Father's Day Crafts Page 4
DIY Father's Day Projects for Children
"Dad, I Love You Beary Much" Bear Craft
What you will need:
Brown or white card stock (heavy paper), scissors, glue and colored pencils
What to do:
1. Print out the patterns onto brown or white card stock and cut them out.
2. Color the patterns with colored pencils.
3. Fold the bodies in half and glue on the head patterns.
©2017, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Dad, I Love You to Pieces" Father's Day Card

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Large Puzzle Pieces from a Child's Puzzle. You Can also Buy Blank Puzzle Pieces at Craft Stores
Acrylic Paint in Different Colors
Permanent Markers
How to Make a "Dad, I Love You to Pieces" Father's Card Made with Puzzle Pieces:
1. Turn your puzzle pieces over and paint at least two coats of acrylic paint on each piece.
2. Write "Dad, I Love You to Pieces" on a piece of card stock.
3. Glue the puzzle pieces on the paper with the saying and then write things on the puzzle pieces that make your Dad special such as "You are patient, kind, gentle, listen to me, etc."
©2008, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
What you will need: Paper, Colored Pencils, Markers or Crayons
The inside of the card says,
You're level-headed.
You're as sharp as a tack.
You make sure I measure up.
You hold me tight when I am scared.
You straighten me out when I do something wrong.
And you're just a little bit nutty!"
Written by Carolyn Warvel
Instant Digital Download - - Two Patterns: One for Dad and one for Mom.
It is illegal to copy this material and publish it on another web site even if you include the author and copyright.
©2008, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Free "Dad, I'm Nuts About You!" Father's Day Card Craft

What you will need:
Colored Computer Paper
Black Construction Paper
Peanut-colored Construction Paper
How to Make This Printable Father's Day Card:
1. Print out the peanut patterns onto peanut-colored construction paper and cut them out.
2. Glue a colorful piece of paper to a black piece of construction paper.
3. Glue the arms and legs onto the peanut man and glue it onto the colorful paper.
4. Write "Dad, I'm nuts about you!" or something similar on the picture and then glue the small peanuts around the outside of the picture.
©2009, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Dad, You're the Apple of My Eye. I Love You to the Core!" Card

What you will need:
White Paper
Colored Construction Paper
An Apple Cut in Half
Red and Green Paint
How to Make a "Dad, You're the Apple of My Eye. I Love You to the Core!" Card for Father's Day:
1. Fold a piece of white paper in half to make a card. At the bottom of the page write, "Dad, you're the apple of my eye. I love you to the core!"
2. Cut the apple in half lengthwise. Squirt some red paint onto a paper plate. Use the apple as a rubber stamp. Rub the apple around in the paint until the cut side is covered with paint. Then stamp the apple onto the front of the card.
3. Use your finger tip to make a worm, and paint a stem and leaves on the top of the apple. Let the paint dry then use a marker to add eyes, legs, and antennae to the worm.
4. To finish glue the picture onto a piece of construction paper.
©2005, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information

Logan had fun pressing a sliced apple on a stamp pad to make this card. Use kid-safe ink as Logan's father learned that toddlers can be impulsive when it comes to eating apples.
You can watch Logan making this craft with his dad on Logan's Life to see how your child might like this craft.

What you will need:
Cupcake Wrappers
8" x 8" Piece of Tissue Paper
Printer Paper
Hole Punch
Ingredients to Make Cookies
How to make a "Cookie Filled with Love" Father's Day Craft:
1. Print out the "Cookie Filled with Love Poem" Pattern onto pink paper or print it out on a heart shape. *Note - You must include the author of the poem if you are copying the poem.
Cookie Filled With Love Written by Carolyn Warvel
I made this special cookie just for you.
It’s to thank you for all you do.
I Added lots of sugar because you’re so sweet.
You deserve this delicious treat.
A little bit of vanilla because you add flavor to my days.
I can’t even begin to count the ways.
A teaspoon of cinnamon to spice up the dough.
Because you always pick me up when I feel low.
I’ve also added some things you cannot see,
But they’re important, I’m sure you’ll agree:
A cup of love and some great big hugs
But let’s hope there aren’t any bugs!
It is illegal to copy this poem and place it on another web site even if you include the author's name.
2. Make your favorite oatmeal cookies or other cookies that includes vanilla and cinnamon. Don't forget to throw in some love and hugs!
3. When the cookies are cool place one in a cup cake wrapper and place it in the middle of the piece of tissue paper. Bring up the sides of the tissue paper and tie with a ribbon.
4. Punch a hole in the heart-shaped poem and string the ribbon through the hole and tie it in a bow.
©2008, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Dad Rocks" Paper Weight Craft

What you will need:
Small Rounded River Stones, (I found some at Wal-Mart by the house plants)
A Large Flat River Rock
Acorn Cap
Liquid Chalk Markers
Tacky Glue or Super Glue
Tiny Googly Eyes
How to Make a "Dad Rocks" Paper Weight for Father's Day
1. Find small oval-shaped river rocks of different sizes to represent your family. Use a big rock for Dad, a little bit smaller one for Mom, and then smaller rocks to represent each person in your family.
2. Wash the rocks and let them dry. Glue the rocks to a large flat river rock with super glue. (This should be done by adults.)
3. Write "Dad, You Rock!" on the large rock with liquid chalk markers.
4. Glue tiny googly eyes on each rock, and add an acorn cap to the father rock for a hat.
©2015, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
You can find more Father's Day Crafts on: