Don't Worry, Pray Bible Crafts
Don't Worry and Prayer Bible Crafts for Children
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible Lesson "Don't Worry - Prayer Bear" on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
In this printable board game children learn about prayer, how they should and shouldn't pray. The game board uses two sheets of typing paper.
3D Paper Bear Paper Craft
Children make a stuffed prayer bear that says, "I'm praying for you." Just print out the back and front patterns onto printer paper, glue the sides together, all except the bottom. Color the bear and then stuff it with small pieces of tissue paper. Then glue the bottom closed. Childre can give the prayer bears to people in need of prayer.
Philippians 4:6 Bible Verse Coloring Sheet

Make an “I’m Praying For You” Prayer Bear
What you will need:
Typing Paper, Crayons, Scissors, Textured Paper, Scrapbook Paper, or Construction Paper
How to make:
1. Print out the bear pattern and the bear’s clothes pattern.
2. Color the bear and cut out the clothes patterns. Use the clothes patterns as a template to trace onto textures paper. Cut out the clothes and glue them onto the bear.
Paper Plate Prayer Bear Craft
Use these cute little bears to store prayer requests. Have the children place their prayer requests inside the pocket.
Learn the Five Finger Prayer and Make a Prayer Hand
What you will need:
Different Colors of Printer Paper
Markers or Pencils
How to make:
1. Print out the hand patterns and cut them out.
In class explain to the children what each digit on the hand represents and have your children write on each digit what it represents. They may also want to write specific names. For example, they can write Mr. West for their teacher.
1. Thumb – Your thumb is nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. Pray for your mother and father, sisters and brothers, and your friends.
2. Pointer Finger – You use your pointer finger to show people the way or point out the way. Teachers, parents, doctors, pastors and other people teach you the right way to live. You should pray for them. Pray that God gives them the wisdom and ability to point you in the right direction.
3. Tallest Finger – Your middle finger is the tallest. This finger can remind you to pray for those who are in charge or who lead you. You should pray for the president, your school principal, and others. Pray that God leads them to make wise decisions.
4. Ring Finger – Your fourth finger is your ring finger. It is your weakest finger and it should remind you to pray for those who are weak, sick, poor, or in trouble.
5. Little Finger – And the last finger is the smallest. That should remind you of your place in relation to others. You should make God the most important thing in your life and treat others as more important than yourself. Pray that God will forgive you when you make mistakes. And don’t forget to thank him for everything he has done for you.
Older Children can look up these scriptures and write them on the back of the hand – Ps. 5:3, Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 7: 7, 11, Phil. 4:6, and 1 Thes. 5:7. They can decorate the hand with fingernails and rings if they would like.