Emotions and Feelings
Printables, Crafts, and Learning Activities Relating to Emotions
Emoji Printables
Nine Printable Emojis
Use these creative writing activities to encourage children to talk about their emotions, to be more aware of how they are feeling and to teach them how to express their feelings more effectively in their writing and speech.
Nine emojis include: Happy, sad, angry, confused, scared, surprised, frustrated, shy and embarrassed.
Printables available to members and as an instant download.
Package Includes:
Nine full-page emojis in both color and black and white
Nine five-inch emojis, three per page, in both color and black and white
One page of all nine emojis with words
All Patterns Are Editable - You can add words, change colors, or change sizes.
How to Use These Emojis

Language Arts
1. Use of Emotions in Stories
After reading a story to your students ask them to pick the emojis that relate to the emotions of the characters in the story and then explain why they picked the emojis they selected. Ask them to find the passages in the story that describe the emotion or actions that describe the emotion of the emojis they picked.
(Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)
2. Emoji Story Activity
Give each student three emoji pictures and have them write a short story using the emotions of the emojis they received. (Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)

3. Emoji Puppet Skit
Print out the emojis onto cardstock and cut them out. Glue or tape them to paint sticks or jumbo craft sticks. (Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)
Give three emojis to each student and have them write a short puppet skit using all three emotions and emoji puppets in their skit.
To add an art activity have your students design bodies for their emjoi pupputs.
4. Describing Emotions
Give each student an emoji instructing them not to let anyone else see their emoji. Each student should try to describe their emoji without saying the emotion. For example, a child may say, "My emoji jumps up and down when it sees a present." or "My emoji has red eyes after crying all day." (Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)

5. Emoji Story Writing Activity
Give each student an emoji and have them write a short story on the back of the emoji or glue the emoji to a sheet of lined paper and have them write the story next to the emoji.
(Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)
6. Sharing and Get-to-know-you Activity
Give each child an emoji and have each child describe when he feels like the emoji he has received. For example, if a children receives the happy emoji, he might say, "I am happy when I receive presents." (Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)

7. Synonyms and Dictionary Work
Give each child or group of children an emoji and have them brainstorm words that describe the emoji they received.
(Printable patterns available to members and as an instant download above.)
After your students are done have them look up the Emoji word in the dictionary and find even more synonyms to describe their emoji.
Emotions and Feelings Crafts and Activities on Other Pages