Australia Day Crafts
Australia-themed Crafts for preschool and elementary children. Celebrate Australia Day with these teacher resources for homeschools and preschools.
Australian Dot Art Printables

What you will need:
Colored Paper
Acrylic Paint, Markers, or Dotters
Paint Brushes or Sticks
How to Make the Australian Dot Pictures:

1. Print out the patterns onto colored paper or what paper depending on what technique you want to use and the age of your students.
2. The images above where made by dipping the handle ends of a paint brush into acrylic paint and then dotting it onto the paper. Provide larger and smaller brushes for larger and smaller dots.
3. If you have younger children, you may want to use large markers for less mess. Print the patterns out onto white paper instead of using colored paper so the markers will show up well.
4. Preschool children will enjoy decorating the images with dotters which make much larger dots.
Instant Downloads - Five Pages
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"I Love Australia" Joey Waving an Australian Flag Craft
This craft can be done several ways. You can cut out the pattern and make a moveable Joey, or use it as a color sheet and glue on the flag.
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Crayons or Colored Pencils
Brown Colored Paper
Brass Brads
Color Printer
Paper Glue
Hole Punch
How to Make the Australia Day Activity Sheet:
1. Print out the Kangaroo Joey Pattern.
Instant Download Pattern - Three Pages -
2. Color the Kangaroo Joey and then cut it out.
3. Punch a hole in the arm and another in the body of the kangaroo where the arm should be attached. Attach the arm to the body with a brass brad.
4. Print out the flag patterns and cut them out.
5. Make a flag pole from brown construction paper. Glue the flag to the pole. Glue the flag pole to the Joey's hand.
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Mother Kangaroo with Joey Holding Australian Flag 3D Paper Craft
Children will love playing with their kangaroo mommy and joey on Australia Day!
Use this craft for your homeschool unit studies on Australia Day or Australia homeschool unit study.
How to Make the Kangaroo Mom with Baby Craft:
1. Print the pattern onto tan card stock.
Instant Download Pattern -Two Pages -
2. Cut out the patterns and color them. Write a message on the pocket and staple it to the front of the mother.
3. Insert the joey into the pocket.
4. You can also have your children write a note to their mothers, fold it up, and place it in the pocket with the joey.
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Australian Flag Printables in Three Sizes
Available in three different sizes: (3 3/4" x 2"), (3" x 1 1/2"), (2 1/2" x 1") Use these flags for your Australia Day craft projects, for decorations, or to decorate cup cakes.
What you will need:
Color Printer
Paper Glue
Brown Construction Paper or Card Stock, or Large Toothpicks
How to Make the Flags:
1. Print out the flag patterns
Instant Download Pattern - Three Pages -

2. Cut out the patterns and fold them in half.
3. To make the flag poles cut pieces of construction paper 3" x 3/4" wide. Draw two lines 1/4" apart down the length of the papers. Fold on the lines and glue the folded paper together.
4. Glue the poles onto the paper flags and glue the flags closed.
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