Freedom Bible Crafts and Activities
"He Has Set Me Free!" Bible Lesson with Crafts and Activities for Children's Ministry
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "He Has Set Me Free" Bible lesson. This lesson is available to members on The Resource and as an instant digital download.
Memory Verse:
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36
Teaching Concepts:
Even though we live in a country that allows us great freedom, we are not truly free until we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. We are free when we choose to serve God and make him our master.
Patriotic Folding Craft Stick Printable Patterns

Before class the teacher prepares the craft stick canvases by gluing the patriotic patterns to the sticks. The craft sticks fold up into a pile of sticks. In class children color the patterns, and fold them up and then tie a ribbon to keep the sticks folded.
Eight Different Patriotic Folding Craft Stick Printable Patterns for the Fourth of July Craft. Use the patterns to make the folding craft stick canvasses, craft stick plaques, or craft stick coasters for your Fourth of July celebration, or to decorate your table. For complete directions to this craft go to the Patriotic Crafts Page.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson
The patterns are also sold separately as an instant digital download
“Ye Shall Be Free Indeed” Bible Verse Review Spinner Game
What you will need:
Card Stock, Glue, Cardboard Box or Foam Core Board, and Straight Pin
How to make:
1. Before class print out the game board patterns, cut them out and glue them together.
(Printable patterns are available to members on The Resource Room.)
2. Glue the game board onto a large cardboard box or foam core board. Use the pattern to cut a spinner from cardboard. Attach the spinner to the game board with a straight pin with a round head and small craft bead. Place the straight pin through the spinner and then place a craft bead on the pin. Stick the pin with the bead and spinner through the foam core board and then bend the pin back so it doesn’t come out. Place a piece of tape over the bent end of the pin on the backside of the board. If you don’t have a pin and bead, you can use a brad, but they don’t spin as well.
3. Print out the game cards using different colors of paper for each word.
You will need at least two or three of each card for each player. Make a game for every five players. You will need an adult to help each group because young children do not know their left from their right.
Object of the game: To collect all the words to spell out the Bible verse, “Ye shall be free indeed.”
To play: Children take turns spinning the spinner. If the spinner points to a word of the verse, the player gets that word card. If the spinner lands on “Pass to the left", all players must pass one card to the left, the same with “Pass to the right”. (This may be too complicated for young children. Instead, you can just have the child who spun pass one of his cards to the left or right.)
If the spinner lands on “Trade a card”, the player can trade any card from his deck with a card from another player. The child that spins gets to pick which card he wants to trade with the other players. The other player does not get to choose. If the spinner lands on “Say the verse”, the player must say the verse, and then he can spin again.
Make Flags From Pieces of Paper
1. Bring in an American flag or a picture of the American flag. Discuss what the stars and stripes represent.
What the Stars and Stripes Represent
2. Give each student a white piece of printer paper, and red and blue construction paper. Have them make their own representation of the flag.
3. Have them cut the blue paper into a rectangle shape and glue it to the top left-hand corner of their paper. Then use a ruler or straight-edge to rip the red construction paper into long strips. Have them glue it to the paper to make the red and white stripes of the flag.
4. To make stars have them cut a strip of white paper into small triangles and then glue one triangle on top of another so that they have six points showing. See the diagram below.
Make a Personal Flag
Have the children make a flag to represent themselves or what they want other people to know is important to them. You can also talk about what a symbol is (something that represents something else). Bring in some symbols to see if the children can identify what they represent. You can find them in advertising, on jewelry, and on clothes. You can make a peace sign with your hands, etc. You can even check to see if any of your students are wearing a symbol. Tell them to make the most important things in their lives the biggest or most prominent on the flag. Tell them to display it in a place where lots of people can see it so that when someone asks them about it, they can use it as a witnessing tool.
Give each child a large sheet of tagboard. Have them use scraps of leftover construction paper and other decorative papers, ribbon, star stickers, glitter, markers, paint or crayons, and any other things that they might want to add to their flags.
John 8:36 Bible Verse Activity Sheet
1. Before class print out the patterns and make copies.
2. In class explain to your children that they should find the matching star shapes and write the word from the matching star shape into the matching blank star to complete the Bible verse.
3. After they have completed the activity sheet, have them look up the verse in their Bibles to see if they have completed it correctly.
"God Bless the USA" Poster - Map Craft and Learning Activity

What you will need:
Colored Pencils
Old Atlas or Map, (Or Google Maps)
Colored Paper
(Optional - Star Stickers)
How to Make the God Bless the USA Poster:
1. Use an old atlas or map and help your child find where he lives in the USA. Show him a picture of the whole USA. Ask him if he knows in which part of the US he lives - North, South, East, West, etc. Have him point out the state in which he lives. Then ask him if he knows in which part of the state he lives. Help him find the city and street.
If you don't have a map or old atlas, you can use Google Maps. Have your child type in your address at the top of the page. Show him the map and then use the satellite view to show him your house. Zoom in and out to give your child a perspective of where he lives compared to other locations. If your street is mapped, use the little orange man to walk up and down your street. (Just left-click on the little orange man and drop him on a highlighted street.) See if your child recognizes your neighborhood. Then print out a map.
2. Use a heart temple to trace a heart shape around the city on the map and then cut it out.
3. Have your child glue the heart to another sheet of paper and draw patriotic symbols on the paper. And write God Bless the USA or God Bless America on the page.
A printable pattern, as shown in the picture, is available to members on The Resource Room and as a digital download.
Instant Digital Download - - Complete Lesson
(This craft goes along with the Sunday School lesson "He Has Set me Free!" where children learn that even though we live in a country that allows us great freedom, we are not truly free until we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. We are free when we choose to serve God and make him our master.)
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