Tooth Fairy Crafts and Learning Activities for Children
How to Make Tooth Fairy and El Ratón Pérez Crafts
Tooth Fairy Traditions Around the World
"Throw Your Tooth on the Roof Tooth Traditions from Around the World"
Do you throw your tooth on the roof of your house, or save it for a mysterious mouse? Read Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World and learn what children from around the world do with their baby teeth.
According to the author of this book there are many countries in which children trust their baby teeth to a magical mouse.
In Mexico some children leave their teeth in a box for El Ratón, in the Dominican Republic some throw their teeth on the roof of their houses so a mouse can take it away, and in Argentina some leave their teeth in a glass of water so that during the night a little mouse will drink the water and leave some coins or candy in the empty glass.
The Tooth Fairy Meets El Raton Perez - The Tooth Fairy and El Ratón Pérez show up at the same house and both claim the same tooth. In their fight to claim their prize, the tooth is lost and the Tooth Fairy and El Ratón Pérez have to work together to retrieve it.
This book introduces children to cultural differences and similarities. The Spanish speaking mouse introduces children to Spanish phrases.
El Ratón Sock Craft

Make El Ratón carrying a small tooth purse from a baby sock.
Go to the Sock Craft Page for free directions and patterns for this craft.
Talk About Traditions and Make Your Own Book
Have your children talk to friends and neighbors (especially people from other cultures) about their traditions and how they celebrate special occasions. Pick one occasion such as Thanksgiving or Christmas and help your children make their own book using this book as an example.
Free Mouse Tooth Pocket - El Ratón Pérez
Save your lost tooth for El Ratón, the mouse "tooth fairy" in this mouse-shaped pocket.

What you will need:
Grey and Pink Felt
Pink Bead or Pompom for the Nose
Tiny Googly Eyes
Needle and Black Thread
Grey Yarn or Fake Fur
Small Piece of Velcro
Low Temperature Glue Gun
How to Make the Mouse Tooth Pocket:
1. Print out the patterns and cut the back and front of the head and the outer ears from grey felt. Cut the inner ears from pink felt.
2. Sew the back of the head to the front of the head and fold down the flap at the top of the head. Glue pieces of Velcro on the flap to keep it closed.
3. Sew on a bead for the nose and glue on the eyes.
4. Sew or glue the pink inner ears to the out ears. Glue the ears to the back of the head under the flap.
5. To make the whiskers thread a needle and insect it just about the nose on one side. Tie the end of the thread leaving the ends long. Bring the needle through the head to the other side. Cut the thread tie the ends so that the whiskers don't come out.
6. To finish glue some fake fur to the top of the head.
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I Lost My Tooth in Africa
"I Lost My Tooth in Africa" by Penda Diakité - Did you know that in West Africa children put their lost teeth under gourds and receive chickens from the African tooth fairy? This is an enlightening story about a little girl who visits her family in Mali, West Africa, and shares the different traditions she experienced there, including a visit from the tooth fairy.
Learning Activities:
1. Talk about Traditions - Have your children talk to friends and neighbors (especially people from other cultures) about their traditions and how they celebrate special occasions.
2. Learn African Expressions and Make African Food - At the end of this book you will find a list of African expressions and an African Onion Sauce recipe.
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