The Parable of the Rich Fool Bible Lesson
Bible Craft and Games about the Parable of the Rich Fool from Luke 12:13-21
The following crafts and activities go with the Bible lesson "The Greedy Farmer" from Luke 12:13-21 on The Resource Room. This lesson includes a complete lesson with crafts and learning activities that relate the Bible lesson. Activity sheets and Bible verse cards are included for older children.
The Rich Farmer Coloring and Activity Sheet for Sunday School Lesson - Luke 12:15
Children color the activity sheet and glue mini craft sticks or regular crafts sticks cut in half to the roof and sides of the barn. As your students work ask them what they see in the picture. Tell them that you will be talking about a rich man who grew so many crops that he had to decide what to do with the extras. Ask them what they do with things when they have too much.
Wheelbarrow Relay Race Review Game
1. Before class write the words from the Bible verse on sheets of paper. Make at least two sets.
2. In class, ask your children if they know what a wheelbarrow is. Show them a picture of a wheelbarrow from the Internet if you think they may not know. Tell them that wheelbarrows are used to move things from one place to the other. Farmers use them because it is an easy way to carry heavy loads. Tell them that they are going to pretend to be farmers and wheelbarrows in your relay game.
3. The object of the game is to move the paper with the words on them to the other end of the room to place them in order to spell out the Bible verse. (You can use a shortened version with younger children.)
4. Place your students in at least two rows. The first two children in the row should decide who will be the wheelbarrow and who will be the farmer. The bigger children should be the "farmer". (You can match up the students before the game to make it easier.)
5. The wheelbarrow child should lie on the floor on his or her stomach behind the start line.
6. On the word "Go" the "farmer" picks up the first paper in their team's pile, and places it on the back of the "wheelbarrow". He then picks up the feet of the wheelbarrow child and tries to move the wheelbarrow across the floor with the paper to the finish line. When the players reach the finish line the farmer should remove the paper and place it in a row in the order of the Bible verse.
7. If a paper falls off, the players must stop to have the farmer place the paper back on the "wheelbarrow".
8. Keep playing until all the papers are across the finish line.
9. The team that has all the words in order first wins, and should read the Bible verse.
The Greedy Rich Farmer Stick Puppets

Use these puppets with the picture of the barn to tell the Parable of the Rich Fool from Luke 12. Glue the puppets back to back so that you can flip them around when telling the stroy. When you are done with the lesson you can have your students use the puppets to tell the story in their own words as a review.
Greed to Gratitude Coloring and Activity Sheet
As children color the activity sheet for Luke 12:15 they learn ways to turn greed into gratitude for everything God has given them and done for them.
This sheet comes in two different forms, a coloring sheet and an activity sheet where children insert the danger signs into the activity sheet after coloring it.
Greed to Gratitude Maze Activity Sheet for Luke 12:15
As students follow the maze from the bottom of the page to the words "The Road to Gratitude" at the top of the page they learn ways to turn greed into gratitude. Use this activity sheet when studying Luke 12:15 about the story of the rich fool.
In class have your children start at the bottom of the activity sheet where it says, "Start" and try to draw a line to the top of the page to "The Road to Gratitude" words without crossing any lines. As they work talk about the different ways to combat greed listed on the sheet. Have them look up Luke 12:15 and discuss what they think it means.