Love Is Valentine Bible Lesson for Children
Valentine Bible Lesson About Love for Children's Ministry
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Love Is". This lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Bible Reference: 1 Cor. 13:4-7
Teaching Concept:
The lesson is taught using a puppet skit and a "Not-so-loving Love Bug" puppet that doesn't quite understand what it really means to love someone.
Through this lesson children learn what the Bible teaches about love in 1 Cor. 13. Many crafts and activities are offered to reinforce the concepts. A printable card game is included with four different card game suggestions for different age levels.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Love Bug Sock Puppet
The teacher uses a Love Bug sock puppet to present the Bible lesson on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Make a Love Bug Sock Puppet
What you will need:
Man's Large White Sock
Pink Craft Foam
Black Craft Foam
Pink and White Pipe Cleaners
Card Stock
White Material for the Wings
How to Make the Love Bug Puppet:
1. Print out the pattern.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. Use the mouth pattern to cut a mouth from heavy cardboard. Fold the cardboard mouth in half and insert it in the toe of the sock the rounded part towards the toe. Push the toe of the sock into the fold of the cardboard mouth.
3. Cut out the eyes and glue them to the head. Punch tiny hole above the eyes and insert the pipe cleaner through one hole and back up through the other hole. Fold the ends of the pipe cleaner up and bend them around a pencil. Glue heart to the end of the pipe cleaners as shown in the picture.
4. To make the wings bend pipe cleaners so the ends meet and glue the ends together with hot melt glue. Spread the wing material out flat on a newspaper. Place glue all around the pipe cleaner wing shape and press the wing shape down on top of the material. Lift up the wing so it doesn't stick to the newspaper. When the glue is dry, cut around the edge of the wing. Glue the wings to the back of the puppet as shown in the picture.
5. Cut legs from black fun foam or black poster board. Glue the legs to the front of the bug puppet. Cut a tongue from pink fun foam and glue inside the mouth.
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1 Corinthians 13 Love Bug Activity Sheet
Children color the picture as the teacher discusses what the words mean. This printable activity sheet comes in both KJV and NIV.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Love Is Paper Plate Craft, Game, and Learning Activity
In this game children learn what it means to love with this fun paper plate game. They take turns opening the heart door, pulling out a heart-shaped card, and reading it. Then they say whether or not the words describe love or not. Each card contains words from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and their opposites.
Children make take-home Valentine bags with heart-shapes that contain words describing love. At home they work on showing love. When they do something that is loving described on the hearts, they can put that heart in their bags. Send home some blank hearts so parents can add other loving activities that their children need to work on.
What you will need:
9" Paper Plates, Astrobrights Card Stock or Bright-colored Paper, Heart Stickers or Heart Foam Shapes, Party Lunch Bags, Scissors, X-Acto Knife, Glue and Watercolor Paint
How to Make:
1. Draw a heart shape in the center of one paper plate Cut the heart shape out using an E-an X-acto Knife and Scissors but leave about one inch connected to the plate on the left-hand side of the heart.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. Paint the paper plate with watercolor paint and let it dry. Decorate the paper plate with stickers and foam shapes.
3. Write "Love is . . . " in the center of the heart, or use the heart pattern and glue it to the heart.
4. Glue the paper plate to another paper plate, top to top to form a basket.
5. To finish glue a bead or button on the heart to use as a handle to open the heart door.
6. Cut heart shapes from colorful paper and write different things that love is from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Also write the opposite of what love is. Place all the hearts in the paper plate heart basket. In class let your children take turns opening the heart door and picking a heart. Read the heart and ask the child that picked it if it is an example of love. Keep playing until all your children have had a chance to pick a heart.
7. Have your children decorate bags with hearts and write the words "Love is . . ." on the front of their bags. Cut out hearts shapes and write things about love that the children can work on at home. Tell them that when they do something that is written on a heart, they can place that heart in the bag. They can bring the bags with the hearts to class the next week and share with the class what they did.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
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Make Love Bug Valentine Card Holders
What you will need:
Dinner-Sized and Snack-Sized Paper Plates, Fun Foam Hearts (or cut from construction paper), Tissue Paper, Pipe Cleaners, Paper, Hole Punch, Ribbon and Glue
How to Make:

1. Before class cut one dinner-sized paper plate in half. Glue one half to another diner-sized paper plate to make a pocket.
2. Fold a snack-sized paper plate almost in half as shown in the picture above and then fold back the two upper corners to make the face shape as shown in the picture below. Fold a pipe cleaner in half and tape it to the back of the head. Glue the head to the large paper plate pocket.

3. Print out the Leg, Eyes, and Wing Patterns. Cut the eyes out and use the leg pattern to cut leg shapes from black construction paper. Use the wing pattern to cut wing shapes from tissue paper.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
4. Write parts of the "Love is" verse on fun foam or paper hearts - "love hopes, is patient, is kind, does not boast, etc.
5. In class have your children glue on the legs, eyes, and wings, and decorate the love bug with hearts. They may also want to add a tongue. Have them write the word "love' on the bug's back..
6. Use a hole punch to punch a hole at the top of the bug and tie a ribbon to the hole so your children can hang the card holders.
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Play "Find the Love Bugs" Card Game

(Younger Children) Before class print out the Love Bug Cards onto heavy card stock. If you have a large class, print out more than one set. Place all the cards in a bag and mix them up. Tell your children that you caught a lot of bugs, some are "love bugs" and some aren't. Have them take turns reaching in the bag and pulling out a card. If the card is a "love bug", the child gives an example of how we can love from what is written on the card. For example, if he pulls out a "Love is Kind" card, he may say, "We can be kind by giving to others." That child can then get a snack. If a child picks a "bad bug", he doesn't receive a snack this time, but will have another chance to pick a card his next turn.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
1. Play "Go and Find the Bugs"
(Younger children) Use just enough cards (from above activity) so that you have one card for every child and each card has a match. If you don't have any even amount of children, have a helper play the game. Before class hide the cards around your room. On the word go, the children should all try to find one card and then try to find the other child in the class who has the matching card.
2. Play "Match the Love Bugs" Card Game
Use the cards from the above activities, but print out a matching set. Remove all the "bad bug" cards except for one. Turn over all the cards and let the children take turns trying to find matches. If a child turns over a "bad bug" card, he loses his turn. Make sure the children turn the cards back over and place them in the same location each turn if they don't match. Each time a child turns over a card, read what it says on the card to help them remember the Bible verse.
3. Play "Go Buggy" - (Older Children)
This game is played like "Go Fish" and "Old Maid" combined. The object of the game is to not get stuck with the "bad bug" card at the end of the game. Before class print out two sets of cards for every three students. Remove one "bad bug" card from every set. You should have only one "bad bug" card per set of cards. Place your children into groups of three, and have them pass out all the cards between them. One child will have an extra card, that child should start the round.
If a child is holding any matches in his hand, he places them down in front of him on the table. Children then take turns asking someone in their group if they have a certain card. If the child they ask has the card, he has to give it to him. If the child doesn't have the card, he says, "Go buggy" and the child asking must pick a card from his hand. If a child matches all his cards and places them on the table in front of him, he is out of the game until the next round. When all the cards have been matched and placed on the table in front of the children, the child left holding the "bad bug" card is out of the game. The remaining three children then start a new round. They play the same way, and the child who is left holding the "bad bug" card in the second round is out of the game. The two remaining children play the "play off" round to see who will win. They don't ask each other if they have a certain card, they just take turns picking cards from each other. The child who isn't left with the "bad bug" card wins the game.
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Love Bug Valetine's Day Card
Have your children use this shape book to draw pictures about things they can do to be more loving according to the Bible verse.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
"Love Is" Spinner Game
Children take turns spinning the heart in the center of the game, and then determine which word the heart is pointing to, and give an example of how we can show love in that particular way. For example, if the spinner lands on "Love is kind", he may say, "We can show kindness by giving to people in need."
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
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