Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson for Childrens Ministry
Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 8 - Meekness
Color a Bible Verse Picture for Meekness
Bible Verse Mango Craft
What you will need:
Shades of Orange, Yellow and Red Paper
Green Paper
Elmer's Paper Glue or Glue Sticks
Cardboard (Optional)
What to do:
1. Before class print out the mango shape patterns onto shades of orange, yellow and red paper and cut them out.
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2. Print out the leaf patterns onto green paper and cut them out.
3. In class place all the shapes in the center of the table.
4. Tell your children to find five different mango shapes that are all different sizes and then glue them together, one on top of the other so that the Bible verse can be seen on each layer. Tell them to read the Bible verse on each shape before gluing them to the other shapes.
(You can make this more of a 3-D mango by gluing small pieces of cardboard between each of the layers so that the layers stand out from each other.)
5. To finish glue on a stem and leaf.
Make Edible Squirmy Worms
How to make:
1. Before class wash and dry the grapes. Cut carrots into tiny slivers for the antennas. Use an electric mixer to cream the cream cheese at room temperature with some marshmallow cream to taste.
2. In class give each child a paper plate, a cheese slice, four or five grapes and a glob of the cream cheese mixture. Show your children how dip a grape in the cream cheese and stick it together with another grape. Tell them to stick all the grapes together to from Squirmy worm.
3. Poke two holes in the first grape where the antennas should go. Place to slivers of carrot in the holes to form antennas.
4. Place the larger grape head in front of the row of grapes.
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Make Graham Cracker Mango Treats
What to do:
1. Before class whip up cream cheese that is at warm temperature. Whip in powdered sugar to taste.
2. In class give each student a Graham cracker broken in half. Have them spread the cream cheese mixture over a half Graham cracker and place the other half on top, and then spread cream cheese on top and sprinkle with cut up mangos.
Balloon Bible Verse Review Game
Before class blow up some balloons and write one word of the Bible verse on each balloon. (Use only part of the verse for younger children.)
Go over the verse several times. Play some music and have the children hit all the balloons up into the air. When the music stops tell the children to hold onto a balloon. Write the first word of the verse on the board and ask the children to check their balloons to see if they have the balloon with that word. The child who has the balloon should place it in front of the room and then sit down.
Start the music again and have the rest of the children hit the balloons up in the air. Stop the music and have the child that is holding the balloon with the next word on it place it in front of the room and then sit down. Keep playing like this until all the balloons are in front of the room.
"Meekness is not being Weakness" Coloring Sheet
In class have your children color sheet.
Discuss what it means to be meek. Many people think that being meek is a bad thing; that if you are meek you are weak. But meekness isn't weakness. To be meek means that you realize that everything you are, all your abilities and accomplishments, come from God. He created us and gave us those abilities. It is being humble.
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Play Fruit of the Spirit Match Game

This game will help your children learn the Fruit of the Spirit. Available in both KJV and NIV.
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Fruit of the Spirit Ideas from Readers:
My daughters were having a hard time (as we all do sometimes) exercising the Fruit of the Spirit. I printed off some fruit pictures and printed a Fruit of the Spirit on each one of the fruit. I then found a basket picture in a clipart program of mine and attached a small magnet to the back of it and to each of the fruit pieces and stuck it on my refrigerator. As my children exemplified a certain fruit during the day, I told them they could go to the refrigerator and place that fruit in their basket (They each had their name printed on their basket.) The goal was to see who could fill up their basket during the day. It worked very well ! Kerrie Wade
Make a Fruit of the Spirit Lapbook to go along with these lessons - 1+1+1=1 Blog has a picture and directions on how she made a lapbook using the printouts from these lessons.
Fruit of the Spirit on The Resource Room
“Fruit of the Spirit” Lesson for Older Children - Children learn about how the Holy Spirit helps us to become more like Jesus. They learn that as we grow in Christ the Holy Spirit helps us to produce fruit that is pleasing and glorifies God.