Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities

New Year Crafts Page 2

How to Make Crafts for New Year's Theme

Printable New Year's Crafts for Kids


New Year Crafts and Activities for Children

The following crafts and activities are available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.


Fan-folded New Years Message Paper Craft - 2023 - 2027

What you will need:

Printing Paper

Colored Pencils or Markers



What to do:

1. Print out the pattern and make copies. (The pattern for this craft include 2023 - 2027 and a blank craft pattern so children can create their own New Year's message.)

2. Cut out around the edge of the pattern.

3. Color the picture using markers or colored pencils.

4. Fan-fold the pattern. View the folded pattern from opposite directions to discover what it says.

5. Try making your own fan-folded craft using the blank patterns

Member's New Years Message Fan-fold Craft for members

Instant Digital Download - Purchase New years crafts for kids - Includes 2023 - 2027 Patterns



"What Does the Clock Say After Midnight?" New Year Craft and Activity Sheet

New Years Clock Activity Sheet - Happy New Year

What you will need:

Two Sheets of Printer Paper

Brass Fastener




Colored Pencils or Markers


How to Make the New Years Clock Craft:

1. Before class print out the clock pattern and the back of the clock pattern.

Member's Member's Pattern for New Years Clock

Instant Digital Download- Purchase New years crafts for kids

2. In class have your students color the clock picture and the hand of the clock.

3. Cut out around the edge of the clock picture, the wheel and the clock hand.

4. Insert a brass fastener through the clock hand and the center hole in the clock picture. Place a tiny dot of glue between the paper, and the back of the brass fastener head so that the brass fastener is attached to the clock face.

5. Poke a hole in the middle of the wheel pattern with the brass fastener and insert the fastener. Spread out the legs of the fastener and tape them down to the back of the wheel pattern so that the word "Happy New Year" shows when the big hand is on the number 12.



"Start the New Year off with a Bang" New Year's Challenge Activity Sheet for Children - 2024 - 2027

Help your students start the New Year off with a bang! Children set a few goals and list good things about themselves and things they can do to improve. They are encouraged to share something, help, spend time with someone, and go somewhere new. Also included are three important quotes about success that children can memorize to motivate them to succeed.


"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." Churchill

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out." Robert Collier

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value." Albert Einstei

Member's New Years Message Fan-fold Craft for members

Instant Digital Download - Purchase New years crafts for kids - Includes 2024 - 2027 Patterns



Also See Bible New Years Crafts