Plagues of Egypt Bible Games
Plagues of Egypt Review Games

Step into the Moses Bible story with these captivating board and card games designed to help children discover and learn about the Plagues of Egypt. These interactive and educational games are available for purchase on The Resource Room or as instant digital downloads.
The Resource Room - Member's Site
Children discover the plagues of Egypt with this versatile, ancient Egyptian landscape game and playing cards! Get creative and adapt the rules to suit your class. Unleash the excitement with a hands-on experience using the game board and playing cards. Following are some fun, hands-on games you can play using the printable game board and playing cards. The game board comes in two sizes - 7.5" x 10" and 10" x 15" (Two sheets of paper taped together.) The playing cards also come in two sizes, 2.75" x 3.75" and 2.5" square cards.
1. "Avoid the Plagues" Printable Bible Lesson Review Game
In this exciting game, children learn about the Ten Plagues of Egypt while racing through the Egyptian landscape, trying to avoid the plagues as they proceed. If a player lands on a plague space, he must return to his original space and try again on his next turn—the player who makes it through the treacherous landscape to the end first wins.
2. "Collect the Plagues of Egypt" Bible Lesson Review Game
Players embark on a thrilling journey through the Egyptian landscape, aiming to collect all the Plagues of Egypt cards. With each turn, players throw a die and move forward or backward the number of spaces shown, all in the pursuit of landing on each plague space. If successful, the player collects the corresponding plague card, adding a piece to the unfolding narrative. The player's goal is to be the first player to collect all ten cards, reach the end of the game board, and place all the plague cards in order according to the Bible story.
3. Get Rid of the Plagues Bible Lesson Review Game
In this fast-paced game, children make their way around the board, trying to get rid of their Plagues of Egypt playing cards by landing on a plague space. To play, the teacher hands out ten random cards to each player. Players take turns throwing a die to see how many spaces they should move. If a player lands on a plaque space, the player hands all of their cards corresponding to that space to the right or left, depending on if the player moved an odd or even number. Once a player has reached the end of the board, the player can no longer receive plague cards from other players. The cards go to the next player to the right or left who is still in the game. When all the players have reached the end of the game board, they count how many cards they have. The player with the least amount of plague cards wins. The player with the most cards places all the plagues in order according to the Bible story.

4. "Plagues of Egypt" Bible Lesson Review Match Game
Younger children will absolutely love playing a match game that will help them remember the Plagues of Egypt. It's simple – just print out two sets of plague cards and get ready to dive into an interactive and educational activity. As the children find all the cards, encourage them to arrange the cards in the correct order. It's an exciting way to bring the stories to life and make learning fun!
5. "What Plague Do You Have?" Bible Lesson Review Game
In this challenging game, children try to guess which plague card a player has selected. The teacher passes out a set of ten plague cards to each player. The first player picks one card from his pile and places it face down before him. The other players take turns guessing what card the player picked by asking yes or no questions about the card. For example, they may ask, "Does the card have a blue background?" but they may not ask, "What color is the background?". After asking a question, the player gets to guess the card; if he guesses correctly, that player gets to pick a card to place on the table in front of him, and everyone tries to guess what it is. Keep playing until everyone has had a turn to pick a card.
6. Plagues of Egypt Ordering Game
This exciting, fast-paced game is a great way to review the Plagues of Egypt. Children race to see who can first place all their plague cards in order. The fastest player then tries to recite all ten plagues in order without looking at his cards. If he is unsuccessful, the teacher reviews the cards, and the race begins again. Keep playing until one of the players can say all ten plagues without help.
The Resource Room - Member's Site
Instant Digital Download - Includes two sizes of game boards and two sizes of playing cards.
Do you have a fun game you played using the game board and cards? We would love to hear about your game. Please email us with the details.