David and Mephibosheth Bible Lesson
Bible Crafts and Activities Relating to David and Mephibosheth
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lessn "King David and Mephibosheth" on The Resource Room. This lesson is available to members and as an instant digital download.
Mephibosheth and King David Stick Puppets
Children will love playing with the Mephibosheth stick puppet. The puppet walks using sticks and bends over to bow to King David. The patterns and directions for this craft are available to members on The Resource Room.
Use the stick puppet Bible characters to act out the story of David and Mephibosheth.
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Mephibosheth Activity Sheet
Children color the picture of Mephibosheth and then glue on the arms and crutches.
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper),Colored Pencils or Crayons, Cardboard, Glue and Scissors
How to Make the Mephibosheth Craft:
1. Before class print out the activity sheet and arms pattern. (Printable patterns in both KJV and NIV are available to members on The Resource Room.)
2. To make the crutches, cut cardboard into 5.75" x 1/2" lengths and 1.75" x 1/2" lengths. Glue the 1.75" piece to the 5.75" piece to make a "T" shape.
©2019, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Mephibosheth Coloring Sheet

Children color a picture of Mephiboseth to remind them of what David did for him.
Printable patterns for this coloring sheet is available to members on The Resource Room.
©2019, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Make Bible Bookmarks to Remember King David (Older Children)

What you will need:
Colored Pencils and Highlighter Markers
What to do:
1. Before class print out the bookmark patterns and make copies on cardstock (heavy paper).
2. In class have your children color the bookmarks and place them in their Bibles at 1 Samuel 17. Encourage them to read the story of David during the week. When they are done reading they should decide which characteristics David displayed in the part of the story they read. If they think of other characteristics that are not mentioned on the bookmarks, they can write the words on the back of the bookmarks.
Play “Kindness Count” Game
1. Break your students up into teams of three or four. Make sure you have someone in each team who can read and write for the team.
2. Give each team a “Kindness Count Word List”. Some words we used: Telephone, Water, Shoes, Monay, Car, Ears, Smile, Spider, etc. A complete list is available to members on the Resource Room and as an instant digital download included in the lesson.
3. On the word “Go” each team should read the words and write how they can use the objects listed to show kindness. Example: For the word “Bible”, you might write, “Read a Bible verse from the Bible to help someone feel better.” Tell your students that they cannot write the same thing for different objects. Each kindness has to be unique. You can’t say, “Give a friend a teddy bear” and “give a friend a flower”. Instead you can write, “Give a sick friend a teddy bear so he feels better” and “Pick flowers to give to your mother on mother’s day.”
4. After five minutes have the teams stop and count how many things they wrote about. The team that used the most things wins.
5. Have your teams share what they wrote.