Bug Buddies Studies 3 - Water Strider
Keeps Your Eyes on Jesus (Bug Buddy Study)

The following crafts and activities go along with the Bible lesson "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" Water Striders from the Bug Buddies Study Home School Series of Lessons. This lesson is available on The Resource Room and as an instant digial download.
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Water Strider Activity Sheet
Children label the water strider parts and learn about polymorphism.
Wings of No Wings?
"Some species of water striders are polymorphic. The adult water striders can have one brood with wings and then other offspring that have no wings. This adaptive process is called polymorphism. It allows water striders to adapt to their environment and save energy when wings are not needed.
A water strider that lives in a wetland during the rainy season may have a brood with no wings because they don’t need wings. There is plenty of available water for the entire family. However, in the late summer, when there is less water available and ponds start drying up; the water strider may have a brood with wings so that if their resources disappear, they can fly to another location where there more water. Explore different water sources and see if you can find some water striders with wings and some without wings. Study the environment.
Is it a permanent water source, or is it likely to dry up? Compare water striders from different environments in your area."
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Craft Spoon Water Strider Craft
What you will need:
Wooden Spoon Shapes
Wooden Clip Type Clothespins (Regular Size or Smaller) (Optional)
Googly Eyes
Black Pipe Cleaners
Magnets (Optional)
Hot Melt Glue Gun
How to make:
1. Print out the water strider cards and cut them apart.
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2. Before class glue three halves of pipe cleaners across the wooden spoon shape as shown in the picture. Glue a clothespin onto the craft spoon over the pipe cleaners. Then glue a magnet onto the clothespin so that it will stick on a refrigerator. Instead of using clothespins and magnets, you can just have the children fold down the legs and use the water striders as play figures.
3. In class have your children paint the water strider with brown paint and glue the googly eyes on.
4. Place the Bible verse card in the water strider's mouth by inserting it into the clothespin or tape the verse card in the water strider's mouth.
"Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" Water Strider Game
In this game, children spin the water strider wheel to see in which direction the water strider is looking. The child or teacher reads the thought and then the child gives an example of when someone might take their eyes off of Jesus when they are thinking that thought. For example, if the water strider is looking at, "It might hurt." The child may say, "A person may say this when he is going to get a shot." The teacher can comment that if this person remembers that Jesus will be with him, he won't be so afraid. If he "keeps his eyes on Jesus", he will help them get through it. If the water strider is looking at the word "Jesus", you can give the child a treat or make up some other reward.
Prepare the water strider wheel before class. Glue the bottom part of the wheel onto the inside of the file folder. Glue the top part of the wheel onto a piece of card stock and cut it out. Use a brass brad to secure the top wheel to the bottom wheel.
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Psalm 14:18 Bible Verse Activity Sheet
Children find their way through the maze of water striders to reveal the Bible verse. This activity sheet is available in both KJV and NIV.
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Water Strider Coloring Sheet and Learning Activity
What you will need:
Colored Pencils or Water Color Paint
What to do:
1. Before class print out the water strider coloring sheets and make copies.
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2. In class have your children color the pictures. If they are using watercolor paint, point out how the color changes as they paint over colors that they have already painted. Ask them how the color changed.
3. Discuss the different names for the water strider. Ask your students how they think the water strider received each name.