Anytime Bible Crafts and Activities For Sunday School Lessons
Bible Crafts and Activities You Can Use for Any Sunday School Lesson Including Bible Stick Puppets and Games
Use Bible Stick Puppets to Teach or Review Bible Stories - 20 Bible Characters

Available in three different sizes: 7-inch, 5-inch and 3-inch, color and black & white.
Children color and draw in the faces on the black and white patterns.

This set includes twenty Bible characters: three men puppets, three women puppets, two Roman soldier puppets, two Jesus puppets, a king and queen puppet, two angel puppets, three wise men, Mary holding Baby Jesus, Joseph, and Manger.
Use these stick puppets in your Bible class to review and retell Bible stories.
In class have your children color the puppets and then draw different emotions on the puppets. During the puppet skit, they can choose which puppet to use according to the emotions of the Bible character.
Including five Christmas stick puppets.
Instant Download - 20 Different Stick Puppets
Includes 7-inch, 5-inch, and 3-inch puppets in both color and black & white.
Folding Craft Sticks Bible Verse Memory Game

The craft sticks are taped together so that when the craft sticks are pushed together from the top and bottom of the stack they fan fold up into a compact stack of sticks for storage. This craft is great to use as a memorization tool. Children can test themselves by unfolding one section at a time to reveal the next part of the verse.
Supplies Needed:
Woodsies Mini Jumbo Craft Sticks -4.5" 50/Pkg - Use good quality craft sticks that lay flat. The 5/8" work perfect with the one-inch tape. *You can use the Woodsies Jumbo Craft Sticks with the 1.5 Inch - 3M Scotch Masking Tape for a bigger Canvas.
3M Scotch Masking Tape, 1-Inch - Other brands will work, but this tape works great! It is the exact color of the craft sticks. (Staple's Tape works better with the washable markers, but it is lighter than the stick and more transparent and doesn't cover the stick as well.)
Permanent Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils - (Washable markers don't work well because they smear.)
How to Make the Folding Craft Stick Canvas:
1. Cut the one-inch masking into 4-inch pieces.
2. Place two sticks together, side by side, and tape them together covering both the sticks with the tape.
3. Turn the two sticks over so that they are diagonal to you.
4. Place another craft stick next to and below the two sticks that you taped together. Use another piece of tape to tape the bottom two sticks together.

5. Turn all three sticks over diagonally and place another stick at the bottom of the row and tape the last two sticks together. Keep going until you have a whole row of sticks.
Children can use permanent markers, pens, or colored pencils
to write the Bible verse on the sticks and then decorate them. They can also draw a picture on the back of the sticks that represents the Bible verse or the Bible story.
If a child messes up while working on his canvas, you can pull off the tape where he messed up and replace it with new tape.
Watch a "View it and Do it!" craft video on how to make the folding craft stick canvas:
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information - Bloggers, if you use this craft idea or an adaptation, and link back to this page for the complete directions, let us know and we will put a link to your blog.
Children Make Their Own Bible Card Games
Children can use blank playing cards to make all kinds of Bible games to review the lesson or Bible verses.

What you will need:
Not all art media works on these cards because of the slick surface, but you can use any of the following:
Crayola Markers (These are a little messy because the wet ink does not soak into the cards, and children tend to smear the ink and get it on their hands. But if they are careful and let the ink dry before adding new colors, they work okay.)
Sharpie Markers (These are permanent markers and not recommended for young children, but they work great.)
Hi-Liter Markers work very well. They are great for coloring in large areas.
Crayola Crayons (Recommended for younger children.)
Copyright 2015, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
Card Games Kids Can Make
Match Games - Assign each student a word or image from the lesson and have him or her make two matching cards using the image or word. Place al the cards face down in the center of the table and play a match game. Players must turn over two cards that match to keep the cards. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Memory Games - Assign each student a word from the Bible verse and have him or her write it on a card and then decorate the card. Place all the cards face down on a table and play a memory game. Players should try to turn over the cards in the order of the verse. You can play this game two ways depending on the age of your children:
1. (Older Children) Players have to turn over all the cards in order of the verse on one turn. If a card is turned over in the wrong order, the player turns all the cards back over in the same place and the next player takes a turn and to turn. The player who turns over all the cards in the correct order on his turn wins.
2. (Younger Children) Place the card with the first word from the memory verse face up. Players take turns turning over a card to try to find the card with the next word of the verse. If the card is the next card in the order of the verse, the player picks it up and places it at the end of the verse and earns a point. If the card isn't the next word, the player turns it back over and the next player takes a turn. Keep playing until all the cards are in order. The player with the most points wins.
Go Fish Game - Assign each student a word or image from your previous lessons and have him or her make two matching cards using the image or word. Play like "Go fish". Place all the cards together to make a deck. Pass out seven cards to each player. If a player has a match, he or she can place the card down on the table. Players take turns asking other players if they have a matching card to any one of the cards he is holding in his hand. If the player does not have the matching card, the asking player picks up a card from the pile to see if it is a match. If it is a match, he gets to ask another player for a matching cards. If it isn't a match, the next player takes a turn asking for a matching card. Keep playing until all the cards have been matched. The player with the most cards wins. When a player gets a match and places it on the table in front of him, he should explain what the image on the card represents from the Bible lessons.
Sequencing Game - Assign each student a word from the Bible verse and have him or her write it on a playing card and then decorate the card. You can make more than one set of cards, or time the players to see who puts the cards in the correct order the quickest.
Mix up the cards and give a set to each player. If you have one deck, time the player to see how fast he or she can put the cards in order to spell out the verse. If you have more than one deck, have the players play against each other to see who can put the cards in order the quickest. The player who wins goes up against the next player. Keep playing until all the children have had a turn.
Card Grab - Assign each student a descriptive word from the Bible lesson, and have him or her write it on a playing card and then decorate the card. (Make extra cards with random words to make the game harder for older students.) Place all the cards face up in the center of the table. To play the teacher calls out a word from one of the cards and all the players try to find that card and grab it. The player who grabbed the card can tell how the word relates to the Bible lesson, he gets to keep the card. Keep playing until all the words are gone. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Spoons Card Game - Assign each student a matching duo such as Adam and Eve, or Daniel and the lions, etc. and have him or her write the words on two separate cards, and then decorate the cards so that they look the same. Put all the cards together to make a deck. The more cards the better. Play with up to eight children in a group. Players should sit in a circle with a spoon in the center of the circle for each player, minus one.
Object of the Game: To remain in the game by grabbing a spoon when any player receives a duo and grabs a spoon. (Remind players that they must watch their cards to see if they have a duo, and at the same be ready to grab a spoon when another player receives a duo and takes a spoon.)
To play:
1. Designate one player to be the dealer. The dealer passes cards from the deck and referees the game. To start the dealer deals two cards to each player, and then tells the players when to pass a card.
2. Each player must pass one card from their hand to the opponent on their right.
3. The player to the left of the dealer passes the card to the dealer. The dealer places the passed card in a discard pile and then passes a new card to the player on his right from the deck. And all the other players pass a card to the right.
4. If a player receives a duo (a card with a word that is related to the card in his hand with the same design), the player can take a spoon from the center of the table. All the other players should then try to grab a spoon from the center of the table.
5. The player who does not get a spoon is out.
6. The player who received the duo should then show all the other players his cards and explain how the cards are related. For example, if a player has Adam and Eve, he should say something like, "Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth."
7. Keep playing until only one player is left in the game.
Copyright 2015, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
Silver Duct Tape 3D Cross Craft for Sunday School
Use this craft with any lesson. It is very cheap to make, but it does take some preparation.

What you will need:
Paper Towels Utensils to Engrave the Tape such as a Ballpoint Pen, Straws, the End of a Paintbrush, and the Tines of a Fork
How to Make Silver Duct Tape 3D Cross:
1. Cover the top of the fun foam cross with the duct tape, pressing it down and smoothing it out. (You can cut cross shapes from pieces of fun foam if you don't have a precut one.)
2. Press your utensils down into the tape to make shapes and designs.
Copyright 2010, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information
Bible Verse Memorization Using the Memory Cross
Here is a great craft that is not only fun but educational as well. This origami cross can be folded over and over changing shapes and showing a different part of the Bible verse each time. Your children will find that it is hard to stop using them once they start. Memory Cross offers Bible verses that go along with many of the most popular Vacation Bible School programs. They also have one for the plan of salvation, which would be a great witnessing tool. They also have many other Bible verse packages you can pick from. If they don't have what you want, you can custom order them. Or you can order blank ones and have your children make their own. (See the pictures below.) Go to Memory Cross Inc. to purchase these cards.
Play a "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"-Like Game
Use the popular "Pin the tail on the Donkey" birthday game idea except change it to fit your lesson. For example, you could pin the animal in the ark, pin Zacchaeus in a tree, pin the eyes on Saul, pin the fish in the net, or pin the word love in a center of a heart. Young children love this popular birthday game, however; you don't have to have a winner. The children just love to see how close they can pin whatever they are pinning to the intended object. Caution: Instead of using pins just use a piece of tape.
We will be having a Valentine's Day party next week, and I am going to use your idea for "pin the tail on the donkey", but using a heart. I also wanted to tell you that I used a variation of the "pin the tail on the donkey" game for our Kids Club Birthday Party for Jesus. I made a manger scene on a poster board. I made a stable, crib with straw, Mary, Joseph, a shepherd and some sheep out of different colors of felt. I glued everything to the poster board. Then I made "Baby Jesus" out of felt. I made one for each child, and I put their initials on the "Baby Jesus" with marker. I called this game "Put Baby Jesus in the Crib". The kids loved it. I used a pattern out of a craft book to make Mary, Joseph and the Shepherd. All the other shapes I just freehanded. It wasn't perfect, but these are small children, so it didn't matter to them.
© 2003, Digital by Design, Inc. - *See Copyright Information
Identify Pre-recorded Sounds
Record sounds relating to your Bible lesson and have the children guess what they are. For example, if you are studying the creation story, record animal sounds. If you are studying about God making families, record home sounds. If you are studying about Baby Jesus, record baby sounds. Instead of recording the sounds yourself, you can often find sounds online and download them.
© 2003, Digital by Design, Inc. - *See Copyright Information
Re-enact a Bible Lesson on Flannel Boards
Make a flannel
board for each child by stapling a piece of felt (9 x 12) on
a sheet of heavy paper (poster board or manila). Have the children
draw or color pictures of bible characters and props onto heavy paper
or poster board, cut them out, and then stick a piece of sticky Velcro
(not the kind you sew on) on the back of each piece .
The person that sent in this ideas says, "We did the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den and were able to remove and add lions and people as needed to tell different parts of the story. The kids loved it! They took their felt boards and story home at the end of the session."
Print out characters and scenes from your current bible lesson onto T-shirt transfer paper. You can find pictures in clip art books and coloring books. Iron the transfer onto white flannel using the wool setting on your iron. Let the children take turns reenacting the lesson after you tell the story. If you don't have a flannel board make one by stapling flannel onto a cork board or other board.
© 2003, Digital by Design, Inc. - *See Copyright Information
Re-enact a Bible Lesson
Use simple bible costumes to reenact a bible lesson. Cut pieces of material into rectangle shapes to form a poncho type outfit. Cut a hole out in the center to fit over the child's head. Cut out long pieces to use as ties to tie the costume around the waist. Cut rectangle pieces to fit on the head and long pieces to use as a tie. These can be used over and over again.
Bible Bingo
This idea comes from Angie Reveles. Make large pictures from your Bible lessons like, Noah's ark, Jonah and the whale etc. Then make "bingo" cards to match the pictures. Mix up the large pictures and call the names of the pictures out one by one as you hold up the large pictures. Play like bingo. Whoever wins gets a small prize or gets to call out the pictures. This will help the children remember all the bible stories with pictures.
Door Hanger Attendance Charts
Use foam door hangers (or make your own) to use for attendance charts. Your children can add stickers or sequins each week they come to Sunday school. They are much better than a paper attendance chart because the children know that when they are filled up, they can take them home to enjoy. Kay Hershberger
You can buy Foam Door Hangers online from
Play a Tick Tack Toe Review Game
Draw a Tick Tack Toe on the board. Divide the class up into two teams. Assign one team "Os" and one team "X's".
Ask questions from the lesson. If a team gets the correct answer, they can place an X or O on the Tick Tack Toe. If they get it wrong, the other team gets a chance to answer the question and put their mark on the Tick Tack Toe.
Folder Games
"Name Two Things" Bible Review Games
Fun and educational at the same time. Use these inexpensive games when you've completed your lesson early and just don't know what to do, or use them when you just want a change of pace. They are also great to use at the beginning of class to keep the children who arrive early busy and out of trouble.
Just print out the patterns, glue them to the inside of manila folders, and you're ready to play.
You Can Find Many More Bible Verse Memorization Games on the Bible Verse Review Games Page.
Ideas from Subscribers
Bookmarks for Sunday School Bible Lessons
Use craft foam or card stock to make bookmarks with the day's Bible verse or teaching concepts. Let your children add ribbons, stickers, or craft foam shapes.
Balloon Bible Story Review Game
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help in preparing my lessons for 1- 3 graders. If I am at a blank wall, I can always depend on something here to help. Let me share one little thing. When I review my lesson with the children, I always try to look for some special way to present the questions to make it more interesting. In my Bible school class today I put the questions on small rolled up pieces of paper and inserted them into balloons and then blew them up. They had to pop the balloon and answer the question. They had a blast. Thank you again. Peggy Mitchell
(Note: I have also used this idea. I have found that some children do not like the loud noise of the balloons popping and did not want to participate. Before you start any activity using balloons that may pop ask the children if they wish to participate, send the children who do not out of the room before you start and have another activity that they can do.)
© 2003, Digital by Design, Inc. - *See Copyright Information
Bible Story Review Game - Bible Dice
Make a die out of a square Kleenex box. Use Bible story clip art and shrink it down to fit your box. Or cut pictures from your used Sunday school materials. Glue a picture on each side of the box. Have the kids roll the dice and tell you about the story. (Nancy Foss)