Butterfly and Caterpillar Crafts Page 3
Butterfly and Caterpillar Learning Activities
Monarch Butterfly Coloring and Activity Sheet and Poster
Children study Monarch butterflies and then write facts about Monarchs on the sheet and then color the stages of the butterfly to match pictures they have studies.
This download also includes full-page printable Monarch Butterfly Poster.
Movable Inchworm Craft

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Brass Fasteners
Hole Punch
Colored Pencils, Crayons, or Markers
What to do:
1. Print out the moveable inchworm pattern onto heavy paper.
2. Cut out the body parts and have your children color them.
3. When they are finished punch holes in the parts with a hole punch and connect the parts with brass fasteners.
This craft was sent in by Sheila McClain.