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Start your homeschool day right with this fun and engaging Bible study curriculum.

1. Each lesson is based on a letter of the alphabet, a different animal starting with the letter, and a basic Bible truth.
2. The lessons and activities were designed for kindergarten through third grade. You can use the same lesson for all these levels. The games and activities are made so you can adapt them to your student's needs and academic level.
3. Certificate of Achievement Award Printable - Give these to your students when they have completed all the lessons.
Are you and your children tired of the same old routine? Are you tired of paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork? Put a little excitement into your school day with these fun and creative ideas. You will find included in each Bible lesson:

1. Bible Memorization - Children memorize one Bible verse each week. A printable Bible verse card is included that can be stored in a file box. Having your child memorize Bible verses is one of the greatest things you will ever do for your child. The Bible tells us to hide his words in our hearts so we don't sin against him. When you start each day with Bible reading and memorization, your child learns that loving and obeying God is the most important thing he will ever learn. Verse cards are available in KJV and the NIV.
2. Vocabulary Words - Older children make their own Bible dictionary adding new words each week.
3. Getting Connected Bible Lesson - The lesson is the foundation for the entire week. Children learn a key Bible concept in each lesson and it is reinforced through games and activities throughout the week.
4. Prayer - A sample prayer is included in each lesson.
5. Arts and Crafts - Fun and challenging art activities relating to each lesson. You don't have to buy expensive supplies. Most of the items for these arts and crafts are things that you use every day and many of them use recyclable items.
6. Praising God - Songs and rhymes relating to the lesson. Learning should be fun! Many children learn best through songs; so don't forget to include these fun songs.
7. Printable Animal Stickers - Twently-six animal pictures you can use to help your children reveiw the alphabet, biblical concepts from these lessons, and much more. Print them onto sticker paper and use them as stickers or magnets.

ABC, Animal Printable stickers available to members on The Resource Room.
8. Printable Animal Posters - Twenty-six color animal posters that you can display in your room.
This download includes 26 colored posters that can be displayed in your room and 26 black and white pictures. Your students can color them to help them learn the alphabet. Join The Resource Room to access the ABC Printable Animal Poster and Coloring Sheets for an engaging and educational experience! Alternatively, you can purchase the download from our instant digital download store.
A - Ant - "Consider the Ants" - Proverbs 6:6-8
In this lesson children learn that we can learn something from the ants and become wise. The ants do their work even when they don't have someone telling them what to do or checking up on them. (Proverbs 6:6-8)
There are many crafts and activities to reinforce the lesson. Children learn how to make ants using their fingerprints. They make 3D paper ants with a message in their mouths that reminds the children how to be wise like the ants.
They can make ant recipes, take home a paper in which they list things that they remembered to do without having to be reminded, and play a game in which they pretend to be ants and walk around the room saying an "Ant Chant". They can play with ant cards to review the Bible lesson or the Bible verse. They also follow an ant trail to figure out an important lesson the ants are trying to teach.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
B - Bee - "God's Masterpiece" - Psalm 139:14-16
God created bees for a special purpose. They all have important jobs to do. If God created these tiny little insects for such an important job, how much more important is the job you were created for. Just like these insects, God has a plan for your life, but you are so much more important than an insect. You were created in God’s own likeness. You are his masterpiece.
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C - Cat - "Scaredy Cat" - Isaiah 41:10a
Children learn about how to overcome fear through this make-believe story about a little, scaredy cat lion that meets Daniel in the lion's den. This lesson also includes games and activities to reinforce the lesson.
Crafts and Activities Include: "Spin the Lion" review game, "Lion's in the Den" song, stuffed lion craft, lion face with noodle mane craft, scaredy cat puppet, and a scaredy cat Bible verse book.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
D - Dog - "Beware of the Dogs" - Proverbs 26:17
(Proverbs 26:17) Children learn that D stands for Dog, and that getting involved in someone else's fight is like pulling the ear of a dog-you just might get bit. This lesson is presented in the form of a story about a poor, foolish frog that gets involved in the fight of three dangerous dogs. You'll find lots of doggy games, crafts, and learning activities to go along with this lesson. It includes activities to reinforce the lesson, Bible verse cards, arts and crafts, and other learning activities.
Crafts and activities include: making a 3D Bible scene, making a box house and acting out the story, making a bear bookmark, coloring a "Bear Burdens" color sheet, learning what burdens are through a simple experiment, Bible verse review game, carrying a paralyzed man relay game, "How big is your burden?" guessing game, and songs.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
E - Elephant - Pink Elephants?” - Philippians 2:14-15, Romans 12:2, and Romans 12:9-12
Phil. 2:14-15 (KJV) Children learn that Jesus wants them to be an example to others; and that they should be known for their kindness, patience and good behavior. This lesson includes games and activities to reinforce the lesson, Bible verse cards, arts and crafts, and other learning activities.
Activities Include: "Feed the Elephant" worksheet, "Stand out for Jesus!" bulletin board display, making an elephant using your hand, "Feed the Elephant" Bible verse review game, "Pass the Peanut" relay game, "Guess what's in the Box" guessing game.
Crafts include: Make a TP roll elephant, make an egg carton elephant, or a paper plate elephant.
Learning Activities Include: Counting peanuts, reviewing words or numbers using an elephant spinner, reviewing addition facts with peanuts.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.

F - Flamingo“Changing From the Inside Out” - 2 Cor. 3:18
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Cor. 3:18 (KJV) Children learn that when we accept Jesus as our Savior we become a brand new person inside. Our sins are forgiven and we start a new life in Christ. We are given his Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us. As we learn more and more about Jesus and experience his love and forgiveness we begin to change from the inside out. This lesson includes games and activities to reinforce the lesson, Bible verse cards, arts and crafts, and other learning activities.
Crafts and activities for this lesson include: making a flamingo out of pipe cleaners, flamingo coloring sheet, Flamingo Bingo Review game, and songs.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.

G – Grasshopper – “Grasshoppers and Giants” - Numbers 13 and 14
Sometimes we feel like grasshoppers in a world of giants like the spies sent to check out Canaan in the story. When we feel this way we should remember everything that God has done for us. He will give us the strength to deal with our fears and problems.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
H – Hen – “Under His Wings” - Psalm 91:4-5a
(Psalm 91:4) Children learn that God protects us like a mother bird protects her chicks. We don't have to be afraid because we can trust in him. This lesson includes games and activities to reinforce the lesson, Bible verse cards, arts and crafts, and other learning activities.
Included in this lesson is a hen and chick color sheet, "He Covers us with His Feathers" color and craft sheet (pictured), "Covered with feathers" color and craft sheet, Stand up hen and chick craft (pictured), and a bird head craft with real feathers. Other activities include a memory verse search game in which children help the mother hen find her chicks, a feather relay, and songs.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
I – Inchworm – “God’s Love is Immeasurable” - Isaiah 46:9
It seems like we measure and compare everything. We need to know how much, how many, how long, how deep, how old, how pretty. We love to compare and contrast. Who is the fastest, the prettiest, the smartest, the richest, etc., but there is one thing that we just can't measure-God's love. There is nothing to compare to his love. It is higher than the heavens, everlasting, never fails, and is priceless. Only his love is perfect. Activities include: learning what an inch is, comparing inchworms, making an inchworm bookmark, Inchworm Bible verse color sheet, yard stick craft, God's Love is Immeasurable" picture with frame, inchworm on a leaf craft, inchworm color and activity sheet, walk like an inchworm, inch along game, and "Inch, Little Inchworm" song.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
J - Junco – “Make a Joyful Noise” - Psalms 98:4
All creation is like a symphony praising God for who He is and what He does and we should praise God too.
When children hear the junco they will remember that God loves to hear our praises.
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K – King Snake – “King of Kings - Rev. 17:14
Jesus, King of Kings
The kingsnake is used as an example of how people sometimes do the wrong thing because they don't understand what they are doing. People sometimes kill the kingsnake because he looks scary or dangerous. They don't realize that it is actually a very beneficial snake and harmless. Jesus was also killed and rejected because the people didn't understand who he was. But he proved that he is King of king and Lord of lords by arising from the dead.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
L – Ladybugs – “Ladybug Friends” - Gal. 5:13 (Free Sample Lesson)
Ladybugs are helpful insect. People like to see them around because they know that they can help save their plants from being destroyed by aphids. Jesus also helped many people. He was sent to save the world. We should follow Jesus' and the ladybug's example. We should be ladybug friends. Ladybug Friends is available as a Free Sample Lesson.
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M – Mosquito – “What Kind of Friend are You?” - Job 27:4M
Mosquitoes are harmful insects. People do not like to see them around because they bite and hurt. People can also be like mosquitoes. They can hurt with the words they say. Words can be even more harmful than a mosquito bite. Mosquito bites heal within a few days, but people remember unkind words for a very long time.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
N – Nightcrawler – “Go Fish” – Matthew 4:19
Night crawlers - In this lesson children learn how to fish for men. We use night crawlers to catch fish. God's word and his love is the bait we use to catch men for Jesus.
Click here for a Free Sample Lesson.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
O – Owl – “Be Wise” – Proverbs 2:6
Children learn that getting good grades and studying in school will make them smart, but that the wisdom and understanding that comes from God is much more important.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
P – Pig – “The Big Mistake” – Luke 15:11-31
The story of the prodigal son.
Children learn that God is a kind and forgiving God.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
Q – Quail – “Manna Again!” - Numbers 11:4-10, 18-20, 31-34
The story or the Israelites in the Wilderness. This lesson teaches children that God wants us to be happy with what we have. He provides for all our needs and wants us to be thankful for everything he gives us.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
R – Raven – “Elijah and the Birds” – Philippians 4:19 and 1 Kings 17:1-6
God gives us everything we need. God took care of Elijah and he takes care of us. This lesson is a puppet skit done with a bird puppet.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
S – Sheep – “The Lost Sheep” – Luke 15:3-7
Jesus loves you and wants you to be good. When you do bad things it makes God very sad, but God will not leave you. He will keep calling you back to him.
When you ask God to forgive you, God is very happy and will forgive you.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
T – Turtle – “God is Always With Us!” – Hebrews 13:5
Children learn that God is always with them no matter where they go. He will never leave them. Children will be reminded of God’s presence when they see a turtle and the shell that goes with him everywhere.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
U – Underwing moth – “Attracted to the Light” – Matthew 5:14-16
Children learn about underwing moths and how they are attracted to lights. Jesus called himself the light of the world. Thousands of people were attracted to him. Although scientists don't know why moths are attracted to lights, we do know why people were attracted to Jesus. They followed him everywhere because he gave them hope and healed them. We can also be a light that attracts people to Jesus. When people see Jesus in us they will want to know him. But we must not hide that light; we must be bold and tell people where are hope comes from.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
V – Vole – “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” – Psalm 19:1
We can't see God, but we can know he exists because we can see all the wonderful things he created.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
W – Water Strider – “Keep Your Eyes on Jesus” - Matt 14:22-27, Mark 6:45-51, and John 6:15-21
This lesson is about the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. Children learn that when we keep our eyes on Jesus instead of focusing on our problems, God will give us the strength we need to face our fears.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
X – X-ray Fish – Psalms 139:1-6
God can see everything, he knows everything about us, he sees what we look like on the outside and on the inside, and he knows what we are thinking and how we feel. He sees us when we are mad or sad. He sees everything we do and knows everything we think and he loves us anyway.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
Y – Yak – “Yackety Yak” – James 1:19
The Bible teaches us to be swift to hear and slow to speak. When we listen to others instead of talking about ourselves, we show them that we care about them.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
Z – Zorilla – “Beware of the Zorilla!” – Psalm 34:14
The zorilla warns us to stay away when we get too close or it is feeling threatened. When it lifts its tail we know to turn around and run or we just may have to suffer the consequences. The Bible also gives us warnings to protect us from the consequences of sin.
Go to ABC, I Believe Bible Lessons for Children's Ministry on The Resource Room.
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Comments About the Lessons:
Greetings in the name of the Lord, Your ABC I believe curriculum is completely wonderful!!! I love it. You have such great ideas!!! Thank you for making it so affordable to teach our children about the Lord and with so many fun ideas!!!! Thank you so much. Laura (6/13/2008)
Just finishing the ABC I Believe series next week. I have taught children's Bible classes for years and this is by far the best series I've ever found.I takes a new twist on Bible characters and verses. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to providing education material for children.Karen 8/15/15