Bible Crafts and Activities for Sunday School
How to Make Crafts and Activities Relating to Hannah
Keys to a Happy Heart Bible Lesson
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Keys to a Happy Heart" on The Resource Room.
In this lesson children learn that the happiness we feel when we get new things only lasts for a short while, but the happiness that comes from Jesus continues to grow in our hearts as we get to know him better and better.
"Match the Keys" Activity Sheet
Bible Verse Key Chains
Children write one word of the Bible verse on each key, and place them in order. They use a Chenille stem to make a key chain to connect the keys.
If you have younger children, write the words on the keys before class. Write the same words on the same colors.
In class have your younger children find the matching colors and place them in the same order as your sample craft.
Bible Verse Picture with Smiley Face Frame and Happy Hearts Craft
How to Make the Happy Face Frame Bible Craft:
1. Before class print out the Bible verse patterns onto yellow paper and cut them out.
2. Fold black construction paper in half and cut it in half.
3. In class have your children glue the Bible verse onto the center of the black paper.
4. Have your children glue smiley face fun foam shapes or stickers all around the outside to make a frame.
5. Instead of using smiley face stickers, you can use heart shapes and have your children draw smiley faces on the hearts.
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Play a Bible Verse Match up Game

Print Bible verses below onto colorful paper and tape them to your board.
Print out large keys shapes and cut them out. Write the corresponding words (below) on the keys. Display the keys in front of the class in random order. Read one of the verses or let a child read a verse. Ask your children if they can find the key that matches the verse. Let the child that finds it first tape the key next to the Bible verse. Keep playing until all the keys are found.
Ps. 144:15 - God is the Lord
Ps. 146:5 - Hope is in the Lord
Pr. 3:13 -Wisdom
Proverbs 14:21b - Help the poor
Proverbs 29:18 - Obey God's Law
Proverbs 16:20b - Trust in God
Psalm 13:4-6 - Salvation
Psalm 31:6-8 - Knows Jesus loves them
Have enjoyed lessons, I teach Sun.School-4years to 12 Years. Find all the kids like your crafts. Used some ideas in VBS, They were simple and fast to do. Keep up the good JOB. Tina Ragsdale, Childrens Director, Limestone Baptist Church
Make a Key Chain with Heart Craft
What you will need:
Colorful Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Pipe Cleaners - Chenille Stems (Any Color) or Zip Ties
Pens or Markers
Hole Punch
How to Make the Key Craft:
1. Cut key shapes, small heart shapes, and a large heart shape from different colors of card stock and cut them out, and punch holes in the keys with a hole punch.
2. Glue the backs and fronts of the small hearts together and punch a hole in the hearts. Draw a happy face on the heart.
3. In class have your children write the following Bible references on the backs of the keys and the corresponding words on the front.
4. Have them draw a happy face inside the heart card.