God Made Me Bible Lesson - 7
Lesson 6 - My Happy Heart
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "God Made Me - My Happy Heart available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Teaching Concept: God created us to do good things. He made us to glorify him and he wants us to have a happy heart. We can be happy when we make God our Lord, obey him, pray, and give thanks.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV -
"God Made Me" Poster with Bible Verse
Children color the picture and glue the words in the correct box. They can also glue on a felt heart or happy face sticker over the heart in the picture.
(To view the complete lesson on The Resource Room and print out the patterns click on the link to this lesson above.)
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
My Happy Heart - Heart with Wings and Bible Verse Paper Craft
Children glue wing patterns onto the back of the heart shape with Psalm 63:7b Bible verse, "Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings." They then tie ribbons to the heart to make pendants.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
Path to a Happy Heart Craft

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Construction paper
Scissors and Glue.
What to do:
1. Print out the pattern on to colored card stock.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
2. If you have younger children, glue the heart pattern onto a piece of construction paper and let them glue fun foam shapes on the background.
If you have older children, they may want to make a 3D picture. Have them cut on the heart shape starting at the bottom of the page. When they have cut out the whole heart shape, turn the page over and tape the bottom cut edge closed. Then glue the page onto a piece of construction paper around the edges. Do not glue the heart shape down.
4. Glue little squares or rolled up paper to the back of the heart in the middle of the picture and to the construction paper behind it so that the middle heart stands about a half an inch above the construction paper background.
“God Made Me” Book Page 10
Pick one of the two options below.
Cut-and-Paste Activity Page 10
What you will need:
Crayons or Markers
Colored Paper
What to do:
1. Print out the page and make copies.
2. In class have your students cut out heart shapes and glue them on the page. Then have them draw happy faces and write things that make them happy on the heart shapes.
"My Happy Heart" Coloring Activity Page 10
What you will need:
Colored Pencils, Markers, or Crayons
Pencils or Pens
What to do:
1. Before class print out the activity sheets and make copies.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
2. In class have your students color the hearts and then write things that make them happy on the hearts.
Play "Pin the Happy Heart on the Child" Bible Lesson Review Game
What you will need:
Printer Paper
How to Make:
1. Before class, print out the game patterns. Tape the two patterns together to make the boy poster. Tape the poster to the wall. (These patterns are available in color and black and white.)
2. Print out the heart patterns and cut them out. Write your students' names on the hearts and place rolled-up pieces of tape on the back of the hearts.
Instant Digital Download - KJV -
Instant Digital Download - NIV -
3. Give each child a heart and a piece of tape. Let them take turns trying to "pin the heart" to the child so that the heart is on the heart in the picture. Before a child takes his turn, have him say one thing that makes their heart happy. The child who gets their heart closest to the heart in the picture wins.
Happy Heart Pins or Necklaces
Print out heart shapes onto red card stock (Heavy Paper) and cut them out. Have your children draw a happy face on one side. Have them think of one thing they can be thankful for and write it on the other side of the heart. Roll up a piece of tape and tape it to the back of the hearts and to the children's clothes. Or punch holes in the hearts and tie a string on so they can wear them as necklaces. (To view the complete lesson on The Resource Room and print out the patterns click on the link to this lesson above.)
Home School Materials are also Included in this Lesson, Including Art Ideas:
Cutting Heart Shapes
Show your children how to fold a piece of paper in half and cut half a heart shape on the fold. Unfold the paper to show them the whole shape. Have them practice making hearts.