Parable of the Sower Bible Crafts
Bible Crafts and Learning Activities for the Parable of the Sower
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Get the Rocks Out!" about the Parable of the Sower on The Resource Room. This lesson is presented with a sock puppet that represents dirt.
Flower Bible Verse Review Activity
What to do:
1. Before class print out the flower head pattern and the flower petal pattern onto colorful paper, or use white paper and have the children color the patterns in class.
2. In class have the children cut out the patterns and glue them in order around the flower face. Show them that the petal with the word.
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Talk About Growing Flowers and Plant Some Flowers
Before class prepare two potted flowers. Use clear plastic cups so that the children can see the soil. In one cup place good soil and a healthy plant, fill the other cup up with rocks and just a little bit of soil. Plant a flower, but let it die. In class show the children the two flowers and talk about how the one flower seems to be dying and the other is healthy. Ask them why they think the flower is dying?
Plant Seeds in a Cup
Bring in cups, potting soil, seeds, and water. Show the children how to sow the seeds. Make sure they know what the word "sow" means. You can also have them decorate their cups with stickers or markers and the Bible verse. You can also add rocks to your potting soil before class and have the children remove the rocks before putting the soil in their cups.
Play "Be Doers" Game

1. Print out the "Be a Doer" cards before class and cut them apart.
2. The object of this game is to be the first person to collect three cards.
3 Tell your students that they will each have a turn to pick a card. They can decide if they want to "be a doer" and do what is on the card, or pass it to the next person.
4. If a child does what is on the card, he gets to keep the card. If he doesn't want to do what is on the card, he can pass it to the next student. If the student who the first child passed it to doesn't want to do what is on the card, that student can also pass it to the next person. It can go all the way around the room until it comes back to the child who picked the card in the first place. If the card goes all the way around, the first child gets to pick another card and decide if he wants to do what is on the card.
Once a child has been a "doer", the child next in line gets to pick a card.
5. If the children ask what the winner gets, tell them they get to kiss Rocky and be the first one to eat dirt. (See dirt cups below.)
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Make Dirt Cups
What you will need:
Chocolate Instant Pudding Made Up Ahead of Time, Crushed Oreo Cookies, Small Cups, Spoons, and Gummy Worms (Optional)
What to do:
In class have the children place a few spoonfuls of pudding into their cups and then stir in two spoonfuls of crushed Oreo cookies. They can also add a gummy worm to the top. Enjoy.
"I'm a Doer" Flowers
When they do something that is written on one of the petals, they can tape that petal onto the flower head. Tell them to try and do what is written on each petal this week to complete the flower.
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Learn a Rhyme
Every time you say "Itty-bitty seed" make your voice real squeaky like a mouse's. Every time you say "Great big seeds" make your voice go real deep.
The Hand Motions Are:
Itty-bitty - put your fingers together real close
Great big seeds - make your arms a circle out in front of you.
Scattered all around - toss your hands to the right and left
Some in the rows - toss your hands out
Some in the weeds - hold your hands over your shoulders
Seeds Verse 1:
The word of God is like itty-bitty seeds
Scattered all around
The word of God is like itty-bitty seeds
Scattered all around
You've got some in the rows, some in the weeds,
But everywhere you look, you got itty-bitty seeds
The word of God is like itty-bitty seeds
Scattered all around
Seeds Verse 2:
The word of God is like great big seeds
Scattered all around
The word of God is like great big seeds
Scattered all around
You got some in the rows, some in the weeds,
But everywhere you look you got great big seeds
The word of God is like great big seeds
Scattered all around
Sent in by Linda Rife
I absolutely love this site. It's my go to for every Sunday school lessons and crafts! I have taught Sunday school for almost 50 years, and I don't know how I did it without Danielle's Place. Thank you so much for providing us old teachers with the tools to the help little ones to learn about Jesus! Sincerely, Lenoir