Walrus Crafts and Educational Activities
How to Make Walrus Themed Crafts and Learning Activities for Children
Peek-a-boo Walrus Cup Craft for Kids

What you will need:
Large Cup
Jumbo Craft Stick
How to Make the Walrus Cup Craft:
1. Make a sock walrus that will fit inside your cup. (See directions below.) Glue the back of the sock walrus to a jumbo craft stick to make a puppet.
2. Paint a cup blue to look like water.
3. Break up a Styrofoam ball or other Styrofoam and glue it to the rim of the cup. Add some white paint to make it look like ice.
4. Cut a hole in the bottom of the cup just big enough for the craft stick to fit through. Stick the puppet into the cut so that the stick goes down through the hole in the bottom of the cup.
5. Push the craft stick up to make the walrus pop up out of the "water" and onto the "ice"! Pull the craft stick down and the little walrus goes back into the water!
Created by Corrin Burner
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Walrus Paper Plate Craft for Kids

What you will need:
Two, 10 1/4" Paper Plates, Four 6-inch Paper Plates, Two Plastic Spoons or Drinking Straws, Yarn, Paint, Scissors, Hot Melt Glue and Gun, and a Black Marker
How to Make the Paper Plate Walrus:
1. Glue two big plates together, top-to-top, for the body and two small plates together, top-to-top, for the head. Glue the head to the body.

2. To make the muzzle fold a small paper plate in half and then fold back the sides as shown in the diagram to the right. Glue the folded sides to the back of the plate. Push up the top, bottom part of the paper plate and glue it in place as shown in the diagram. Cut the scoop ends off two spoons and glue the spoons inside the muzzle for the tusks.

3. Glue the muzzle to the head.
4. Cut a small paper plate in half and glue the halves to the body to make fins as shown in the picture.
5. Paint the paper plates and let them dry. Add eyes and yarn to make the whiskers. Use a black marker to draw the nose.
©2007, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Craft Made by Followers

I Love Crafty Things web site made These Paper Plate Walruses using large Google Eyes.

Paper Plate Walrus Craft made by Melanie Whitcomb from HOPE Montessori School

Walrus Paper Plate Craft Made by Miss Allison's Class
Rock Walrus Craft for Kids

Find smooth river rocks that mimic the shape of a walrus. Glue them together using super glue. Cut whiskers from craft foam or use yarn. Use pipe cleaners for the tusks and glue on googly eyes.
If you want to use your creature outside in your garden, paint on the eyes instead of using the googly eyes because the googly eyes will turn yellow in the sun.
Created by Corrin Burner
Walrus Sock Craft

1. See the General Directions on how to make no- sew sock creatures.
2. To make this walrus fill the toe of a sock with poly-fil and then tie it off using a tiny rubber band.
3. Place small wads inside the sock to make the walrus' flippers and tie them off with rubber bands.
4. Fill the rest of the sock with poly-fil leaving enough of the sock unstuffed to form a tail. Tie off the body part with a rubber band.
5. To make the tail, flatten the sock and glue it closed with a low temp. glue gun or sew it closed.
Created by Corrin Burner
Walrus with Toothpick Whiskers Cup and Water Bottle Craft for Kids

What you will need:
Plastic Soda Bottle
8.5-oz. Styrofoam Cup
Styrofoam Plate
Brown and Black Acrylic Paint
Googly Eyes
Low Temp. Glue Gun
How to make this Walrus with Toothpick Whiskers Craft:
1. Cut the rim off the Styrofoam cup and glue it to the bottom of the soda bottle at an angle so that the cup fits snuggly onto the bottle.
2. Cut flippers from the edge of a Styrofoam plate. Cut one and then turn it over and trace it onto the plate so that it is the opposite of the first one. Glue the flippers to the Walrus' body and paint them.
3. Cut tusks and a muzzle from the Styrofoam plate. Paint the muzzle and glue it and the tusks to the bottom of the cup as shown in the picture.
4. Break toothpicks in half and poke them into the Styrofoam muzzle to look like whiskers.
5. To finish glue on googly eyes. I glued them on so that they stick out from the cup, but you can glue them flat if you would like.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Learn More About Walruses
Walruses are very vocal and can produces a multitude of sounds both above and below the water. They bark, moan, scream, whoop, wail, bellow, growl, snort, sniffle and make knocking sounds. The male walrus sings a complex mating song that can be heard for up to ten miles. Check out these amazing videos of walruses: