ABC Ready-for-School Activities
Learning the ABCs, Recognizing Letters, Printable Learning Games and Activities for Preschool Children, ABC Teacher Resources, ABC Worksheets, and Homeschool Printables
ABC Printable Activity Sheets (Worksheets) with Hands-on Learning Games and Activities
These ABC Printable Activity Sheets are available to members, and as instant digital downloads to non-members in block and D'Nealian style letters.
Instant Digital Downloads - Available in both block-style and D'Nealian-style
How to Use These Activity Sheets:
Review letter sounds using the posters as sorting mats. Bring in small items that can be glued or taped to the printable ABC sheets and have your children help you decide where each item should be placed depending on its beginning sound. Stickers with pictures of various items and small images from magazines can be helpful. Hang the posters up on your board and use them throughout the year. Encourage your children to bring in small pictures to add to the posters. You can also use them as reward incentives. When a child accomplishes a task, give him a sticker to attach to the appropriate poster.
A - acorn, paper airplane, almond
B - button, bow, bottle cap, band-aid, bracelet, balloon, blocks, bubble gum, Cheerios, bolt
C - cap, crayon, candy, cross, craft sticks, clothespin, cupcake wrapper, cashew, hair clip
D - dime, dot, dog bone, dog tag
E - eye (googly eye), eraser, rice, rose petal, envelope, egg (small plastic Easter egg)
F - flower (silk), fortune cookie, feather, fake fur,
G -gum wrapper, guitar pick, glitter
H - heart, toy helicopter, picture of a house, Hershey Kiss, hair, Honeycomb (cereal)
I - picture of ice, iron, icicle, iris, igloo, ibis, island, insect, invitation, iguana, pipe cleaner inchworm,
J - jelly bean, juice box, jewel, jack
K - key, kazoo,
L - leaf, lead (from pencil)
M - mitten, M&M Candy wrapper, marshmallow, piece of a map, marble, maple leaf, money
N- nickel, nut, fingernail (fake)
O- origami. owl, ornament (Christmas)
P- paper clip, pompom, pin, puzzle piece, pencil sharpener, popsicle stick, pinecone, pecan, pipe cleaner
Q - quarter, picture of a quail, picture of Queen, quill, picture of a quilt, quotation marks
R - rubber band, ring (child's), rock, rickrack, ribbon, rope, raisin
S- stamp, stone, seashell, sea star or starfish, seed, string, spider, sucker, stone, shoe, straw, baby sock, straw
T - thumbtack, Tootsie roll, tatto, toothpick, twig
U - umbrella (the kind you put in drinks)
V - piece of velvet, pictures of vacuum, vulture, violin, van, vegetables, vest, veterinarian, volleyball, volcano, valentine card, V8 Juice label
W - whistle, wand from a bottle of bubbles, wax, a wrapper from candy, walnut, gummy worm
X- x-ray, x-ray fish, picture of x-men,
Y - yellow crayon, yarn, package of yeast, yen, yo-yo, yucca leaf
Z -
zipper pull, zero, zebra toy, picture of Ziggy from Internet, picture of a zorilla
Write Words that Start with the Same Letter
*Note - If you laminate the pictures, you can use a dry erase marker and re-use the sheets over and over.
Have your children think of words that start with the same letter on the sheet. Help them write the word on the appropriate sheet.
Matching Letter Pictures
Print out pictures from clip art, or cut out pictures from magazines, laminate them and then have your children match the beginning sounds of the names of the pictures to the letters on the sheets.
You can time your child to see how long it takes him and then have him do it again to see if he can beat his time.
You can also divide your children into teams and give each group a certain amount of pictures. See which team can place all its pictures on the matching sheets first.
Really Big Alphabet Match Game
This is a great game for children who do not like to sit still.
Print out two of each sheet onto card stock (Heavy paper) and laminate them. Turn them upside down on the floor and play a match game. Children take turns turning over two cards to see if they match. If they match, the child keeps the cards and takes another turn. If they don't match, the child turns them back over, and the next child gets to try and find a match.
Vocabulary Display
Print out all the sheets and hang them up on a bulletin board display. As your children learn new words, write the words on the matching sheet. Your children will have a growing record of how many words they have learned. This is also a great way to review the words.

Practice Writing the Letters ABC Game
Print out the sheets and laminate them. Let your child practice writing the letters on the shapes. Use a dry erase marker and paper towel to erase the letters so that they can be reused again and again.
Put the Cards in Order Alphabet Game
Print out the cards and laminate them. Mix them up and see how fast your children can put them in order. Time them and then have them try again to see if they can beat their time.
Bean Bag Toss Alphabet Letter Recognition Game
The following games are great for children who like to move around a lot. They also help develop throwing skills.
Game 1 - Place the printable alphabet sheets on the floor and have your children try to throw bean bags on certain letters. For example, if you are working on the letter F, have your children try to throw the bean bag on that letter.
Letter Writing Class Project
Have your children pass around each letter paper and write the corresponding letter on each sheet so that you end up with letter sheets filled with a letter written by each child.
ABC Sorting Cans
These cans can be used over and over again. Use liquid chalkboard markers on removable chalkboard labels. Wipe off the letters or words from the labels and reuse them for other educational activities. The labels peel off easily and can be used over and over again.

What you will need:
Tin Cans from Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Can Opener that Folds Down the Edge of the Can When Opening
Can Covers - (The set of 18 has 12 - 3" lids for 15 oz. cans 6 - 4" lids and 6 3.5" lids for 20 oz. cans)
How to Make the Can Sorters:
1. Use a can opener that folds down the edge of the can when opening. If you have any sharp edges, use pliers to press down the edges. Cans with pull tabs have sharper edges and aren't recommended.
2. Write the color names on the chalkboard labels and stick them to the cans.
3. Collect small toys and household items that will fit inside the cans.
4. Have your child place the items in the appropriate cans, saying the letter and letter sound each time he places an item in the can.
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