Armor of God - Belt of Truth Crafts
Belt of Truth Bible Crafts for The Armor of God Bible Lesson or Children's Sermon
The following crafts and activities come from the Belt of Truth - Armor of God Bible Lesson on The Resource Room.
Belt of Truth Bible Verse Match Up Game for Children's Church

Children try to match up the "Truth" Bible verses to the lies that are written on the belt. Some of the Bible verses may work with more than one lie, so they may have to switch some around so all the Bible verses match one of the lies.
To play, divide your children up into teams. Give each team a belt and a set of "Truth" Bible verse strips. The children should try to match up the "Truth" Bible verses to the lies that are written on the belt. Some of the Bible verses may work with more than one lie, so they may have to switch some around so all the Bible verses match one of the lies.
1. It won't hurt anything if you wear that. Besides everyone else is wearing them. - Romans 12:2
2. You won't be happy until you have that brand-new bike. - Phil. 4:11
3. You won't have any friends if you don't do what they are doing. - John 14:15
4. It won't hurt if you watch that TV show even though it is rated R. Everyone else has seen it. - Phil. 4:8
5. You can't do that; you aren't good enough. - Phil. 4:13
6. Those cookies smell so good. It won't hurt if you eat just one before dinner. - 1 Corinthians 10:13
7. It won't hurt if you take it because nobody will miss it. - Exodus 20:15
8. You should hate that person for what he did to you. - Matt. 6:12
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Belt of Truth Relay Race
Have your children stand in a line across the length of the room. Have a leader stand in front of each team line. Give the children at the front of the line closed belts. The children at the front of the lines must put the belt over their heads and allow it to fall all the way down their bodies to the floor. Then they should jump out of the belt, tell a leader a Bible truth, and then go to the back of the line. The next child in line picks up the belt and does the same as the child before. The team that finished first wins. Sent in by Theresa Bostick
Pin the Belt on the Soldier - Armor of God
Play this game like "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" except add the following variation. (Younger children and older children will enjoy this game)
1. Before class make the Roman soldier poster by printing out the head and body patterns. (Black and white and colored patterns available to members on The Resource Room.)
2. Cut off the edges and glue them onto a piece of foam core board.
3. Print out the belt pattern onto card stock and cut out them out.
4. Tape the Roman Soldier up on the wall at the children's height.
5. In class give each child a belt with a piece of tape. Have the children line up behind the picture. Ask the first child if he would be wearing the "Belt of Truth" if he believed one of the following statements and then tell them to state the truth. Once he states the truth, tie a blindfold on the child and spin him around. The child who gets his belt closest to the belt on the soldier wins.
1. It's okay to do something wrong if everyone else is doing it.
2.If no one sees you doing something you're not supposed to be doing, it's okay to do it.
3.If you don't get caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing, it's okay to do it.
4.It's okay to take something that isn't yours if no one will miss it.
5.It's okay to hit someone if they hit you first.
6.It's okay to treat someone mean, if they treat you mean.
7.It won't hurt to take just one little piece of candy before dinner, even if your mom tells you not to because it really won't affect your appetite.
8.Your Dad just lost his job and you are worried you won't have enough food to eat.
9.You are afraid to stick up for the boy who always gets picked on because you don't want to get picked on too.
Belt of Truth Bible Verse Review Activity
1. Before class print out the activity sheet and make copies.
2. Cut out the patterns and place them in an envelope.
3. In class have your children glue the pieces onto the belt so that they place them in order of the verse. Have them check their work by looking up the Bible verse.
Glue the Belt on the Soldier Activity and Coloring Sheet
What you will need:
Crayons or Colored Pencils
What to do:
1. Before class print out the patterns. If you are using the activity sheet, cut out the armor pieces.
2. In class have the children color the soldier and belt pieces and then glue the belts to the soldier.
Armor of God Belt Costume

What you will need:
Card Stock
Metallic Crayons
Glue or Tape,
Brown Construction Paper,
1 1/2" Silver Sequins or other Circles cut from Shiny Paper, and Scissors
How to make:
1. Draw a belt onto card stock and cut it out. A Belt Pattern as shown in the picture is available to members. Glue the pieces together. You may have to cut off some squares depending on how big you want the belt. If you want to make the belt fit over the breastplate you will have to make it extra big. You may have to print out the pattern more than once and piece it together.
2. Cut one of the slits open at the end of the belt depending on how big you need the belt.
3. Color the belt with metallic crayons (Crayola).
4. To make the apron, cut brown construction paper into 2" stripes. Glue sequins down the lengths of the strips. Glue the strips to the front of the belt.
For ease of construction, I printed the belt pattern on regular copier paper then had the children color, cut, and glue them to sentence strips purchased at the teacher supply store. I punched a hole in each end of the strip and attached yarn to each end to tie around the children’s waists. They used metallic crayons to decorate the waistband and apron strips. I gave them one gold seal sticker to go in the middle front of the waistband. Elaine