Armor of God Bible Lesson or Children's Sermon for Children
Armor of God Crafts, Games and Activities for Children
The following crafts and activities for the Armor of God Complete Bible lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Armor of God Match Game
You can play this game a couple of ways. (Printable cards available to members on The Resource Room.)
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
1. Match Game - Break your class into teams and play with just twelve cards - two of each pattern. Have your children take turns turning over two cards to see if they match. If they match, the child gets to keep the cards. If they don't, he has to turn them back over and the next child takes a turn. At the end of the game the child who gets the most matches wins.
2. Armor Search - Print out enough cards so that you have at least a set of cards for each child. Have all the children sit in a circle and place all the cards face down. Children take turns turning over cards one per turn. If a player doesn't have the card, he keeps it. If a player turns over a card that he already has, he turns it back over and the next player takes a turn. The first player to collect all six cards wins.
3. Find Your Mates - Give each child a card. Make sure you give at least one other child the matching card. Tell your children to not let anyone else see their cards. On the word, "Go" players should try to find the other players that have the same card as they do. They may not talk. They can only make hand signals or act out the picture on the card.
4. What's on My Back? - Tape a card to the back of each player. On the word "go", players have to ask other players questions to try to find out what picture they have on their backs. When a player has guessed correctly, he or she sits down.
5. Pass a Card Game - Make enough copies of the cards so that you can give each player six cards. On the word "pass", children should pass one of their cards to the player on their left. Keep passing until a player gets three cards that are the same. You can also play until a child gets four cards that are the same.
6. Collect the Armor of God Cards - Players take turns spinning the wheel and picking up a card with a matching image. If a player already has the matching card, he or she doesn't pick another card and passes the wheel to the next player. The player who collects all six cards first wins. This game can also be played with the armor of God cube.
7. Collect the Cards Cube Game - Players take turns throwing to cubes. If the pictures on the cubes match, the player gets to pick up the matching card. If the player already has the matching card, he passes the cubes to the next player. Keep playing until a player has all six cards.
Ephesians 6:13-17, NIV – Rebus Bible Verse Sheet
Use this sheet to review the Bible verse. The armor pictures will help them to remember the verse.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV Maze Sheet
1. Before class, print out the maze pattern and make copies. Print out one answer sheet.
2. In class, give each student a sheet and have them look up the Bible verse in their Bibles.
3. Tell them to use a pencil and trace the words in order staring at the top left-hand side of the page and ending at the “Finish” space. They cannot go around or over words that aren’t in order of the verse. They must start again from the beginning and find their way through the maze in the proper order of the words in the verse.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Armor of God Coloring Sheet or Activity Sheet
What you will need:
Colored Pencils
What to do:
1. Before class print out the color sheet pattern and make copies.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. Have your children color the parts of the armor as you discuss them during the lesson.
Armor Game
What you will need:
Aluminum Foil, Tape, Markers, and/or Scissors
How to Play:
1. Bring in at least two rolls of aluminum foil.
2. In class, break the children up into teams, two to three per team. Tell them that they have five minutes to decide which person in their team will put on a suit of armor. The other children in the team will make a suit of armor for the volunteer out of the aluminum foil.
3. The team that has the best suit of armor wins.
4. To make the game a little more challenging or if you have a large group of kids, bring in pieces of cardboard, scissors, tape, markers, etc. that can be used to make armor.
Sword Bible Verse Discussion Activity

1. Before class print out large sword patterns onto different colors of card stock. Cut them out. Write the following Bible verses on the swords.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. In class give each student a sword. If you have more than twelve students, print out more copies of the same swords. Have your students read the verses and discuss what each verse means. Explain that you will be reading some examples of how we have to fight against Satan every day. If a student has a Bible verse that would help him fight against the situation you are reading, he should hold out his sword and explain why it applies.
1. Your best friend just met someone new and he always seems to want to play with his new friend instead of you. Now you are feeling left out and lonely. Satan is telling you that you don't have any friends and you never will.
2. Your best friend wants you to go over to another friend's house after school with him, but your mother told you that she didn't want you to hang out with the other friend because he was not a very nice person. He is always swearing and talking dirty and getting in trouble for doing bad things. Satan is telling you to go with your friend to the other friend's house. Your mother would never know. You could just tell her that you went to your friend's house (which you did) and leave out the part about not going to the bad kid's house.
3. You have been praying for a very long time that someone very special to you would somehow get to know Jesus and accept him as his Savior, but now you are getting discouraged because nothing seems to be happening or changing. You keep inviting them to go to church with you, but they don't seem interested or always have something else planned. Satan is telling you that this person will never change and you might as well give up on them.
4. Sometimes it seems like you just can't seem to be good. No matter how hard you try to be good, it seems like eventually, you get into trouble. You try to be good and you want to do what is right but it seems impossible. Sometimes you wonder if you really are a Christian. Satan is telling you that you aren't really a Christian because you aren't following God's teachings.
5. You can't sleep because you are worried about tomorrow. You have to get up in front of the whole class and give a speech. Satan is putting all kinds of thoughts into your head like you are going to make a fool out of yourself, everyone is going to laugh at you, you are going to forget what you have to say, etc.
6. There is a boy or girl in your class that keeps picking on you, calling you names, and telling lies about you to the other kids in your class. Satan is telling you to go tell him off and start rumors about him.
7. You were walking home from school and you found a special pen that you had seen someone else with earlier in the morning. You think that maybe it could belong to that person, but Satan is telling you to keep the pen as your own. Saying, "Finders keepers, losers, weepers".
8. Your father lost his job and you are worried that he won't have enough money to buy you new school clothes.