Thanksgiving Bible Crafts
Thanksgiving Bible Lesson About Manners
"Manners Matter" Bible Lesson
The following crafts and learning activities come from "Manner Matter" Sunday School lesson on The Resource Room. In this lesson children learn that manners are important. Using manners show others that we love and respect them. Rules of etiquette are important but change according to the circumstances and times, but God's rules never change.
Spice Painting Pumpkin Poem Activity Sheet
Pumpkin pie paint makes a great sensory craft for children!

What you will need:
Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, or Pumpkin Pie Spice
Orange Paint
Colored Pencils
How to Make the Spicy Paint Picture:
1. Mix the spices into any orange paint.
2. Print out the Pumpkin Pie Activity Sheet with the Poem, or print the poem onto a sheet of paper and have your children paint pumpkins and pumpkin pie to go with the poem.
Little Pumpkin
(Written by Carolyn Warvel)
I’m just a little pumpkin sitting in the hay,
Waiting to be picked for a very special day.
Take me home and cook me,
And you’ll see what I can be.
If you add a little sugar and just the right spice,
I’ll turn into something that taste quite nice!
But don’t forget to be thankful on this special day
Remember what God gave you when you sit
down and pray. ©2014. Carolyn Warvel
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information Do not publish this poem or a derivative of this poem any where without permission.
Thanksgiving Place Setting Activity Sheet

Have your children color a picture of a table setting and tell them they can use it to help them remember how to set the table on Thanksgiving Day.
Setting the Table Activity

What you will need:
Large Sheets of Construction Paper, or Tape Two Pieces of Regular-sized Sheets Together on the Long Sides
Colored Paper
Pictures of Food from Magazines
Dried Food such as Cereal, Noodles and Beans
What to do:
1. Before class cut out large plate-size circles and silverware shapes from construction paper.
2. In class have your children glue the place settings in the correct place and then glue pictures of food on the plate. You can also use dried food such as cereal or pasta noodles. If you don't have time to cut out a bunch of silverware, you can use plastic silverware, or just have your children draw pictures of food on the plate.
Manners Matter Color Sheet

Practice Table Manners

After talking about good table manners have your children practice their table manners.
Show them a table-setting diagram, and have each student set his place at the table using paper plates, napkins, spoons, forks, knives, and a glass.
Check each student's place setting to make sure he or she set it properly.
Set some goodies on the table and have your children practice passing them from left to right, taking their share, saying thank you, and then passing it on. Make sure they don't start eating before everyone has been served. Tell them that when you place your napkin on your lap, they should do the same thing. They should also wait for you to say the blessing and start eating before they start. As they continue eating point out good and bad manners so they learn what is appropriate. Remind your children that they should never point out someone else's bad manners at dinner.
You can even pretend that they are coming to your house for Thanksgiving dinner. Practice introducing your guests, washing their hands before they eat, not interrupting others when they are talking, etc.
Draw Pictures of Good or Bad Manners
Assign each child a different manner listed on the "Manners Matter" Activity Sheet and have them draw a picture depicting that manner. When they are done collect all the pictures and see if the other children can guess which manner is depicted in each picture.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Count Your Blessings" Mini Book for Thanksgiving
Children enjoy counting their blessings with the fun rhymes in this mini book. Each page has a picture of a child counting his or her blessings.

Count Your Blessings
1. One - God sent his only Son.
2. Two - Because he loves me and you.
3. Three - God helps us to be what we were meant to be.
4. Four - Our love for him grows more and more!
5. Five - Jesus died but he came back alive!
6. Six - All our problems he can fix!
7. Seven - Someday we'll see God in heaven!
8. Eight - We'll meet him at the pearly gate!
9. Nine - Won't that be so divine?
10. Ten - Do you want to count again?
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