John 3:16 Bible Crafts and Learning Activities
John 3:16 Bible Verse Activities
The following printables including the Bible verse coloring sheet, Bible verse bookmarks and Bible verse playing cards, are available to members and as instant digital downloads. They are available in both KJV and NIV.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV -
John 3:16 Rebus Bible Verse Activity Sheet

1. Before class print out the rebus activity sheet and make copies.
2. In class, have your children color the pictures and then have your students read as much of the sheet as possible and try to figure out the missing words by studying the pictures.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
John 3:16 Bible Verse Review Playing Cards
1. Before class, print out the Bible verse cards onto card stock and make copies if you need them. Cut the cards apart.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
How to Use the Cards
1. Play "Which Card is Missing?"
1. Show your students all the cards for the verse. Go over the verse, pointing out the pictures, explaining what word each image represents.
2. Tell your students to close their eyes or turn around. Mix up the cards and remove one. Tell your students to turn around and tell you which card is missing. The student that guesses correctly first says the Bible verse and receives one point.
3. Keep playing until a student reaches five points.
2. Play "Stand in the Correct Order."
1. Show your students all the cards for the verse. Go over the verse, pointing out the pictures, explaining what word each picture represents.
2. Pick eight students to play the game. Give each student a card. If you have sixteen or more students, you can break them into teams. Give each student of one team a card.
3. On the word "go," the players should try to line up in order to make the verse. Time your students.
4. Play again to see if they can beat their time. Keep playing until they cannot beat their previous time.
3. Play Match Game or Concentration.
1. Print out two sets of cards and play like match game.
2. Divide your children up into groups of four or five children.
3. Have them take turns turning over two cards to see if they match. If they match, the child who turned over the cards gets to keep them and take another turn. If they don't match, the child has to turn them back over, and the next child takes a turn.
4. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
4. Play "Place the Cards in Order."
1. Give each student a set of mixed-up cards.
2. On the word "go," the students should place the card in order of the verse.
3. The child that places them in order first wins.
5. Take Away
1. Tape all the cards on the board in order.
3. Have your children take turns removing one card and then saying the verse. The child who can say the whole verse without any cards showing wins.
John 3:16 Bible Verse Bookmarks
These bookmarks are available in both KJV and NIV, and color and black and white.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -