Christmas Crafts - Jesus, Best Gift
Jesus - The Best Gift of All Bible Lesson with Bible Crafts and Bible Games
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Jesus, the Best Gift of All". A complete lesson with all the crafts and activities on this page is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Teaching Concept: The happiness we feel when we receive our gifts at Christmas doesn't last very long. There is only one perfect gift that will never disappoint us - the gift of salvation through Jesus.
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Matchbox Manger and Baby Jesus with Sheep Craft
Use this matchbox manger craft to remind children that Jesus is the best gift of all! Children color the sheep and Baby Jesus, cut up yellow paper to make hay, and glue the star to the top of the matchbox. They can store the Baby Jesus and sheep in the closed matchbox. You can also provide wrapping paper so your students can wrap the box to make a gift.
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Jesus, God's Gift to the World
This craft goes along with the Sunday School lesson "The Best Gift of All" on The Resource Room.
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The picture says, "Baby Jesus so sweet and small, you're the best gift of all!" Children color the picture, glue pieces of yellow yarn on the manger, tie a ribbon on the manger and then glue on a bow.
©2001, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Free Baby Jesus in a Manger Envelope Craft
This is a great craft to use when you want to recycle old envelopes.
What you will need:
Letter-size Envelopes
Crayons and Markers
Straw Colored Yarn, Tissue Paper, or Yellow Paper
Glue Sticks
How to Make the Envelope Manger Craft:
1. Print out the envelope template and use it to cut the envelopes into a manger and stable scene.
2. Print out the Baby Jesus patterns and cut them out. In class have the children color the mangers and baby Jesus. If you don't have a baby Jesus pattern, you can use a craft stick or clothespin. Cut the stick in half and draw a face on one end. Wrap some material around the bottom for the blanket.
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3. Place the baby Jesus in the manager and use a glue stick to secure it.
4. Cut up short pieces of yarn. Have the children glue the yarn inside the manager around Jesus.
This craft goes along with the Sunday School Lesson "The Best Gift of All" on The Resource Room. In this lesson children learn that the joy we feel when we receive gifts at Christmas is only temporary. There is only one perfect gift that will never disappoint us, the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. This lesson comes complete with more crafts and activity sheets and games to help reinforce the biblical concepts and the Bible verse.
©2001, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Variations of this Craft Made by Users

Adventures in Homeschooling used a clothespin for Baby Jesus and real straw to make this version of the craft.
Sunshine's View used a simple oval shape for Jesus

Make Baby Jesus out of a craft spoon (as shown) so children can play act the nativity story!
Follow the directions above to make the envelope manger. Cut a blanket shape from felt, material, or tissue.
Use long strips of craft foam or felt to make hay.
Preschool children will love rolling their Baby Jesus in a blanket and placing him in a soft bed of hay in his envelope manger.
©2001, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Best Gift Bible Verse Review Game

Before class the teacher writes words from the Bible verse on the back of the gifts and tapes the picture of Baby Jesus in the manger on the back of one gift. In class children take turning turning over one gift to see if the picture of Baby Jesus is hidden underneath. If the gift has a word on it, the child places the word in order to spell out the Bible verse. Pattern available to members only.
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©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Jesus in a Manger Activity Sheet

This craft goes along with the Sunday School Lesson "The Best Gift of All" on The Resource Room.
Children color the picture of the manger and Baby Jesus, glue feathers in the manger, and then glue Jesus on the soft feathers.
Also use this craft as a game. Play "Pin the Feather on the Manger" just like "Pin the Tail on the Donkey".
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