Sheep Crafts and Learning Activities - Page 2
How to Make Crafts and Activities Relating to Sheep
Craft Foam and Yarn Sheep Craft for Kids
What you will need:
White Homespun Yarn or Cream Homespun Yarn
How to Make the Pom Pom Yarn Sheep:
1. Cut out a sheep shape from black craft foam as shown in the picture. The sheep pictured is about 2" wide by 2" high.
2. Cut about 3 yards of yarn and warp it around the sheep's legs, body, neck, and head. Stuff the end of the yarn under the layers of wound yarn.
3. To finish glue on small googly eye or use a small drop of white paint for the eye.
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Pom Pom Sheep Craft for Kids

Pompom Maker - (Optional)
You can buy plastic pom pom makers in several different designs.
The Clover Small Pom Pom Maker allows you to wind one half of the donut shape at a time so you don't have to poke the yarn through hole, but it does take some maneuvering. You can see a video on YouTube here:
The Susan Bates Easy Wrap Pom Pom Maker is a little easier to use because the two sides of the pom pom are wrapped separately. Wrapping only one half of the circle saves a lot of time because you don't have to poke the yarn through the hole in the center of the donut shape. You can see a demonstration using this pom pom maker on YouTube here:
How to Make the Pom Pom Yarn Sheep:
Make Your Own Pom Poms Without a Pom Pom Maker:
1. Print out the pattern and use the donut shapes as template to cut circles from card board. or draw two three-inch circles onto card board. (Card board from cereal boxes work well.) Then draws1 1/2" circles inside the two circles.
2. Cut out the inside circles to make donut shapes.
3. Place the two donut shapes together and wind long pieces of yarn through the holes in the donut shapes and around the outside until you have fill up the hole with yarn. To keep the yarn ends secure just wind the yarn around the ends until the ends are covered by the yarn. Add new lengths of yarn the same way.
4. When you have the hole filled up with yarn cut around the outside edge of the donut shape with sharp scissors all the way down to the card board.
5. Separate the two donut shapes and insert a piece of yarn between the shapes. Tie the yarn pulling it as tight as you can.
6. Cut the card board shapes and pull them away from the pom pom. Trim any pieces of yarn that are sticking out too far. Trim the ball to be a little pointy at one end. This is the bees tail where his stinger is located.
7. To save time you can cut the donut shapes so that they aren't complete circles. In this way you will just slip the yarn through the cut slit instead of inserting the yarn through the hole. See this YouTube video for a demonstration of this technique.
8. Paint two mini jumbo craft sticks black, glue them together in an "X" shape. Glue the pom pom to the craft sticks.
9. Use the head pattern as a template to cut a head shape from craft foam. Bend back the two tabs at the top of the head and glue them so they are over lapping. Glue the head to the body pom pom. To finish glue on googly eyes.
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Foam Marshmallow Sheep Crafts for Kids

What you will need:
Fun foam or Felt
Black Paint
Magic Markers
Cotton balls
Sharp Knife
How to Make the Marshmallow Sheep:

1. Glue two foam marshmallows together (flat sides together) for the body. Glue another marshmallow on one end for the head as shown in the diagram.
2. To make the legs cut one marshmallow in half lengthwise and then cut both half pieces in half again the same way.

3. Cut a wedge-shaped piece off of the end of each piece so they fit on the body as shown in the diagram. Glue them to the body as shown with the rounded sides out.
4. To make the sheep's hooves cut another marshmallow in half long ways and then cut one of the halves in half again long ways. Cut the two quarters in half crosswise to make four hooves. Glue them to the legs as shown in the diagram. Paint the hooves black.

5. Cut ears from fun foam or felt and glue them to the back of the head as shown in the picture. Draw on the eyes, nose, and mouth with a permanent marker.
6. Smear tacky glue all over the sheep's body where you want cotton. Pull small pieces of cotton from cotton balls and stick them to the sheep.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
Popcorn Sheep Picture

What you will need:
Card Stock (heavy paper)
White Glue
Popped Popcorn
Crayons or Colored Pencils
How to Make the Popcorn Sheep Picture:
1. Print out a sheep picture with clouds or draw a picture. (A pattern for this craft is available on the free sample lesson "The Lost Sheep".)
2. Pop the popcorn and crunch it up a little.
3. Color the picture and then spread glue on the sheep and clouds so they can stick the popcorn to the glue.

This is a Toddler-tested Craft
This is a great craft for two-year-old children. Logan loved making this craft with his dad. Eating the popcorn was his favorite thing about the craft.
He recommends buying popcorn that isn't buttered if you want a white sheep and clouds.
Watch Logan and his dad making this craft on "Logan's Live".
Sleeping Macaroni Sheep Craft for Kids
These would make a great craft to sell at craft fairs!

What you will need:
Craft Foam or Felt
Magic Markers
Small Macaroni Noodles
Black and White Acrylic Paint
Sharp Knife
How to make:
1. Glue two foam marshmallows together (flat sides together) for the body.
2. To make the legs cut one marshmallow in half lengthwise and then cut both half pieces in half again the same way.
Cut a wedge-shaped piece off of the end of each back leg so they fit on the body as shown in the diagram.
Glue the legs to the body as shown with the rounded sides out as shown in the picture.

3. To make the sheep's hooves cut another marshmallow in half long ways and then cut one of the halves in half again long ways. Cut the two quarters in half crosswise to make four hooves. Glue them to the legs as shown in the diagram. Paint the hooves black.
4. To make the head cut a slit down the middle of a marshmallow on the flat side about 1 cm deep. Make another slit from the round side meeting the cut in the center as shown in the picture to the right. Glue the head onto the body as shown in the diagram.
5. Cut ears from fun foam or felt and glue them to the back of the head as shown in the picture. Draw on the eyes, nose, and mouth with a permanent marker.
6. Smear tacky glue all over the sheep's body where you want fur. Place the noodles on the body as shown. When the glue is dry paint the noodles white. (Instead of painting the noodles while they are on the body. You can spray paint the noodle white and then glue them on the body. Just spread out the noodles on a piece of newspaper. Spray paint them from every angle and then when they are dry, turn them over, and spray them again.)
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
Sheep with Butterfly and Flower Sheet

What you will need:
White Paper, Construction Paper, Crayons or Colored Pencils, Glue and Silk or Craft Foam Flowers (You can find silk flowers at your local thrift store. Be sure to remove all the plastic parts leaving on the silk part. Wal-Mart also sells flower parts and pieces that have fallen off of their silk flowers in bags for a discounted price. Look were they sell remnants of fabric.)
How to make:
1. Before class print out the sheep patterns and make copies.
2. Cut around the edge of the sheep picture and glue it to half sheets of constrcution paper.
3. In class have you children color the sheep picture and then glue on silk flowers.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
More Sheep Crafts