Ten Commandment Crafts and Activities for Children - 3
How to Make Crafts and Games for The Ten Commandments Theme
The following Bible crafts and Games are available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Ten Commandments Folding Craft Sticks Craft for Sunday School

What you will need:
Ribbon or Yarn
Uchida 530-6C Marvy Brush Tip Fluorescent Color Fabric Marker Set
(These markers are designed for fabric, but they work great on paper. The fluorescent colors are brighter than highlighter markers and the tips are much softer.)
7 Mini Jumbo Craft Sticks per Craft or Jumbo Craft Sticks
How to Make the No-tape, Folding Craft Stick Cards:
1. Before class print out the the folding craft stick cards pattern and make copies.
Ten Commandments Folding Craft Sticks -- - For Mini Jumbo Craft Sticks - 4.5” x .5” or Jumbo Craft Sticks - 6” x 3/4”
2. Have your children color the patterns and then spread tacky glue all over the back of the first pattern.
3. Place seven craft sticks onto the glue so that the sticks line up in a row. Press the pattern down so it lays flat.
4. Spread glue on the second pattern and glue it to back of the craft sticks and first pattern. Make sure you place the second pattern so that both patterns can be read from top to bottom when turning them over from left to right.
5. Let the glue dry completely before cutting the pattern. Use an X-Acto knife or box cutter to cut the lines between the craft sticks. Do not cut the dotted lines and do not cut all the way through to the other side. When you have cut all the line on the front and the back carefully fold the pattern on the dotted lines so that the pattern folds up into one stack.
Watch a Video on How to Make the No-tape, Folding Craft Stick Cards:
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - Bloggers, if you use this craft idea or an adaptation, you must link back to this page for complete directions. If you use this technique, let us know and we will put a link to your blog.
Number Pictures - A Great Way to Remember all the Ten Commandments in Less Than Ten Minutes!
Use this printout to teach children the Ten Commandments in less than ten minutes. Write each number on the board and then change it into a picture that is easy to relate to the commandment. Hand out the printable for your children to review at home. This activity sheets goes along with the Ten Commandments Bible Lesson on The Resource Room.
Free Digital Download Available in Black and White for Coloring and Color Pattern.
Ten Commandment Number Posters
Use these Ten Commandment number posters as a visual during your lesson.
Instant Digital Download - Includes Ten Full-page Colored Posters
1. No Other Gods - Draw the number one for one god.
2. No Idols - Draw a face and ears on the number two to make it look like a cow The Israelites worshipped a golden cow.
3. Do not take the Lords Name in Vain - Add to the number three to make it look like a pair of lips.
4. Remember the Sabbath to Keep it Holy - Turn the number four into a cross.
5. Honor thy Father and Mother - Draw faces in the number five and you get a lady at the bottom and a man with a flat top hair cut on the top.
6. Do Not Kill - Turn the six sideways and turn it into a gun.
7. Do Not Commit Adultery - Turn the 7 sideways and turn it into an A.
8. Do Not Steal - Turn the eight side ways and turn it into a pair of handcuffs.
9. Do Not Bear False Witness - Draw a face inside circle of the nine and ears to look like a bear.
10. Do Not Covet - Turn the 1 into a C – CO stand for covet.
Sent in by Cindy
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Make a Ten Commandments Booklet

This booklet comes into different styles - Roman numeral and regular numbers. You can use the Roman numerals with older children who already know their numbers. (I used the Roman numerals with my first graders and they really enjoyed figuring out which numbers represented our numbers.) Cut the Commandments apart and mix them up. Give a set to each child. Have the children put them in order and then glue them in their books.
If your children don't know the Roman numerals, make a chart on the board so that they can match them up with the regular numbers.
Ten Commandment Review
Read the following sentences and tell the children to raise their hands with their ten fingers up and spread apart if it is one of the Ten Commandments. If it is not one of the Ten Commandments, tell them to raise their hands while making a fist.
1. Do not steal. (yes)
2. Do not cheat. (no)
3. Do not hit. (No)
4. Do not make idols. (Yes)
5. Wash your hands before you eat. (No)
6. Do not say God's name in a bad way. (Yes)
7. Honor your parents. (Yes)
8. Trust in God always. (No)
9. Say your prayers. (No)
10. Be kind to the poor. (No)
11. Do not murder. (Yes)
12. Do not waste food. (No)
13. Keep the Sabbath Day holy. (Yes)
©2007, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
Find the Missing Ten Commandment Game
Here's a game to go along with a lesson on the Ten Commandments. Prepare sets of Ten Commandment cards using Roman numeral cards for older children and the regular numbers for younger children. Remove one card from the deck and give one deck to each child or group of children. See which group of children can figure out which of the Ten Commandments is missing from their deck and what the commandment is first.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information