Moses Bible Crafts and Activities for Sunday School
"You Can Do Important Things" Sunday School Lesson

The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "You Can Do Important Things" and from The Resource Room. Through this lessons children learn that even though they are young, they are still important to God. God loves them very much, and he can use them to do great things. This lesson is available on The Resource Room a subscription site.
Baby Moses in an Printable Envelope Basket Craft
What you will need:
Card Stock or Construction Paper, Colored Pencils or Crayons, Pipe Cleaners (Chenille Stems), Scissors and Glue
How to Make the Baby Moses in an Envelope Basket Craft:
1. Children cut out the pattern, glue Chenille stems in the inside of the basket to make a handle, color the pictures.
Patterns for this craft are available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant download. They come in two different styles, one with Baby Moses's hand hanging over the basket (harder to cut out) and one with the Baby Moses wrapped in linens (Easier to cut out).
Instant Download Pattern - - Patterns include two different Baby Moses patterns, fish patterns, and note paper.

You can also have your children make a display for the Baby Moses in the basket craft. Fold a piece of blue paper in half and cut wavy lines from the center out about two inches apart. Unfold and glue the paper around the edges to another sheet of paper. Children will be able to slip the basket inside the cut lines to make it look like it is in water. They can also place strips of green paper cut to look like reeds in the slits. Fish patterns and the "God Watched Over Moses" card can be glued on the display.
Baby Moses in an Envelope Basket Craft for Preschool Children

What you will need:
4 3/8" x 5 3/4" Invitation Envelopes
Chenille Stems (Pipe Cleaners)
Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils
Green, Brown and Blue Paper (Optional)
Scissors (Wavy Blade if You Have Them)
Glue Stick
Felt or Material
Craft Spoon or Flat Clothespin
How to Make the Baby Moses in an Envelope Basket Craft:
1. Before class make a sample craft. Cut the top flap off of the envelope.
2. Draw a curved line around the front, top edge of the envelope and then draw a mirror image of the curve on top of the first curve. Use a pencil so you can erase in case you don't get it quite right the first time.
3. Fold back the bottom two corners of the envelope as shown in the diagram and tape them back.
4. In class have your children color the envelope to look like a basket.
5. Glue a Chenille stem to the inside of the basket for a handle. (If you don't have Chenille stems, you can use paper or yarn.)
6. Have your children draw faces on the craft spoon or clothespin to make the baby and then roll tissue or other material around the baby for a blanket and then place it in the basket.
7. You can also make a display for the craft. Fold a piece of blue paper in half and cut wavy lines from the center out about two inches apart. Unfold and glue the paper around the edges to another sheet of paper. Children will be able to slip the basket inside the cut lines to make it look like it is in water. They can also place strips of green paper cut to look like reeds in the slits. You can also cut fish shapes or use fish stickers to place in the "water".
8. Have children reenact the story of Moses, and talk about how Miriam watched over him from a distance.
©2016, Jan. 30, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
Baby Moses in a Basket Paper Plate Craft for Sunday School

What you will need:
Regular-sized Paper Plates
Water Color Paints and Paint Brushes
Green Construction Paper
Crayons, Magic Markers, or Colored Pencils
Low Temperature Glue Gun
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
How to Make the Baby Moses in a Paper Plate Basket Craft:
1. Cut a paper plate in half but not straight across. Make a slight curve in the plate so that one side is concave and the other convex. Cut a sun shade or cover from another paper plate so that you have a back and front piece.
2. Glue the tops on the basket pieces and then glue the sides together to form the basket.
3. Cut a slit in the center of another paper plate so that the basket fits inside the slit.
4. Paint the basket and bottom paper plate and glue them together.
5. Draw a Baby Moses on card stock, color it, cut it out, and then glue it to the inside of the basket. Children can also place a paper napkin in the basket for the baby's blanket (not pictured). (A printable pattern for the Baby Moses is available to members on The Resource Room.)
6. To finish cut long strips of green paper into reed shapes and glue them to the paper plate.
©2013, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
Moses in a Basket Bible Craft for Sunday School
Punch holes all around the sides of the basket. Have your children lace string through they holes so that they lace two baskets together.
Cut out around Moses' hands and chin (but leave his shoulders connected) so that they fit over the basket and look like he is holding on.
©2016, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
Miriam and Baby Moses Paper Doll Craft
Children color the paper doll Miriam and hang baby Moses in a basket on her arm. Use the paper doll to act out the Bible story.
What you will need:
White Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Colored Pencils or Crayons
How to Make the Craft Stick Dolls:
1. Before class print out the Miriam paper doll pattern and Baby Moses in a basket pattern onto card stock.
Available to members on the Bible lesson "You Can do Important Things" or as an instant download.
Instant Download Pattern - - Patterns include two different Baby Moses patterns, fish patterns, and note paper.
2. Cut out the patterns. Cut around Miriam's hand and arm and cut out the inside of the handle of the basket so it can be hung on Miriam's arm.
3. In class have your children color the Miriam and Baby Moses in the basket pieces. When they are done bend the tab at the bottom of the Miriam paper doll into a circle towards the back of the paper doll and glue or tape the tabs together to make a stand.
4. As they color ask your children how they help at home and school.
5. When they are finished encourage your children to act out the story using their paper dolls.
©2016, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
Help the Princess Find Baby Moses Card Game
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"I Can Do Important Things" Book
Children draw pictures of important things they can do at home, at school, in their neighborhood, and at church.
When your children are finished have them share their picture with the class and see if the children can guess what the pictures represent.
©2007, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
Dear Danielle's Place, I teach Sunday school at a very small church. It is the only activity we have for the children in our church. I feel honored to be chosen to teach the class. I found your site a few months ago and ever since, I use it every week! Thank for having such inspiring ideas. I know "my" children are better off because of your site. Praise God, Brook Breed
Learn the Bible Verse Game

(Younger or Older Children) Before class print out the basket patterns (Available of The Resource Room) onto card stock. Cut them out and glue the patterns back to back. In class turn over all the baskets so that the side with the blankets are showing. Let your children take turns guessing which basket Baby Moses is in. Play like the old shell game, mixing up the baskets while the children try to follow the one that Moses is in. If a child guesses correctly, the next child takes a turn. If a child is wrong, he or she has to say the memory verse and then try again until he or she finds the right basket.
Play a "Find Baby Moses" Game
(Younger Children) Tell the children that you are going to play a game. One of them will be Moses' mother and she will hide Baby Moses. The other children will pretend to be the princess (if you would like you could have them wear crowns or make crowns to use in this game. You may be able to get crowns from Burger King). Send all the children out of the room except "Baby Moses' mother". Help the child hide the baby. If you have a very small room and not many hiding places for a real baby doll, you can use the craft picture of Baby Moses and tape the baby under chairs and table and on the walls. When the baby is hidden, call the "princesses in to find Baby Moses". Whoever finds the baby gets to hide him. Play until every child gets a turn. If you think this activity will get too noisy, you can have a Baby Moses hidden before class and when activity time comes tell them to find the baby.
Pretend to be the Princess
Have the children wear the crowns they made and look for baby Moses which is hidden somewhere in the room.
Play a Sink or Float Game
Bring in a bunch of small toys and objects, some that float and some that don't. Pass out one toy or object per child, (Make sure when you pass them out that they know they can't keep them, if that is the case, or just pick objects that the children won't be interested in like pencils, nuts and bolts, etc.) Remind them that Moses' mother put tar all over the basket to make it float in the water before you start the game. Call one child at a time and ask him if he thinks his object will float on top of the water like Baby Moses' basket or sink. Then let him or her drop it into a bucket of water to see if he or she was correct.
Baby Moses in a Jell-O Cup
I made some blue Jell-O and put it in individual clear plastic cups. (This represents the river.) Next, I let the children squirt a mound of canned whipping cream on top. They pushed it down in the center with the bowl of a spoon. (This made the basket.) Next, they put a green grape in the indentation (This was the body of the baby.) A banana slice made up the face of the baby. Finally, we added thin pretzel sticks around 1/2 of the edge of the Jell-O (These were the bulrushes.) The kids really loved it and talked about it for months. All the moms had to go out and get blue Jell-O and all the fixings so they could do it again at home.
Sock Baby Moses
I work with 3-4 year old children and they love the Baby Moses story. For a craft we take brown paper lunch bags and cut them off about two-inches from the bottom so they look like little baskets. Next I take some of my young son's old socks (cleaned and bleached!), stuff the toe area with cotton balls, give it a twist and then pull the ribbed area over the twist.
Thus we have the baby's head with a blanket. I glue on doll hair on the toe area (doll hair from any craft store) before class. Each child decorates his/her "basket" and then we use markers to make the eyes, happy or sad face and then they run the markers up and down the sock ribbing to make a stripped blanket. We put our babies in the baskets and send them down the river (slide them down a table). Sent in by Trish Juranitch
*Directions on how to make sock babies can be found on the Sock Doll Crafts for Kids Page. When making them for young children, you can make them without the arms and legs and just have the children wrap a cloth around the baby.
©2007, Digital by Design - See Copyright Information
God Gives Us Families, The Story of Moses, Miriam and Aaron
God Gives Us Families Printable Book
God Gives Us Families!

Families are for having fun!
Families are for helping us grow.
Families are for loving.
Families are for cuddling!
Families are for are for helping.
Families are for comforting.
Families are for enjoying.
Families are for laughing.
Families are for making good memories!
Families are for being together!
Families are for cherishing.
Families are for hugging.
Families are for caring.
Families are for sharing!
Families are for learning.
Families are for forgiving.
Families are for praying.
God gives us families!
Thank god for families!
The pages for this book are available to members only and go with the Sunday School lesson "God Gives Us Families".
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc . - See Copyright Information
God Gives Us Families Activity Sheet
This activity sheet comes with a background pattern and pictures of families.
Children pick pictures that remind them of their families and glue them to the background sheet.
They can also draw pictures of their own families and add them to the sheet.
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc . - See Copyright Information
Moses Hides from Pharaoh Sunday School Lesson
Go to Moses Crafts Page 2
Moses and the Burning Bush Bible Lesson
"Moses is Called to Help the Israelites" Sunday School Lesson
The following Crafts and Activities come from The Resource Room. A Complete Lesson is available to members. In this lesson a child acts out the lesson as the teacher reads the story.
Moses and the Plagues of Egypt Bible Lesson, Crafts, and Activity Ideas
"God Will Help Me" (Lesson for Younger Children)
Moses Crosses the Red Sea Bible
Lesson and Craft Ideas
Go to the Moses Parts the Red Sea Bible Crafts Page for more crafts and activity ideas.
Moses - The Israelites Complain about
Manna Bible Lesson
This lesson is available on The Resource Room a subscription site. The following crafts and activity ideas come from The Resource Room:
Moses and the Ten Commandments Bible Crafts and Review Games
Ten Commandment Crafts and Games
Thank you for your response and instructions. Danielle's Place is a gift of creativity, innovation, and just sheer fun! Teaching Sunday School is so much better because of your resource. Blessings, E. Henderson
Moses Sends Spies to Canaan
Grasshoppers and Giants! Bible Lesson
Moses sends Joshua and Kaleb and the other spies to check out Canaan - Sometimes we feel like grasshoppers in a world of giants like the spies sent to check out Canaan in this story. When we feel this way we should remember everything that God has done for us. He will give us the strength to deal with our fears and problems.
This lesson is available for preschool and older children. This is part of the ABC, I Believe Series of Lessons that includes writing, cursive and print, and other activities. Crafts include a 3D paper grasshopper or a grasshopper made from an egg carton, or a color and activity sheet. Activities include making grasshopper cookies or a batch of grasshopper guts. Children will also enjoy playing Grasshopper Bopper with balls. Just draw a grasshopper face on the balls and have the children bounce the ball and say a word from the Bible verse each time it bounces.
©2006, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information

I have been using your lesson and crafts for over a year now. I have never wrote to you before. But God impressed me to let you know how grateful I am. I don't know what I would do without your web site. I teach Sunday School to ages 3 to 5 year old. Our church is small and we have a very limited budget. I can always count on you to have something I can use for ever lesson I teach. The children love your crafts. Thank you for all your hard work. You are God sent. Respectfully, Kathy
I love your web site. I am teaching 4 & 5 year olds. I have taught Sunday School for years. I never really liked the teaching material but I used it because I wasn't sure where to get really great stuff. I found your web site when I was looking for a craft for Joseph and his coat of many colors. You have great ideas and have been a real blessing to me. I have taken your ideas and used them in my teaching. I also incorporated flannel graphs and other ideas that I have come up with. I think you have inspired my creativity and brought me a new desire to teach. Thank you for your ministry. Sincerely, Lynn S.