Opossum Crafts and Learning Activities
How to Make Crafts and Learning Activities Relating to Opossums
Opossum or Possum Paper Craft for Kids
Stand him on his feet, hang by his tail, or use him as a puppet.
What you will need:
Card stock (Heavy paper)
Glue or tape
Crayons or Colored Pencils
How to Make the Opossum Paper Craft:
1. Print out the opossum's body and head patterns, color them, and then cut them out.
2. Fold the body pattern in half on the dotted line. Fold small the dotted line on the possum's upper back forward and then back and then straighten.
Open the folded pattern slightly and press down on the center line. This will make a pleat and a curve in the possum's back. Glue or tape the pleat closed.
3. Glue the possum's belly together to form a cylinder. Glue the cylinder to the inside back of the possum lining up the curved edge or the cylinder with the neck end of the body pattern.
4. Glue the head together forming a cone shape. Fold the ears up and the tab between the ears back. Glue the tab between the ears to the inside neck of the possum. Glue the other tab to the bottom of the cylinder as shown in the picture.
5. Glue the tail together.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Opossum - Possum Sock Animal Craft for Kids

What you will need:
A 100% polyester baby sock
Poly-fil for stuffing the pieces
8 mm Eyes
Pink felt for the nose and tail
Pipe cleaner
White craft foam for the legs
Pink highlighter marker
Hot melt glue gun (one that uses low temp. glue sticks)
How to Make the Sock Opossum:
1. If your sock has a cuff that is folded down and sewed to the inside sock, turn the sock inside out and carefully cut the stitching and unfold the cuff. This will make the sock longer.
2. Fill the toe up to below the heel of the sock with fiber fill. Cut the sock below the heal and glue the cut end closed to make the body of the possum.

3. Cut a head shape from the upper part of the sock. Glue or sew most of it together leaving a small opening. Fill the head with poly-fil and then glue it closed. Glue the head to the body.
4. To make the eye sockets insert a threaded and knotted needle into the place you would like one eye pushing it through the head to the other side where you would like the other eye. Cut off the needle and pull the thread to form the eye sockets. Tie the end of the thread to keep the shape. Glue eyes to the eye sockets.
5. Cut a nose shape from pink felt and glue it to the head.
6. To make the tail cut a long triangle shape and glue it around a pipe cleaner. Glue the tail to the body.
7. Cut the arms and feet from white craft foam and color the feet pink with a pink highlighter marker.
©2010, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
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