Frog Party Outreach

Have a F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God) Party!
Many of these ideas come from Kathy, one of our subscribers.
Theme verse:
"Trust in the Lord forever, He is our Rock." Isaiah 26:4
Make Frog Rocks

Make frogs out of round rocks. Have the children paint the entire rock with washable green paint. Have some of the rocks painted ahead of time for the smaller ones or the children that don't want to paint. Have the children glue on giant wiggle eyes (25-35mm) after the paint has dried.
Glue the eyes on so that they stick up above the top of the rock.
Use a small piece of red chenille stem for the mouth. Cut webbed feet (in one piece) out of green fun foam and write the memory verse on the bottom of the feet.
Have the children glue the feet to the bottom of rock. The children will love them because they will each have their own distinct personality. If you don't have round rocks in your area, you can buy or probably get some rocks free from landscaping places in your area. (Printable patterns for the legs and flower available to members.)
Frog on a Lily Pad
We did this craft at our apartment ministries, and all the kids seemed to like it. We glued the frogs onto a green paper plate (lily pad) and wrote F.R.O.G. on the plate.
Make a Frog Bookmark
1. Cut a strip of green fun foam for the bookmark.
2. Cut two large green circles, 2 medium white circles and 2 smaller black circles, these are for the eyes.
3. Cut a lighter green half circle of fun foam and glue to the middle for the mouth. Glue a piece of red ribbon under the mouth for a tongue.
4. Punch a hole in the bottom of the bookmark and tie on several pieces of green ribbon.
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Make a Paper Plate Frog

You can find directions for this craft on the Frog Craft Page.
Make a "Fully Rely on God" Bookmark

Potato Frogs
Cut potatoes in half and dip them in green paint. Press them on a piece of paper to make the frogs body. Paint on green legs. When the paint is dry add googly eyes.
Play a Toss Game

Draw frogs of different sizes on a piece of plywood or other board. Cut holes in the frog's mouths. Give points to the children when they throw a beanbags through the holes. The largest holes should be the least amount of points, the smallest the greatest amount of points. Give prizes accordingly.
We can't play outside without disturbing other Sunday School classes, so I am going to have the kids make lily pads from paper plates and glue clear punch glasses onto the plates. They will paint the lily pad plates the week before, and I'll glue gun the clear cups to the plates, then the kids will make their bean bag frogs and play the game indoors. I have a little kids pool and they can all stand in the room and throw their little frogs into the pool on the plates (5 points), or into the cup (10 points).
For another game, we are also going to throw pipe cleaners rings around our frogs and try to "round up" our frogs by throwing the ring over them. I am going to let the kids all throw five rings each, and it is the best of five that will get a prize.
One more thought, we are going to make a frog Tic Tac Toe game. I am going to make these out of felt. Diana Romberg
Play Pass the Frog
Each team will need at least 2 plungers. (You can find these at the dollar store very cheap) Teams must pass a green water-filled balloon from plunger to plunger without dropping the balloon. If you drop the balloon, you must start over. If there are only 2 plungers per side, the last person with the plunger will have to pass the plunger to the next person before that person can be passed the balloon.
Play Pin the Tongue on the Frog Game
You could make a big poster-sized frog and have the kids make long twirl tongues by rolling the paper up on their finger.
Play "Tadpole, Tadpole, Frog!"
Play like "Duck, Duck, Goose."
Play Leap Frog
Take a plastic swimming pool and make floating lily pads. Have the kids throw lightweight plastic frogs and try to get them on the lily pads to score points.
Play a Jellybean Guessing Game
Find a frog mug or frog shaped container (or a regular jar with frog stickers) and fill it with green jellybeans and do a candy guess.
Jump Across the Pond
Make large lily pads from green fun foam. Have the children stand in teams. Give the first person of each team five lily pads. The teams must figure out how to get all their "frogs" (team members) across the pond without stepping in the water. They can pick up the lily pads and place them in front of each other to step on. Any one who steps somewhere other than a lily pad must go back to the beginning. (Make sure the five lily pads don't reach all the way across the pond. Make the pond area big enough so that the "frogs" have to pick up the lily pads and place them in front of each other.
Catching Flies
See who can catch the most flies by tossing raisin up and catching them in their mouths.
Frog Shakes
Make vanilla milkshakes and add green food coloring. Add chocolate chips for flies. Serve on fun foam lily pads that the children have cut out. Then they can use the lily pads to throw like Frisbees when done.
Green Kool-aide
Serve green Kool-aide for a cool drink.
Cookies with Green Icing
Make lily pad shaped cookies and have the children frost them for a cute and tasty treat.
Other Theme Ideas
Fun Crafts and Activities
1. Have the kids wear green.
2. Make green frog sun visors for the workers.
3. Decorate with green balloons
4. Hand out Small Prizes and Gift Bags bought from Amazon.
Fully rely on God
(Tune of "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat")
That is what I'll do
Praise and thank Him every day
Because His love is true!
(Tune of "I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N")
going to F
I'm going to R
I'm going to F-R-O-G fully rely on God
And I will p-r-a-y pray
Each and every d-a-y day
God's there for you e-t-e-r-n-a-l-l-y
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Links to Other FROG Ideas
Children's Ministry has some really cute ideas on this theme.
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