Control Your Tongue Bible Crafts
Let the Son Shine Through Bible Lesson and Crafts
"Let the Son Shine Through"- Control Your Tongue Bible Lesson - Children learn how they can let Jesus’ love shine through them by saying helpful, kind words, and not saying mean or hurtful words. This lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
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"Kind Words" Sunny Face Puppet Craft
Children color and cut out the puppet head and glue it to the stick. When children pull down the tongue kind and uplifting words are revealed.
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The children enjoyed the lesson but the craft was to advanced for our 3 - 4 year olds. Our Sunday school class cut strips of red, orange, and yellow paper and wrote “good words” on them – with prompting from the teachers. “you’re kind”, “thank-you God”, “God is good.”, etc. then we colored small paper plates red, orange, or yellow and glued the strips with the “good words” written on them along the outside of the plate. They great “good word” sun shines. We also glued the prayer to back of the sun shines. Linda
Psalm 19:14 - Fill in the Conversation Bubble Activity Sheet
Children color the happy faces and write kind and uplifting words in the speech bubbles.
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Control Your Tongue File Folder Game
Children glue eyes and a nose to a file folder or folded construction paper.
They use the Control Your Tongue File Folder at home to help them control their tongues. When they say words that are mean or uplifting they write the words on sheets of paper and tape them to the moveable tongue. Old words are placed in a pocket inside the file folder. Use the collection of words at the end of the week to discuss how well your children controlled their words.
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Sad and Happy Faces Visuals for the Bible Lesson
The teacher uses these happy and sad faces as a visual to explain how what people say affects others.
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Psalm 19:14 Bible Verse Mystery Sheet
Have your children try to figure out the Bible verse using the pictures and words. When they think they have figured it out, have them look up the Bible verse to check their work. This is available in NIV only.
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"Let it Shine!" Paper Plate Craft

What you will need:
Lunch-size Paper Plates, Yellow Cupcake Liners, Construction Paper, Glue Sticks, Crayons and/or Water Color Paint, Scissors, and Markers
How to Make:
1. To make the candle holder cut a paper plate in half and them cut a sliver off the bottom to make it flat as shown in the picture. Use the other half of the paper plate to make the handle. Color and then paint the paper plate candle holder.
2. Cut the candle and flame shape from construction paper.
3. Flatten a cupcake liner and glue it to a piece of black construction paper.
4. Glue the flame and candle shape over the cupcake holder liner as shown in the picture.
5. Glue the paper plate "candle holder" on top and write "Let it Shine!" on the candle holder.
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