Bible Crafts About Wisdom
How to Make Crafts About Wisdom for Children
The following Bible Crafts and Activities come from the Bible lesson "Be Wise" on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
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"Hold on to Instruction" Paper Hand Craft for Children
Proverbs 4:13 - Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life."
Use this craft when teaching your children about wisdom. Have them write Bible verses or a memory verse about wisdom on a sheet of paper, roll it up and place it in the paper hand craft.

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Colored Paper
Colored Pencils
How to Make:
The pattern for this craft is available to members on The Resource Room and goes along with the Bible lesson "Be Wise". It is also available as an instant download in both the KJV and NIV.
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
Instant Digital Download -KJV -
Make Paper Cup Owls Holding the Bible Verse
What you will need:
16 oz. Foam or Paper Cups (Buy Brown Cups to Save Time)
Paint Marker Pens (The colors are amazing and there is no messy clean up)
or Acrylic Paint
Printer Paper
How to Make an Owl Paper Cup Craft:
1. Draw an owl face, wings, and feet onto printer paper, color them, and cut them out.
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
Instant Digital Download -KJV -
2. Paint your cup to match the face and wings and glue them to the cup as shown in the picture. Note - For a quick and easy project buy brown paper cups from a party store. Your children can just use markers to draw feathers onto the cup.
3. Curl up one wing and glue it to the side of the cup so that the owl can hold the Bible verse as shown in the picture.
©2010, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Wise Owl with Leaves Bible Verse Activity Sheet
Children color the picture, glue on paper leaves and then write the Bible verse on the bottom of the picture.
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
Instant Digital Download -KJV -
"Remember This" Bible Verse Memorization Handprint Craft

Use this craft for any Bible Lessons! Explain to your children that people used to tie strings to their fingers to help them remember something. The Bible verse today is very important so they are going to make a picture of a hand with a string tied on the finger to remind them to study their Bible verse. They can tape the hand to their refrigerator at home or some where else that they will see it every day.
What you will need:
6 1/2" Hand Cutouts or Use the Hand Pattern
Bright Colored Yarn
What to do:
1. Before class print out the handprint patterns onto colorful paper and cut them out. (To make this craft a little longer, you can have your children trace their own hands and then cut them out.)
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
Instant Digital Download -KJV -
2. Have your students write the Bible verse on the palm of the handprint and then glue the hand cutouts onto a piece of construction paper. Show them how to bend down the thumb and third finger to meet each other and glue them together. Bend down the pinky and middle finger and tie a piece of yarn on the pointer finger.
3. Children can decorate the rest of their pictures anyway they would like.
©2003, Digital by Design, Inc. - *See Copyright Information
Find the Owls Bible Verse Review Game
1. Before class print out the owlet patterns and color them. Print out enough owlets so that you will have one for each word of the verse. Write one word of the verse on each owl. Number the owls so that the words to the verse are in order.
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
Instant Digital Download -KJV -
2. Hide the owls before class.
3. In class tell yourBible children that there are some very wise owls that have a very important message for the class, but since they don’t like coming out during the day, they are hiding. Ask them to help you find them so that they can find out what the important message is. When all the children have found an owl, ask for the owls in order, asking for the owl with the number one on it first. When you get to “For the LORD giveth . . .”, ask the children to guess what they think is the next word. And when you get to “out of his mouth comes . . .”, ask the children what they think comes out of his mouth.
Play Whoo Whoo Review Game
1. Before class print out questions about the Bible lesson. (Available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant download above.)
How to Play:
Divide the children up into teams. Designate each team a nest area in another part of the room. You may want to lay blankets down on the floor for the nests.
Set up the teams away from the nest. The children are owlets. They can only fly home to their nest if their team answers a question correctly. Have the children answer questions as a team. They can work together to come up with the correct answer and have someone in their team give the answer. When the team thinks they have an answer they should say "Whoo, whoo" and then answer the question. If the answer is correct, one of the owlets get to fly to the nest. The first team to have all their owlets in the nest wins.
Play "Guess Whoo?"
Pick one child to be the guesser. Have the child sit in the front of the room with his back away from the other children. Secretly pick another child to be the owl. He makes a "hoo hoo" sound. The child in the front of the room tries to guess who is hooting. If he guesses correctly, he changes places with the child who hooted. If he doesn't, he tries again.
"Match the Picture to the Bible Verse" Game
1. Before class print out Bible verses about wisdom and cut them apart. Give one verse to each child.
2. Have each child draw a picture to illustrate the Bible verse he received. Tell your children not to tell their classmates what they are drawing. When all the children have finished drawing, line up all the pictures at the front of the room. Collect all the Bible verses and read them one by one letting the children try to figure out which picture goes with the Bible verse you read.
Bible Crafts on Other Pages About Wisdom
See The Wise and Foolish Builders Bible Crafts and Activities Page.