Squirrel Crafts and Activities
How to Make Crafts and Activities Relating to Squirrels
Squirrel Paper Plate Craft for Kids

What you will need:
Snack-sized Paper Plate
Three Dinner-sized Paper Plates
Googly Eyes
Brown Water Color Paint
Printer Paper
How to Make the Paper Plate Squirrel:
1. Fold a dinner-sized paper plate in half to make the body.
2. To make the head fold a snack-sized paper plate in half and then fold one corner back and then forward. Open the folded plate slightly and push the corner you folded into the fold. Glue the head to the body.
3. Cut a tail shape from another dinner-sized paper plate. Use the cut shape to cut the same shape from another paper plate, only trace it on the opposite side of the plate. Glue the first tail piece to the body and then glue the other tail piece onto the other side of the body matching up the two pieces.
4. Cut ears, arms, feet, acorn and leaf shapes from paper, color the pieces and then glue them to the squirrel body.
5. To finish glue on googly eyes.
Squirreling Away New Word Bulletin Board Display for Home School
Home Schools and preschools can use this craft to help children remember new words they have learned, and "squirrel" the words away to write their own stories after reading books about squirrels and fall.
Use the squirrel paper plate craft (above) as a bulletin board display and have your children write new words or fall words on the leaves and acorn patterns.
Also include the words "Squirreling away for the future.
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Squirrel with a Cup of Nuts Craft and Learning Activity

What you will need:
Card Stock (Heavy Paper)
Small Clear Plastic Cups
Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils
How to Make the Squirrel Cup Craft:
Children color and cut out the squirrel patterns and glue them to a paper or plastic cup.
Squirrel Learning Activities
1. What do Squirrels Eat? - Search the web to find out what squirrels eat then have your children go on a scavenger hunt to look for things a squirrel might eat and place them in the cup.
2. Math Activities - This craft can also be used to review math concepts. Children can count how many of each object they have found. The can make a graph to graph the number of each object they have found.
3. Review Math Facts - Place a certain amount of acorns in the cup. For example, tell your child that the squirrel has ten acorns in his cup. He is going to give you four acorns. (Take 4 acorns out of the cup and give them to your child.) Ask your child, "How many acorns does the squirrel have left?" Keep playing this game changing the amount of acorns the squirrel gives your child until your child can do it without having to count. You can also give your child all the acorns to start and have him give the squirrel a certain amount of acorns. Young children will enjoy this activity even better if you pretend you are the squirrel and talk for him.
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This is a Kid-tested Craft
Watch 6 1/2 year old Will make Terry the Cheerio Squirrel who apparently wears blue socks on Youtube.

Squirrel, Acorn and Leaves Coloring Sheet
Count Your Many Blessings Coloring and Activity Sheet

Help the squirrel count his blessings and then have your children think of ways they have been blessed.
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Squirrel Word Review Coloring Sheet and Learning Activity
1. Writing Spelling Words - Have your children write their spelling words on the acorns and glue them to the color sheet around the squirrel.

2. Spelling Game - Cut out around the squirrel's arms. If a child spells or says a word correctly three times in a row, he can place the acorn with that word in the squirrel's arms. Tell him to keep practicing until he can get all the acorns in the squirrel's arms on the first try. You can write "I know how to spell all my words" at the bottom of the color sheet.
3. Matching Spelling Game - Write out all the vocabulary words on a set of acorns. Place them in the squirrels arms. Make a matching set for your child. Turn over all the acorns. Ask your child to find the acorn that matches the top acorn in the squirrel's arm. Keep playing until your child has matched all the acorns.
4. Fall Words - Cut out all the acorn have your child think of words relating to the fall season and write them on the acorns.
5. Search for Acorns - Write your child's vocabulary words on the acorns. Scatter them around the room. Ask your child to help the squirrel find his acorns. When your child finds an acorn, ask him what the word is on the acorn and let him place it in the squirrel's arms. If he doesn't know the word, save it and hide all the acorns he doesn't know again. Keep playing until he can remember all his words.
Instant Digital Download - Includes both color and black and white patterns.
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"Find the Acorn" File Folder Review Game

Children help the squirrel find an acorn and review math facts or vocabulary words at the same time.
1. Glue the two tree patterns onto a file folder to make the gameboard.
2. Write your child's math facts or vocabulary words on the back of the leaf patterns and place them randomly around the gameboard.
3. Hide an acorn under one of the leaves.
4. Have your child pick one of the acorns on the board and turn it over to see if the acorn is on the other side. If it isn't, he must answer the questions on the leaf before he can look under another leaf. You can time him to see how fast he can find the acorn. Encourage him to beat his time by playing again.
5. You can use this game for a group of children or for just one child and hide more than one acorn behind the leaves. A pattern for this file folder game is available to members of The Resource Room.
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