Rahab Helps Spies in Jericho Bible Crafts
Bible Crafts and Activities for Bible Lesson about Rahab and the Spies in Jericho - Joshua 1 - 2
The following crafts and activites go with the Bible lesson "Rahab Helps the Spies Bible Lesson" for children. This lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Rahab Covers the Spies with Stalks of Flax Coloring and Activity Sheet
Children color the picture of the two spies hiding under the stacks of flax on Rahab's roof and then glue the other stacks of flax over the pictures of the two spies. This activity sheet is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant download.
Rahab Helps the Spies Escape Over the Wall of Jericho Activity Sheet
Children color the picture and then tie the scarlet cord to the top of the wall of Jericho and place the two spies on the cord. This activity sheet is available to members on The Resource Room.
Joshua Sends Spies to Jericho Bible Lesson Display and Review Activity
Use the printouts as a visual when you teach the lesson, and for a reveiw game. You can also have your students retell the story in their own words using the pictures.

Printouts include: Joshua, two spies, Rahab, messengers, City of Jericho, Israelite Camp, hills and compass.
"Find the Spy" Bible Verse Review Game
Children say the Bible verse and then turn over a Flax Stack Card to see if they can find the hiding spy. Printable patterns are available to members on The Resource Room.
Hello, I have been teaching Sunday School for over a year and can't begin to tell you what a life saver your ideas are for me when planning for my elementary age children. You are the "go to" website for easy and meaningful lessons, activities, and crafts. I search all over the Internet but always end up back at daniellesplace.com. I am so glad I found you! Thank you! Lynn, Harpers Ferry, WV
I just want to tell you how much I love your teaching material! I have taught Sunday School for many, many years. As a teacher I get bored with using and teaching the same thing over and over. You have lots if variety and great activities that go with the lessons. I love it and will be using your material for a long time. Thank you also for using the KJV. That is my favorite.