Bible Stick Puppets for Children's Ministry
Learning with Bible Stick Puppets
Using stick puppets in your children's ministry is a great way to review the Bible lesson and re-einforce the lesson theme.
Have older children write their own puppet skits and create a puppet background and props.
Print out the puppets in reverse to make a reversible puppet with different emotions, or to reverse the direction the puppet can travel across the stage.
Twenty Bible Stick Puppets to Teach or Review Bible Stories

Available in three different sizes: 7-inch, 5-inch and 3-inch, color and black & white.
Children color and draw in the faces on the black and white patterns.
Includes 7-inch, 5-inch, and 3-inch puppets in both color and black & white.
More Stick Puppets
David, Abigail, and Nabal Stick Puppets
Children can use these puppets to act out the story of Abigail giving David and his men food to save her family from the selfish actions of her husband Nabal. The printables include a happy and angry-face David stick puppet, a happy and sad-face Abigail stick puppet, a donkey carrying food stick puppet, and an angry Nabal stick puppet. See the "Abigail Keeps the Peace" Bible lesson for more information.