Peter Heals the Lame Man
Bible Crafts and Games for Peter Heals the Lame Man
The Bible Crafts and Games below are based on the Bible lesson "Peter Heals the Lame Man."
The following resources are available on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download in KJV and NIV. In this engaging Bible lesson, children learn about Peter and how he became an influential leader and disciple of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This lesson includes a dancing lame-man puppet craft for reviewing the Bible lesson and an activity sheet with a lame man featuring moving legs. Older children will find enjoyment in discovering the correct path that reveals the Bible verse or playing the "Missing Words" Bible verse game. Additionally, there is a fun, active game where children answer questions and then act out the movements of the lame man to race to the finish line. Students can also take home a picture story sheet to keep the lesson alive in their hearts.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - KJV and NIV
Walking, Leaping and Praising God! Lame Man Cup Puppet Craft
What you will need:
9 oz. Party Paper Cups
Craft Sticks
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Clear Tape
Crayons or Colored Pencils
Heavy Duty Thread
Hole Punch
How to Make the Lame Man Cup Puppet Craft:
1. Print out the patterns onto card stock, cut them out, and color them.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - KJV and NIV
Instant Download Pattern - - This craft only.
2. Punch holes using a hole punch in the leg pattern and the neck of the head pattern.
3. Punch a hole in the middle of a paper cup using sharp scissors. Keep the hole as small as possible. Punch a length of yarn through the bottom outside of the cup to the inside of the cup. Pull the yarn through and tie a large knot about five inches from the end of the yarn. Tie the end of the yarn to the hole in the top of the legs so that about half the legs hang down from the cup. (See picture)
4. Fold the head pattern at the neck and string it onto the other end of the yarn and tape it to the bottom of the cup. Tape the yarn that is behind the head pattern to the back of the head. Tie the end of the yarn to a craft stick.
5. Fold the arm patterns and tape them to the cup.
6. You can also tie heavy duty thread to the feet and to the ends of the craft sticks to make a marionette. If you have younger children, you can just let the legs hang. They can make the puppet dance by moving the craft stick and tapping the feet pattern to a table.
Copyright 2012, Digital by Design, Inc.
Other Uses for the Dancing Bible Puppet

This Bible character puppet can be used with many different other Bible stories including: Lessons on praise and worship, David dancing before the ark of the Lord, and The Parable of the Lost Son.
Kerry Beck from How to Homeschool My Child used this craft in her SHIP VBS to reinforce the Bible lesson about Joseph and the importance of being diligent.
Check out her Website for some great tips on how to prepare and present this craft, and for detailed information about the material she used for this VBS.
Dancing Lame Man Activity Sheet
What to do:
1. Before class print out the activity sheet and the leg patterns onto card stock.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - KJV and NIV
Instant Download Pattern - - This Activity Sheet Only
2. Cut out the leg patterns.
3. In class have your children color the pictures and attach the legs with brass fasteners.
Copyright 2012, Digital by Design, Inc.
"Walking, Leaping, Praising God" Spinner Game
(Any age - make the questions fit the age of the children.)
What you will need:
Card Stock (heavy paper)
Foam Core Board, or a Cardboard Box at Least 8" x 8"
Paper Clip
What to do:
1. Before class prepare questions about the lesson and/or previous lessons.
2. Mark a start and finish line in your room with painter's tape (blue tape).
3. Prepare the spinner game - Print out the pattern and glue it to a piece of foam core board or a cardboard box. Stick a paperclip to the center using a thumbtack. Don't press down on the thumbtack to hard or you won't be able to spin the paperclip.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - KJV and NIV
How to Play:
1. Have your children line up along the start line, and have them take turns answering a question.
If the child answers the question correctly, he or she gets to spin the spinner and move according to what he or she has spun. If the spinner lands on "walking", the child takes one step forward.
If the spinner lands on "Leaping" the child jump with both feet together as far as he can.
If the spinner lands on "Praising God!, the child raises his hands above his head, says "Praise God", Hallelujah, or other praise words and jumps or steps forward two steps or jumps. The child that reaches the finish line first wins.
If you have big kids and little playing at the same time, start the little kids farther forward than the bigger kids.
Copyright 2012, Digital by Design, Inc.
"Find the Verse" Lame Man Bible Verse Maze
1. Before class, print out the activity sheet and make copies.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - KJV and NIV
2. In class, have your students look up the Bible verse in their Bibles and then try to find the correct path through the maze to reveal the verse with the words in the correct order. Instruct your children to draw lines from one word to the other without crossing any lines or words that are out of order in that path. There is only one path with the words in the correct order, so if a word is out of order, the child should try another path until all the words are in order.
Review the Bible Lesson Picture Sheet
1. Before class, print out the story sheets and make copies.
Instant Digital Download - Complete Lesson - KJV and NIV
2. In class, help your children read the story. Stop wherever there is a picture and let your students guess what the picture represents in the story.
3. Tell your students to take the sheet home and review the story with their parents.