Friends Share Puppet Skit
Puppet Skit about Friends for Sunday School
This puppet script is for two dog puppets. It helps if one of them has long arms (to hug). This takes about four minutes to perform.

Leader: I know two guys who have been friends for a long time. Would you like to meet them?
(Wrinkles and Sparky appear - bark, shout, and talk.)
Leader: Hey, fellas, there are some people here who would like to meet you.
(Wrinkles and Sparky stop abruptly, sounding surprised.)
Wrinkles: Where? (Looks all around)
Leader: Right here. Say hi to Wrinkles, boys and girls.
Boys and girls: Hi, Wrinkles!
(Wrinkles acts pleased.)
Leader: And this is his best friend, Sparky!
(Sparky barks.) Howdy, pardners!
Boys and girls: Hi, Sparky!
Leader: So what have you been up to guys?
Wrinkles: Playin'! (Go back and forth as if playing with each other)
Sparky: (As if out of breath, panting) And talkin'!
Wrinkles: You know, personal stuff! Stuff I can't tell anyone else.
Sparky: Yep, 'cause we're friends! (Gets close to Wrinkles, gives a little hug)
Leader: Yes, I know you want to share your thoughts and feelings with each other, because you're friends, right?
Wrinkles and Sparky: (Nodding) Yep!
Wrinkles: (Grabs toy and begins to play with it in front of Sparky) This is really cool!
Sparky: (Excitedly jumping up and down) I wanna play, too!
Wrinkles: It's mine. It's all for me.
Sparky: (Hurt, head hanging, speaks to leader) I thought he was my friend!
Leader: Yes, Wrinkles. I thought you were friends with Sparky. Don't friends share?
Wrinkles: (sullenly, stubbornly) Nope.
Leader: (firmly scolding) Wrinkles. Do you remember what your Bible School teacher said?
(Wrinkles shakes head no.)
Leader: She quoted from the Bible. Boys and girls, let's remind Wrinkles of the first part of our memory verse. (all say together) "This is my command: Love each other as I have loved you."
Leader: So Wrinkles, what does that mean to you?
Wrinkles: (looks up) I had forgotten about that verse. (Hesitantly) It means Jesus loves me, so I should love Sparky, and I could do that by sharing.
Leader and Sparky: Yes!
Leader: (to boys and girls) Does he understand?
Boys and girls: Yes!
Wrinkles and Sparky play happily for a moment, then exit.
Leader: Bye, guys, see you next week!
(Wrinkles and Sparky peek back.) Bye! Nice meeting all of you!
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Copyright 2003, Digital by Design
Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities
Written by Barbara Robinson
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information or storage retrieval system, except for local church or school use only. This copyright notice must be included on all copies. Requests for permission to copy this material for any other uses should be addressed to Carolyn Warvel, 588 Duran Street, Henderson, NV 89015 or e-mail me at