Bug Buddies Study 2 - Goliath Beetle - Armor
Study 2 - The Best Kind of Armor
The following crafts and activities go along with the Bible lesson "The Best Kind of Armor" from the Bug Buddies Study Home School Series of Lessons. This lesson is available on The Resource Room and as an instant digial download.
Instant Digital Download - Coming Soon!
3D Goliath Beetle Paper Craft
This craft includes four pages of patterns and directions. Children cut out and color the patterns and then glue them together to make this 3D Ggoliath beetle.
Instant Digital Download - $2.00 Just this craft pattern.
Label the Goliath Beetle and Add Wings Learning Activity
What you will need:
Paper, Brass Paper Fasteners, Colored Pencils, and Hole Punch
How to make:
1. Print out the goliath beetle picture and the wings and elytra patterns. Printable patterns are available to members on The Resource Room.
Instant Digital Download - $2.00 Just this craft pattern.
2. Find pictures of goliath beetles online and then have your child color the patterns, and label the parts of the beetle.
3. Cut out the wings and elytra and punch holes at the tips over the small black dots.
4. Fasten the wings and elytra to the beetle picture with brass fasteners.
5. Glue the whole picture to the inside of the file folder.
Armor of God Coloring Sheet and Learning Activity
Children color a picture of a soldier to remind them of the armor of God. Older children can label the parts to the armor of God and then color the picture.
Search for Beetle Bugs Activity
Send the children out in teams with their bug containers, tweezers, and the "Bugs I've Found" sheet to look for beetles.
Beetles are insects that have two sets of wings. They have a pair of hard forewings that form a protective covering over the hind wings and abdomen. There are over 300,00 different species of beetles. Before they leave remind them of the Bug Seekers Code.
Give the teams about twenty minutes and then call them back in to share what they have found with the other campers.
2. Protect the Beetle Game
What you will need:
Soccer Ball or Other Soft Ball
One Gallon Milk Jug or a Plastic Bowling Pin
Painter's Tape
Permanent Marker
Chenille Stems (Pipecleaners)
What to do:
1. Draw a bug face on the milk jug and tape some pipe cleaners on the lid for antennae. (You can use the love bug milk jug craft.)
2. Mark off a very large circle with the painter's tape. Place the "bug" in the middle of the circle.
3. Pick one child to be the "bug's armor". The "armor" will stand in the middle with the "bug" and protect the bug. All the other players stand behind the circle. They try to kick the ball and hit the "bug".
4. The "armor" protects the "bug" by kicking the ball away from it. The ball must stay on the ground at all times. If the "bug" gets hit or knocked over, the person who kicked the ball becomes the new "armor". If the "armor" accidentally touches the "bug" or knocks it over, he has to choose someone who hasn't been the "armor" yet to be the new "armor".
Goliath Beetle Bible Verse Review Game

Bible Verse Review Game
What you will need:
Card Stock
How to make:
1. Print out two goliath beetle card patterns onto card stock, and cut them apart.
2. Print one word of the Bible verse on the back of each card. "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Eph. 6:11 Hide the cards around the room or in a designated area outside. Before you start going over the Bible verse several times. Tell your children to go and find the beetle pictures. When they find one they should bring it back immediately and place it in a designated place in order to spell out the Bible verse. Keep playing until all the words are found and the Bible verse is correct.
Make an Armor Game
What you will need:
Aluminum Foil
Pipe Cleaners (Chenille Stems)
How to Play:
1. Break the children up into teams, two to three to a team. Tell them that they have five minutes to decide which person in their team will put on a suit of armor. The other children in the team will make a suit of armor for the volunteer out of the aluminum foil. The team that has the best suit of armor wins. To make the game a little more challenging, or if you have a large group of kids, bring in pieces of cardboard, scissors, tape, markers, etc. that can be used to make armor.