Dog Crafts and Learning Activities For Kids
How to Make Crafts and Activities Relating to Dogs
Paw Prints Poem for Dog Lovers
Add a picture of the owner's dog, and dog's paw prints and this "Happy Adoption Day!" printout will make a great gift for any new dog owner.
Paw Prints
Sometimes you get discouraged because I don't come when you call
And I leave my tiny paw prints on your furniture and walls.
But I am quickly growing learning to listen and obey
Soon I'll be your trusted companion shadowing you throughout the day.
So here's my tiny paw prints for you to hang on your wall,
They can be a reminderthat love and patience is good for us all.
©2012, Carolyn Warvel
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - You may use this poem for non-commercial use, but you must include the copyright and web address. Please do not publish it on other web sites or blogs.
Free - Scottie Dog Shapes Paper Craft with Moving Tongue - Experimenting with Shapes
Children will enjoy experimenting with shapes to make a unique dogs. They can cut out the shapes and glue them together to make a dog running, sitting, or walking. Have your children see how many different poses they can come up with.

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Crayons or Markers
Hole Punch
Brass Brad
What to do:

1. Print out the patterns onto card stock (Heavy Paper)
2. Cut out the patterns and color them.
3. If you want to add a moveable tongue to the head pattern, punch a hole in the head pattern and the tongue pattern on the "Xs". Attach the tongue to the head pattern with a brass brad.

4. To finish the head, fold in the tabs on the sides and place glue on them. Then fold the pattern in half pressing down on the glued area. Glue ears, eyes, eyebrows, and a nose to the head. Glue the head to the body rectangle.
You can also make the dog stand up if you cut a rectangle twice the size of the pattern and fold it in half. The folded side is the dog's back. Glue two legs to each side of the dog.
You can also use a brad to make the dog's tongue moveable. Place a note or other important message in its mouth as a reminder to do something. Have your children make notes about what they are learning or write messages and place them in the dog's mouth and take them home to share with their parents.
©2011, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
We would love to hear how you use this craft. Email us and tell us your ideas and we will publish your ideas here.
Suggested Books to go along with this craft:
"Just Dog" by Kiawyn Oram
Dog wanted a name. Everyone called him just Dog, but he wanted a special name like Digger or Barker. He did everything he could think of to get their attention.
He dug in the yard so they would call him "Digger", and he barked at everything so they would call him "Barker", but none of his efforts paid off. All they called him was "Bad Dog" and "Be quiet, Dog". Finally he decided to think and come up with a better plan. Dog realized he was getting the wrong kind of attention and instead did things to help and behaved himself. Soon his owners started to notice. He was so good that they decided to give him a "good dog's name", but when they started thinking of names like "Sweetheart", "Honeybuns", or "Pudding Face" Dog just couldn't help it and started barking his head off. Those weren't the kinds of names he wanted and decided he was happy with just "Dog" after all.
Discussion Questions for the Book
1. What is your dog's name?
2. How did your dog get its name?
3. Do you think your dog likes its name?
4. Did your dog earns its name?
5. What would be a better name for your dog?
6. Do you know how to spell your dog's name?
7. Where did you get your dog?
8. What part of the story is depicted on the cover of the book?
9. Have you ever done something you weren't supposed to do to get attention? What were the consequences?
10. What did Dog do to get positive attention and a name? What can you do to get positive attention instead of negative attention? Help your child come up with a better plan.
11. When do you like to get attention or have your parents notice you?
Stand-up Dogs Craft - Eight Different Breeds with Information Sheets!

Children will enjoy creative play with these stand-up dogs. They can set up their own pet shop and hand out information about each bread, or advise their customers about what bread would be best for them.
Encourage your children to make a pet store sign and stock their store with animals and pet supplies. Provide play money, a cash register, and other things that might make it look more like a pet store.
If you aren't familiar with the breeds of dog, find pictures them on the Internet and encourage your child to color them according to how each bread actually looks.

What you will need:
Card Stock
Paper Glue (Elmer's Rubber Cement)
Colored Pencils
How to Make The Stand-up Dogs:

1. Print out on the patterns onto card stock. Some of the patterns can be printed on a black and white printer to save money.
Dog Breads include: Poodle, Basset Hound, Westie, Dalmatian, Dachshund, Cocker Spaniel, Scottie Dog, and Bull Terrier.
2. Color the tongues red.
3. Cut the lines that have been highlighted with red as shown in the picture to the right, and the outline of the dog.

4. Fold up on the center dotted line (Picture Number 2 on left). The printed side of the pattern will not be visible.
5. Fold the two tabs down at the neck and the two dotted lines on the dog's back (Picture Number 3 on right.) down so the the printed side of the pattern is now visible.

6. Glue the fold closed. You can also staple the fold from the inside to make it more secure.
7. Glue the tabs together at the neck. If there are no tabs just glue the top part of the neck closed.
8. Glue one tail to the inside of one side of the body pattern and then glue the other to the other side matching the tail up. Glue the ends of the tails together.
9. Glue a head to one side of the body and then the other head to the opposite side matching them up.
Paw Print Drinking Straw Frame Craft for Kids

What you will need:
Cardboard from a Cereal Box or Other Box
Ruler, Pencil, Tape, and Scissors
How to Make Paw Print Drinking Straw Frame:
1. Cut a piece of cardboard 8" x 8" and then measure in 2" on each side and cut out the 4" x 4" square in the middle of the cardboard.
2. Start at the left side of the frame and work to the right. Place glue all along the left edge and in about 2". Pull out the bendable part to make the straws as long as possible. Place the first straw at the left edge of the frame. Place another straw up against the first straw, but place it so that the bendable ridges are on the opposite sides of the frame. If you are using straws without the bendable part, you don't have to worry about this. Keep the straws even at the top of the frame. When the glue dries you can cut off the straws at the bottom of the frame. Keep placing straws all the way across, covering small sections of the frame with glue at a time.
3. While the frame dries you can print out the Paw Prints Pattern, below. Print them on different colors of paper and cut them out leaving some color around the edges.
4. To finish glue the paw prints to the frame and tape a picture to the back.
©2008, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Paw Print Patterns
The paw print patterns are available to members and as a digital download. This download includes eight pages of both black paw prints and white paw prints. Print them on colored paper to make different colored paw prints. Included:
One page 3/4" black paw prints
One page 3/4" white paw print
One page of 1 1/2" black paw prints
One page of 1 1/2" white paw prints
One page of 1 1/2" both black and white paw prints
One page of 2 1/2" white paw prints
One page of 3 3/4" white paw prints
One page of 5 1/2" white paw prints
"Give a Dog a Bone" Foam Cup Dog Craft and Math Learning Activity for Preschool

What you will need:
16 oz. and 8.5 oz Foam Cup
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Black Pompom for the Nose
Pink Paper
Tacky Glue or Tape
Black Sharpie Marker
How to Make the Foam Cup Dog
1. To make the dog's head and mouth squeeze the top of the smaller cup to make creases at the sides of the cup as shown in the picture.
2. Turn the large cup upside down and glue the smaller cup sideways onto the bottom of the larger cup as shown in the picture.
3. Draw ear shapes, arm shapes and bone shapes onto the white card stock and cut them out. Glue the ears to the sides of the smaller cup and the arms to the larger cup under the head.
4. Glue a black pompom onto the top, rim of the "head" cup.
5. Cut a large tongue from pink paper and glue it to the inside of the smaller cup.
6. To finish draw feet and eyes onto the cups with a permanent marker.
Math Counting Activity for Preschool Children
Give ten children in your class a paper bone shape and sing the "This Old Man" song. When you get to the part "give a dog a bone" have one child put a bone in the dog's mouth. As the child places the bone in the dog's mouth the other children should continue singing. When they sing "This old man came rolling home" have them make a rolling motion with their hands moving their hands around each other in front of them. When you are finished with the song have your children help you count all the bones in the dog's mouth by taking one out at a time.
"I Have Fleas" Printable Itty Bitty Book

I Have Fleas!
A flea!
How could that be?
There is a flea on me!
Can you see?
There's a flea on me.
It's smaller than a pea.
That flea, he doesn't know me.
I hate fleas!
They are worse than a disease.
Wouldn't you agree?
Oh, no, now there are three!
This just can't be.
Give me a bath, ASAP!
The pattern for this book are available to members only.
©2010, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Faithful Dog Pringles Potato Chip Bank or Word Review Game

What you will need: Small Pringles Potato Chip Cans with Lids, White Card Stock, Glue or Tape, and Crayons or Colored Pencils.
What to do:
1. Before class print out the patterns, make copies and cut them out. Cut out the inside of the mouth of the dog.
2. Center the dog face on the lid of the can and trace around the inside of the mouth. Use an Exacto knife to cut out the part you traced.
3. In class have your children color the dog patterns and then glue the head to the lid and the feet to the bottom of the can.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
3D Folded Paper Dog Crafts for Kids

Children will love playing with these stand-up dog figures.

Patterns include a Dalmatian, Basset Hound, Scottie Dog, Poodle, and a Bulldog.
Patterns and directions for these dogs are available on The Resource Room. They go with the Sunday School Lesson Series "Watchdogs". In this series of five lessons children learn that they should keep watch over what they say and do.
This craft is also available as a instant digital download:
Includes 11 Pages - 5 different dog breeds in black and white for coloring and colored patterns.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Expanding Rhyming Words Book

Children learning to read will enjoy making this book. Fold the book and help your child think of words that rhyme with dog such as: log, jog, hog, fog, bog, frog, and smog.
Write the words above the dog. As your child opens the book, have him read the words until he can do it without missing any.
A pattern and direction for this craft is available on The ABC, I Believe Lessons.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
No More Whining Dog Craft
This dog craft can be used to teach your child not to whine. Whenever your child whines, you can write a message about what he or she was whining about on a small piece of paper and place it in the dog's mouth.
If he or she whines too much, the dog will have a hard time holding all the messages.
Take the messages out every night and talk about whining.
Tell your child that if he or she makes it a whole day without whining, he or she can place a dog bone in the dog's mouth instead of the whining messages. Give your child a reward when they get a certain amount of dog bones to feed the dog.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Dog Crafts on Other Pages
Also see Dog Crafts for Kids - Page 2
More Dog Crafts
Also see Dog Crafts For Kids - Page 2