Moses and the Burning Bush Bible Lesson
"Moses is Called to Help the Israelites" Sunday School Lesson

The following crafts and activities come from The Resource Room. A complete lesson is available to members. In this lesson a child acts out the lesson as the teacher reads the story.
Burning Bush Picture
What you will need:
Red, Orange, and Yellow Crayola Washable Watercolors
Paint Brushes
How to Make the Burning Bush Craft:
1. Have children draw a picture of a bush using crayons coloring in the trunk and leaves. A printable tree pattern with the Bible verse at the bottom is available to members on The Resource Room.
2. Provide yellow, orange, and red watercolor paints. Dilute the paints so they are very runny. Dip your brush in the paint and then hold it over the tree picture until the paint drops on the picture.
3. Show your children how to use a straw to blow the paint in different directions to make it look like flames.
4. You can make your own paint by mixing 4 TBSP baking soda, 2 TBSP white vinegar, 1/2 tsp light corn syrup, and 2 TBSP cornstarch and food dye.
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"I'll Do It!" Book
The Story of Moses and the Burning Bush
The Prince of Egypt - DVD Movie
Pass the Items Review Game and What's Missing Game
You will need:
A Leaf from a Bush (Burning bush)
Stuffed Sheep (Moses as a shepherd in Midian)
Sandals (God tells Moses to take his sandals off)
Pipe Cleaner Staff (God told Moses to throw down his staff)
Snake (Moses' staff turns into a snake)
Paper Pyramid (God told Moses to go back to Egypt)
Cup (God told Moses told Moses to take some water from the Nile River and pour it on the ground. It will turn to blood.
How to Play:
Have your children sit in a circle on the floor. Hand out all the items, and then have them pass the items around the circle as you play some music for a few minutes. When the music stops call out the name of one item. The child who is holding that items should then tell you and the class how it relates to the story. Keep playing until you have reviewed each item.
Missing Item Review Game
Display the items from the lesson in front of the room. Tell your children to turn around and close their eyes while you remove and hide one of the items. Then tell them to turn around and raise their hands if they think they know which item is missing. Call on a child to tell which item is missing and how it relates to the story.
The game comes from the Moses and the Burning Bush Bible lesson on The Resource Room. A complete lesson is available to members. In this lesson a child acts out the lesson as the teacher reads the story.
Create a Classroom Memory Book for Your Children

Scrapbook pages of your Sunday school lessons and activities are a great way to help your children review and remember what they have learned. It is also a great way to get shy children to open up. Children will love seeing pictures of themselves.
You can also display the pages in your room to let parents know what your children have been doing and learning in class. This will also encourage your children to share what they have been learning with their parents.
Older children would also enjoy making memory pages of their lessons. This will also help them to remember what they have learned.
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