube and then close the end just like you did the first end.
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I teach 2nd and 3rd grade Bible Class and each week I supplement with the resources from Danielle's Place! I have come to truly depend on the resources you offer on your website! Please keep up the GREAT work - you all don't realize just how many children/families lives you touch through your resources! THANK YOU!
Praise Him! Printable Coloring and Activity Book for Sunday School
Children color pictures that illustrate Psalms 148:5 and 9-13. There are also pages in which they draw pictures to illustrate the parts of the verses.
(A printable pattern is available to members on The Resource Room and as a instant download above.)
Praise Him! Printable Coloring Sheet

(A printable pattern is available to members on The Resource Room and as a instant download above.)
Includes Psalm 148:5 Bible verse in both KJV or NIV
The bear says, "God is Grrr eat!" and the Tiger says, "Purr aise God!"
Paper Plate Praise Shaker Bible Craft from Sunday School
"Praise the Lord" Musical Shaker - A picture of two children singing praises with the verse "Let everything He has made give praise to Him!" around the edges is glued to a paper plate.

What you will need:
Two Heavy Duty Paper Plates, Dried Rice or Beans, Stapler, Highlighter Markers, Glue, Ribbon, Scissors and a Hole Punch
How to Make the Praise Shakers:
1. Before class prepare the shakers by placing 1/2 cup of rice on one plate. Place another plate on top and glue the plates together all the way around the edge with a low temperature glue gun.
2. Punch holes around the edge of the plates with a hole punch.
3. In class have your children decorate the shakers with highlighter markers and then tie pieces of ribbon through the holes. When they are done tying the ribbons use the edge of a pair of scissors to curl the ribbon.
(A printable pattern is available to members on The Resource Room and as a instant download above.)
©2002, Digital by Design, Inc. -* See Copyright Information
Also See Sing Unto the Lord Crafts
I am so happy with your project ideas. This is my second year using them and after the kids and parents raved about how much their kids enjoyed the lessons I knew I found the right place. The best part about everything is that my class has more then doubled since the word got out that I am going to continue with using lessons from your sight. Thank you Jeanie