Your Word is a Lamp Bible Lesson
Psalm 119:105 Bible Lesson about God's Word
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Thy Word is a Lamp". In this lesson children learn God’s word directs us in the way we should live our lives. When we follow God’s direction our paths lead to a happy life. This lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
"Thy Word is a Lamp Unto my Feet" Psalm 119:105 Bible Activity Sheet
Children color the lantern with highlighter markers and then glue a bookmark ribbon and Psalm 119 Bible pages to the picture of the Bible and then highlight Psalm 119:105 verse on the Bible page.
"Your Word is a Lamp Unto my Feet" Paper 3D Lamp Craft for Children
Children color the lantern with highlighter markers and then glue the patterns together to make a 3D lantern. A tube is inserted in the middle to give the lantern a 3D effect. The handle is made from a Chenille stem. Available in both KJV and NIV.
Psalm 119:105 Bible Verse Sheet and Memory Game
This sheet will help your children easily memorize Psalm 119:105. Each picture represents one part of the verse. Use the Bible verse cards to play games to help memorize the verse. Available in both KJV and NIV.
"Your Word is a Lamp" Bulletin Board Display and Group Activity

Go to "Your Word is a Lamp" Bulletin Board Display and Group Activity for directions.
Children make textured paper rocks to glue to the bulletin board display. They place rock-colored paper over textured items and then use crayon to transfer the texture to their papers buy rubbing them over the paper.
You can bring in rocks, sandpaper, and other textured items for your students to use, or you can take them outside and let them find things to use such as the sidewalk, a brick building or a brick wall to make the textures.
This pattern is available in the NIV only.