Joash Bible Crafts for Kids
Bible Crafts and Bible Lesson About King Joash
The following crafts and activities come the Bible lesson, King Joash, on The Resource Room.
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Color a Bible Verse Picture of King Joash
1. Before class print out the patterns and make copies. Cut out the crown patterns.
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2. In class have your children color the picture of Joash and the crowns.
3. When they are finished coloring have them glue the crown to Joash’s head.
4. Ask your children work ask your students the following questions:
“How old do you think someone should be to be a king or ruler?”“How old do you think the boy in the pictures is?” “Does he look young or old?” Ask them other questions about the picture. Help them read the Bible verse at the bottom of the page.
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Envelope Chest to Store Offering Craft
What you will need:
Paper, Colored Pencils or Crayons, Scissors, and Paper Glue (Elmer’s Rubber Cement)
What to do:

1. Before class print out the envelope chest patterns on to thick paper and cut them out.
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As your children work talk about the lesson and how Jehoiada drilled a hole in a chest and encouraged people to give money so they could rebuild the temple. Encourage your children to place their offering in the envelope chest to bring next week to class.
2. In class have your children color the patterns.
3. When your children are finished help them fold the pattern and glue it together.
4. Fold the large tab in and then fold the tab in half towards the outside. Fold the smaller tab in.
5. Place glue on the inside of the smaller tabs and fold the envelope in half inserting the smaller tabs inside the folded larger tab. Press the envelope closed.
6. Fold the top of the chest in half and glue it to the top of the bottom of the envelope.
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Make a Coin Collection Paper Chest
What you will need:
Heavy Paper
Crayons or Colored Pencils
Elmer’s Rubber Cement
What to do:
1. Print out he top and bottom pattern for the chest and cut them out.
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2. In class have your children color the patterns. As they work talk about how the priest, Jehoiada, drilled a how in a chest to make a collection box to collect money to be used to repair the temple. Tell your children that they can place their coins in the box and bring it back next week as an offering.
3. When your children are done fold all the dotted lines back towards the back of the pattern. Place rubber cement on the tabs and on the back of the pattern where the folded tabs will stick to the back.
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