Fast and Easy Bible Games - Page 1
Bible Games for Sunday School and Children's Ministry
Make Every Minute Count Bible Games for Children's Ministry!
When you have only a few hours a week to instill God's message in your students' hearts it is important to use every moment wisely. Games shouldn't be used as just a way to keep children entertained, but to encourage them to pay attention to the Bible lesson, to reinforce the teaching concepts, and to help them memorize Bible verses. You will find hundreds of cheap and easy Bible games on these pages. We have active games for your more competitive students, creative games for children who love performing, and thinking games for children who love intellectual challenges. Be sure to include all types of games in your lessons to meet the needs of all your students.
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Domino Bible Verse Review Games for Kids
Bible Verse Topple Bible Game for Children's Ministry

What you will need:
One of Two Sets of Dominoes
Masking Tape
and a Permanent Marker
Before class write one word of the verse on pieces of masking tapes. Stick the pieces to the Dominoes. Use up all the Dominoes by writing the verse more than once.
Before class divide up the Dominoes into two sets making sure you have sets of dominoes that spell out the complete verse. (If you have more than ten children, use more than one set of Dominoes and make more teams. Turn all the Dominoes over so that the words aren't showing.
Set Up:
1. In class divide up your children into two teams and give each team a set of dominoes that you prepared earlier.
How to Play:
1. Children on each team should take turns turning over one Domino at a time trying to find the words of the verse in order. If a child finds the correct word, he gets to set up a Domino so that it is standing up right. He then gets to take another turn to see if he can find the next word in the verse. He keeps taking turns until he picks up a word that is not in sequence.
2. The next child would then take a turn trying to find the next word in the verse. The team that sets up all its Dominoes in a row first wins.
3. The child that places the last Domino gets to knock over the first Domino in the row to set off the cascading effect.
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Bible Lesson Review Topple Game for Kids
What you will need:
A set of Dominoes and a flat surface to set up the Dominoes.
Make a list of questions from your lesson.
How to Play:
1. You can play this game with teams or just have the whole class work on setting up the Dominoes.
2. Teams - Divide your class into two or more teams. Take turns asking the teams questions. You can have the whole team come up with an answer or just one team member. If the whole team is allowed to help come up with an answer only let one person answer the question and that person gets to set up the Domino tile if the answer is correct.
3. The team that sets up all its Dominoes first wins. The child that sets up the last Domino gets to knock them over.
©2000, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Blocks Bible Verse Review
Games for Kids
New Grab the Block Bible Verse Review Game
What you will need:
Blocks or Dominoes
1. Before class write words from the Bible verse on pieces of masking tape and stick them to the blocks. (Make more than one set of blocks.) Place the blocks in the center of the table so that all the children can reach them.
How to Play:
2. As you say a word from the verse tell your children to grab only the blocks with the word you say. (Say words that don't belong to the verse to confuse the children. Or say the words in the wrong order so children who grab too soon will have to listen more carefully.) If a child grabs a block before you say it, or grabs the wrong block, he must put all his blocks back on the table. Keep playing until all the blocks are taken.
©2015, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
You can find more fun Bible verse review games on The Resource Room! Every Sunday School lesson includes a Bible verse review game, crafts, and activities to reinforce the lesson.
Craft Stick Bible Review Games for
Children's Ministry
The Consequences of Sin Object Lesson Using Craft Sticks and the Exploding Cobra Weave

The Consequences of Sin Object Lesson Using Craft Sticks and the Exploding Cobra Weave What you will need: Jumbo Craft Sticks and Markers First check out this Youtube video on how to make a mini cobra weave using craft sticks. Practice putting it together until you have mastered it. In class explain to your children that all sin has consequences. It doesn't matter if it is a little white lie or murder. All sin keeps us from God. Have your children think of sins that we may commit daily or may make excuses for, such as watching television shows that aren't pleasing to God, swearing, lying, cheating, etc., and then have them write the sins on the craft sticks. Weave all the craft sticks together to make a snake. Tell them that sin can be disastrous to our lives. When we commit one sin it makes it easier to comment even more until pretty soon they take over our lives. Remove one of the stick so that the "Snake" explodes to emphasize your point.
Free Sticky Note Bible Review Games for Children's Ministry
Find the Missing Words Sticky Note Bible Verse Review Game for Kids
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and a Marker
Before class write each word of the verse on separate sticky note. To make it harder you can include some words that don't belong in the verse.
Set Up:
1. Stick the note papers to your board to spell out the Bible verse and then remove random words sticking them below the Bible verse with the other extra sticky note words.
How to Play:
1. Have your children take turns picking a word and placing it where they think the word might belong.
2. If a child places a word correctly, he gets to take another turn.
3. Once the whole verse has been revealed, you can start again, but leave out different words.
©2010, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
What's the Verse? Sticky Note Bible Verse Review Game for Sunday School
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and a Marker
Before class write one word of the verse on each sticky note. Make at least one set for every two of three children.
How to Play:
1. Give each child, or every two to three children, a set of Bible verse sticky notes. Tell them to try put the sticky notes in order to make the Bible verse. The first child to put them in order wins.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Get in Position" Sticky Note Bible Verse Review Game for Children's Ministry
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and a Marker
Before class write one word of the verse on each sticky note.
How to Play:
1. Place a word sticky note on the back of each child. Tell your children that they cannot tell the other children the word on the back of the other children.
2. On the word "go" the children should try to put themselves in order to spell out the verse. They may not say anything during the game. They may only use hand gestures and other non-verbal cues.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Disappearing Sticky Notes Bible Verse Review Game for Children's Ministry
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and Markers
1. Before class write one word of the verse on each sticky note.
How to play:
1. In class stick the sticky notes to a board in order of the verse.
2. Have your children take turns removing one sticky note and then saying the verse. The child who can say the whole verse without any sticky notes left wins.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Find the Sticky Note Bible Lesson Review Game for Children's Ministry
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and a Marker
Write one word of the verse on each sticky note.
How to play:
Before class hide the sticky notes around the room. On the word "go" have your children look for the sticky notes. When a child finds a sticky note, he or she should bring it to the front of the room and stick it to the board in the correct order.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"What's the Missing Sticky Note?" Bible Verse Review Game for Sunday School
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and Markers
1. Write a Bible verse on sticky notes, one word per note. Use only part of the verse for younger children.
How to Play:
1. Show your children the sticky notes, read each word, and place them in order. Tell your children that you are going to take one of the papers away, and they must try to figure out which one is missing.
2. Tell your children to cover their eyes while you remove one of the sticky notes. Mix up the remaining notes so they aren't in order.
3. On the word "go" see who can tell you which sticky note is missing first. Replace the missing sticky note and play again.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Who am I? or What am I?" Sticky Note Bible Lesson Review Game for Kids

What you will need:
Sticky Notes and Markers
Before class write names of people or objects from the Bible lesson on sticky notes. For example, if you are studying the story of Daniel in the lion's den, you may write: Daniel, lion's den, lion, king, and angel on the cards.
How to Play:
1. In class stick one sticky note on each child's forehead. Have your children sit in a big circle. Tell the children not to tell anyone what is written on the sticky notes and not to remove their own sticky notes.
2. Have your children take turns asking only yes or no questions of the other children trying to figure out what is written on the sticky note on their own forehead. Suggest that they start the questioning with "Is is a person? or "Is it a place?" or "Is it a thing?"
3. Each child gets to ask one question and then try to guess what is written on his or her forehead. Keep going around the circle until all the children have guessed their word.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Collect the Sticky Notes Bible Lesson Review Game for Children's Ministry
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and Markers
What to do:
1. Before class write words from your Sunday school lesson on the sticky notes and stick them to the board or in the center of a table so that all the children can see them. You can use the words more than once on the notes.
How to Play:
2. In class tell your children that they should pick up any of the sticky notes that have words that you say during the lesson.
3. The child with the most sticky notes at the end of the lesson wins. You can also have the children tell how each word they collected relates to the story.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Place the Sticky Notes in Order Bible Lesson Review Game
What you will need:
Sticky Notes and Markers
What to do:
1. Before class write words from your Sunday school lesson on the sticky notes and stick them to the board or in the center of a table so that all the children can see them.
How to Play:
1. In class tell your children to pay attention to the lesson and the words on the table because they will be placing them in order when you are done with the lesson.
2. When you have finished the story or lesson, select one child to pick up the sticky note with a word that relates to the first part of the lesson. Tell that child to explain why he picked the note. Have the next child pick a note that he thinks would come next in the story, and explain why he picked that note. Keep playing until all the notes are in order.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Guess the Story Sticky Note Bible Lesson Review

What you will need:
Sticky Notes
and a Bible Scene Pictures from a Coloring Book or Other Poster Pictures
1. Before class cover the coloring book pages or posters with sticky notes. Write different numbers on each of the sticky notes.
2. Write questions from the lesson on separate sheets of paper with corresponding numbers to the coloring picture numbers. Place all the questions paper in a bag.
How to play:
1. After the lesson have your children take turns pulling pieces of paper out of the bag. Read the question on the paper. If the child answers the question correctly remove the corresponding sticky note on the coloring sheet, and let the child try to guess what Bible story the picture on the coloring sheet represents. Keep playing until a child guess correctly.
©2014, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
More Fast and Easy Bible Games
Page 2 - Index Cards Bible Games
Page 3 - Bible Games Using Balls, Balloons, and Bean Bags
Page 5 - Bible Games Using Toy Grabbers and Twister Game
Page 6 - Etch A Sketch Bible Games
You can find more fun Bible verse review games on The Resource Room! Every Sunday School lesson includes a Bible verse review game, crafts, and activities to reinforce the lesson.