Soul Food - God's Words Bible Crafts and Activities
Soul Food Bible Lesson
The following crafts and Bible activities come from the Bible lesson "Soul Food". This lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
In this lesson children learn that feeding their souls with God’s words is much more important than feeding their bodies and that they need a daily filling of God’s words to grow strong in their faith. They visit the "Soul Food Market" and shop for Bible verses to feed their souls.
Memory Verse: “How sweet are your words to my taste; they are sweeter than honey.” Psalms 119:103
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Make a "Sweet Treat Candy Cup"
What you will need:
Plastic Cups, Stickers, Printer Paper, and Candy
How to make:
1. Before class print out the Bible verses and cut them apart. Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download.
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV
2. Tape one Bible verse at the bottom of each cup.
3. In class have your children decorate the cups with stickers.
4. When they have finished ask them to pick out ten pieces of candy and place them in their cups.
Make a "Sweet Treat Plate"

What you will need:
Paper Plates, Printer Paper, Glue Dots or Double-side Tape, Crayons or Markers, Stickers, and Scissors
How to make:
1. Before class print out the paper plate patterns and cut them out.
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2. In class have your children decorate the inside circle of the pattern with stickers or draw a picture. Glue the pattern to the center of the paper plate.
3. Place a small dot of glue or rolled-up tape on each circle and have the child place a piece of candy on each dot. You can also use double-sided tape or glue dots to make it easier.
Make Grocery Bag and Go Shopping for "Soul Food" (Younger Children)
What you will need:
Lunch Bags, Paper, Crayon or Markers, Scissors and Glue, Play Shopping Cart optional)Play Cash Register (Optional), Play Money, and a Table to Set Up Your Store
How to make:
1. Before class print out the "soul food" patterns. Make enough for each child to receive one of each food.
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2. Print out the grocery list and cut them in half.
3. Print out the grocery bag logo and cut them out.
Cut the tops off the bags so that they are about seven-inch high.
4. In class have the children color the logo and glue it to their bag. Fold the top of the bag down about an inch and a half if you would like.
5. When a child has finished his bag hand him a grocery list, some play money, and a pencil. Tell him that he needs to go to the store and find each one of the items on his list.
6. Send the "bag of groceries" home with the children. Tell them to put it in their kitchen to remind them to "feed their souls" every day.
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Clear Vinyl (You can buy this at Wal-Mart. It comes in long rolls and is used to cover tables and furniture.)
How to make:
1. Before class print out the patterns and cut them out. Cut out the middle of the jar shape.
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2. Cut the clear vinyl to fit behind the cut-out part of the jar and tape it in place.
3. Fold the card in half. Fold up the tabs to the back and tape closed.
4. Give each child about ten cookies in a separate envelope. Tell your children that every time they remember to eat some “soul food” they should write on the back (Have their parents write on the back) what they did, and place the cookie in the jar. If they bring the jar back the next week with all ten cookies, tell them they will receive a prize or get to do something special.
Sweet Treat Bible Verse Review Match Game
What you will need:
Card Stock
Crayons or Markers
How to make:
1. Before class print out the cards onto card stock and cut them out. Color them if you do not have a color printer. Color each word a different color. Make a set of cards for each child.
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2. In class have your children sit in a circle. Place all the cards face down on the floor in the middle of the circle.
3. The object of the game is to be the first person to collect all five cards so that they spell out the Bible verse, “How sweet are your words” or “How sweet are thy words”.
4. Your children should take turns turning over one card at a time. If they don’t all ready have the card they turn over, they get to keep it. If they already have a matching card, they should turn the card back over.
5. When a child has found all five cards, give him a piece of candy.
6. Keep playing until all the children find all five cards.
Pslam 119:103 - Sweet Things Bible Verse Matchup Activity Sheet
1. Print out the activity sheet and make copies.
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Instant Digital Download - KJV
2. In class have your children find the pictures that match and then write the word from the matching picture on the line above the matching picture.
I just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed using your ideas for children’s church. I've used lessons from primary for my class and lessons from preschool for my little girls preschool class, the children have enjoyed everything we've done. My preschooler enjoyed the lesson on soul food, she proudly showed her granddaddy her sack of food and told him all about it. I want to thank you for your website, it is such a help to me when preparing lessons. I work, homeschool, teach childrens church and we have an outreach to underprivileged kids on Wed. so I need all the help I can get. Thanks again. Sharron
Play a Memory Verse Review Game
Before class write the memory verse on the back of the food shapes used in the grocery store activity, one word per food shape. Use just the first part of the verse. Review the memory verse. Have the children sit in a circle. Hand out the food shapes and play like Hot Potato. Play some music. When the music stops, have the children that are holding the food pictures come to the front of the room. Ask who has the first word of the verse. Have that child tape his word to the board first. Keep going until all the children put their words in order.
Play a Memory Game
Have each child think of a Christian characteristic such as faithfulness, happiness, patience, kindness, love, godliness, goodness, trusting, etc., and also a food that starts with the same letter. For example, they could say, godly grapes, caring carrots, trusting tea. Each child has to remember and repeat all the combinations that were said before his turn until everyone has had a chance to play.
Go On a Spiritual Picnic (Older Children)
Tell the children to raise their hands if they like picnics. Picnics are a lot of fun. People get together and share their favorite foods and enjoy each other’s company. Tell the children that today they are going on a picnic, a spiritual picnic. We are going to get together and share God’s words. Each child is going to bring his or her favorite “soul food” to the picnic. You will read it to the class and share why it is your favorite or one of your favorite verses.
What you will need:
A Blanket and Picnic Basket and Maybe Some Drinks, Paper, Markers or Crayons
What to do:
1. Hand out paper, pencils, and markers.
2. Have each child pick a Bible verse that they would like to share and then decide what the theme of the verse is. For example, if the child picked, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son. . .” he could use love as the theme. Once he has decided on a main word or theme, he should pick a food that goes with the word. He could use foods that rhyme with his word or start with the same letter or just sound good together or make up a completely new food. For example, he could use “Loving Lemon/lime Layered Cake”.
3. Once the children have decided on a Bible verse and food, have them draw pictures of their food and then write the verse on the back.
4. When they have finished have them put their food in the picnic basket. When everyone has finished have them gather on the blanket for a “spiritual picnic”. Serve drinks and pull out one food at a time. Have the child who “prepared” the food share with the class what food he brought, his favorite verse, and why he picked that verse.
5. End your picnic with a prayer.
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Soul Food Sandwich Party Activity
Begin class with a sandwich party. Let your children choose what they would like on their bread. While your kids are enjoying this yummy treat, discuss how often we eat bread. Ask them what kind of things they like to put on their bread. Show them different kinds of bread: Brown bread, flat bread, long bread, etc. Tell your children that their is another kind of bread, but we don't eat it. Let them guess what it could be. When everyone gives up guessing announce that Jesus is bread too. Explain how the Bible is food for our souls and we need it daily. Just as we need to have bread to fill our tummy's, we have to have Jesus so our hearts don't get hungry. After clean up have your children color a picture of a Bible and a picture of bread. The memory verse should appear on their picture of the Bible "I am that bread of life." John 6:48
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Allow kids to reenact what they just learned with their colored pictures. Holding up the Bible picture say, "This bread is for my belly." holding up the picture of the colored bread say, "This bread is for my heart." Sent in by Kelly Hamilton