Jesus Heals Me Bible Crafts
"Jesus Heals Me" - Doctor and Paramedic -Theme Bible Lesson for Sunday School with Bible Crafts, and Games About Jesus Healing
The following Crafts and Activities come from the Bible Lessons Series "Jesus Heals Me" on The Resource Room where you will find a complete lesson with crafts, activities, and printable memory verse cards and as instant digital downloads.
"Jesus Heals Me" Coloring and Activity Sheet

1. Before class print out the activity sheet and make copies.
2. In class have your children color the picture. As they work discuss the words on the sheet.
Ask them how they think Jesus might heal each of the things listed on the sheet. Use the first aid cards below to give Bible verse references for each word on the sheet.
First Aid for the Soul Band-Aid Envelope Craft

What you will need:
Card stock (Heavy paper)
Computer printer
Rubber cement (paper glue)
Red colored pencils or markers (Optional)
How to make:
1. Before class print out the Envelope Patterns onto card stock and cut them out.
2. Fold and glue the envelopes together.
3. In class have your children color the cross read if you used the black and white patterns.
4. Give each child a set of "First Aid" cards and show them that each card has a Bible verse on it that will help them with hard situations they might find themselves in.
5. First Aid labels are also available that you can glue on small boxes if you would prefer to use a box.
You can use a Jell-O box covered in white paper or spray paint it with white paint, or you can use an Altoid box (candy box). Narita
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God-Aids Band-aids with Bible Verses
How to Make:
1. Before class print out the Box Pattern onto card stock and cut them out. Fold the box and glue it together.
2. Print out the Bandage Patterns. In class have your children cut them apart, fold them in half, and glue the closed so that the bandage pictur3e is on one side and the verse on the other.
Tell your children that they can give the bandages to people who need them. If there is a sad face on the bandage they can give the bandage to someone who is sad, and the Bible verse on the bandage will help the sad person. There are "God-aids" for people who are sad, scared, worried, sick or hurt, and tired.
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"God's Words are First Aid for Our Souls" First Aid Kit Craft
What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Crayons or Colored Pencils, and Glue
What to do:
1. Print out the patterns for the first aid kit.
2. In class have your children cut out the patterns. If you have younger children, pre-cut all the patterns. Place glue on the sides and bottom of the pockets patterns and glue it to the inside of the first aid kit as shown in the picture. Glue a handle to the top of each side of the first-aid kit.
3. Have your children place the supplies in the correct pocket behind the words describing each items. Talk about how doctor's use each item and their purpose.
4. Have them place the Bible in the appropriate space and talk about how the God's words are can help heal our heart, mind, and body.
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Patient Information Sheet - How's Your Spiritual Health?
1. Before class print out the pattern and make copies.
2. In class go over the sheet with your children. Have them fill it out and take it home. Challenge them to work on their spiritual health during the week.
(Patterns for this craft are available to members.)
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Make Nurse's Caps
These caps can be made for dolls or stuffed animals or for your children.
The only thing you need is card stock (Heavy Paper), scissors, colored pencils, glue, and a stapler.
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