Abraham and Lot Bible Crafts and Activites Page 2
Bible Crafts and Activities for Abraham and Lot Theme

The following crafts and activities go with the Bible lesson "Abraham Let's Lot Go First". This lesson is designed for children kindergarten through second grade. The complete lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant download.
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Abraham Tells Lot "Left or Right" Coloring and Activity Sheet
Children review the Bible lesson about Abraham and Lot with this interactive coloring sheet. The conversation bubble from Genesis 13:9 says, “If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.” Children flip the Abraham figure from side to side to have him point from left to right and right to left to match the Bible verse.
The patterns for this activity sheet is available to members on The Resource Room.
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Abram Pointing Left or Right Hand Craft
Children use a large paper hand with the Bible verse from Genesis 13, "If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.” to act out the story about Abraham letting Lot pick first which land he wanted to occupy.
This craft is available in two different versions. The first version is a pocket in which children insert their hands. The second version children hold the hand using the attached craft stick.
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Abraham and Lot Coloring Sheet
Children color the sheet to review the story of Abraham letting Lot pick where he would like to live first. Genesis 13:9 is in the conversation bubble. As your children color the picture ask them about the story. Ask them what Abraham said to Lot and what land did Lot pick to live in. This coloring sheet is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
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Lesson Presentation
Teachers present the lesson using images from the Bible story.
Lesson excerpt:
One day God told Abram that he wanted him to leave his home and to go to a place he would show him. Abram loved God and did as God told him, even though he had no idea where God would lead him. He packed up all his things. He had lots and lots of things because he was a rich man.
Abram owned lots and lots of animals (Show the animal picture), people (Show the people picture), and lots of silver and gold (Show the gold picture).
He also took his nephew, Lot. And Lot also had lots and lots of animals (Show the animal picture), and lots of tents (Show the picture of the tents). All that stuff and people took up lots of room. Abram and Lot went wherever God told them to go. They traveled from place to place until, finally, they ended up in Bethel.
Children open the flats to reveal the land that Lot picked.
You will need two sheets of paper for each craft. Children color the pictures and then glue the pictures of Abram and Lot on top of the landscape picture so that they can be folded open to reveal which land Lot chose.
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What Would Abram Do? Activity
We should be like Abram. He showed he cared about Lot, and let him have the first choice of where he wanted to live. What do you think Abram would have done in these circumstances?
1. You are playing with a friend and your friend wants to play one game, but you want to play another. Do you insist that your friend play your game first, or do you say, "Okay, we can play your game first, and then we will play mine, or tomorrow we can play mine."? What do you think Abram would have done?
2. You and your sister want to watch TV, but you want to watch a different show than she does. What do you do? What would Abram have done?
3. Your teacher tells everyone to put their things away and line up. You hurry up and try to get first in line, but another student arrives at the front of the line the same time you do? What would you do? What would Abram do?
4. You are going on vacation. Mom tells you to get in the car, but when your brother says that he called dibs on the right side. What would you do? What would Abram have done?
Candyland or Toyland? Game
1. Before class set up Candyland and Toyland. Place candy on one side of the room and cheap toys on the other.
2. Divide your children up into "Abrams" and "Lots". "Abrams should stand in one line and "Lots" in the other.
3. Have the first "Abram" and "Lot" in line come to the front of the room.
4. Tell your children that Candyland is on the right and Toyland is on the left. Instruct "Abram" to say, "Lot, let's not fight. If you to go to the right, I will go to the left. "Lot" then gets to choose which way he will go and "Abram" must go in the opposite direction. If "Lot" picks Toyland, he gets to pick one toy. If he picks Candyland, he gets to pick on a piece of candy. "Abram" must go the opposite direction and pick one item from his land.
5. Keep playing until you get to the end of the line. Ask the "Abrams" how they felt about letting the "Lots" pick first. Ask them if they think Abram in the story felt the same way. After the "Abrams" have had a chance to share their feelings, have all the "Abrams" turn into "Lots" and all the "Lots" turn into "Abrams" and play the game again.
Preschool Children
The teacher pretends to be Abram and the children are all "Lots". Each time a child comes up the teacher says, "Lot, let's not have any fighting. If you go left. (Point to Candyland), I'll go right (Point to Toyland). If you go right, I'll go left. The child then gets to pick which way he or she wants to go.
Review the Bible Story
Use the Abram and Lot activity sheet above to review the story. When you get to the part about Abram telling lot to pick a direction, have your children turn the Abram to face in the direction you say.
Let's Not Fight
(Written by Carolyn Warvel)
Sing to the tune of "Old MacDonald's Had a Farm"
Let's not argue or have a fight, Abram said to Lot.
If you go left, then I'll go right, whatever you want to do. (Step to the left and then the right, then put your hands up in the signing "I don't know".)
With a step to the right and a step to the left, (Step to the right and then step to the left.)
Here a step, there a step (Step right, then left.)
Everywhere a step-step (Step in place twice.)
Right or left you get to pick, it's all up to you. (Point right then left.)
Let's not argue or have a fight, Abram said to Lot.
If you go left, then I'll go right, whatever you want to do. (Hop to the left and then to the right, then put your hands up in the signing "I don't know".)
With a hop to the right and a hop to the left, (Hop to the right and then hop to left.)
Here a hop, there a hop (hop right, then left.)
Everywhere a hop-hop (hop in place twice.)
Right or left you get to pick, it's all up to you.
(Point right then left.) Repeat using: Jump, shuffle, slide, march, walk, circle.
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