Bible Crafts and Sunday School Lessons For Children
Comments About the Bible Crafts and Bible Lessons on Danielle's Place and The Resource Room
I guess it has been over 20 years since I first joined up and started using this material. I could always count on there being something that I could use for all the stories I wanted to share with the children. The craft ideas are tremendous and so easy to use. I have recommended this site many times over to others who were looking for new ideas. Alice-Ann 2/19/24
I am so excited to be able to get full access to the site. I have used a lot of ideas that were free for my Sunday school kids....they love it. Pat - 3/20/15
Thank you for your wonderful service. It's my turn for Sunday School again, and I don't dread it! ; ) Janet - 1/6/2015

I have to tell you what a blessing Danielle's Place has been. The lessons are age appropriate and the activities are great! My job as a Sunday School teacher is much easier now that I am a member. Thank you so much for contributing in the sharing of God's word. (Anonymous) (11/2/2014)
I will not be renewing my subscription this year; I have come out of teaching and no longer have need for the resources.
However, I would like to say a huge 'Thank You' for producing and maintaining such a wonderful site. Your ideas for crafts and lesson plans have been an enormous help over the years with my work as a teacher of Nursery/Reception children (aged 3 1/2 - 5). The lessons are all age appropriate and give the message in such a fun way that the children remember it. Many thanks and may you have continued success for many years. Jane 12/24/13
I just wanted to take a few minutes to tell you thank you so very much for what you have done in creating this site! I absolutely love it and use it often. I teach a group of children at my church every Sunday night and use your creative ideas and lessons. They, as well as, their parents love our lessons and the wonderful activities that go along with it. Praise the Lord for giving you this talent. Thanks again and I pray that God richly blesses you and whomever may help you with this. Sincerely, Rebecca R.
I love the way these lessons are laid out. Sooo many choices to use for a class no way could you use them all in one lesson, but it gives so many that you have no need to search else where for class materials!!! Thanks for obeying God's ministry for you!!!! 4/21/13
Your site is sooooo user friendly!! I have been teaching for over 15 years and this is the best site I have ever found! God bless you! Janie 10/16/2012
I teach a class on Wednesday nights, ages 4, 5, and 6. We did the Snowman/Dust man and made the cup snowmen. The children loved it. We pretended to build a snowman and the children really got into the acting and one child even pretended to drop their snowball and had to roll it all over again. It was funny and cute. One child lost their pom pom nose off their snowman and according to the parent, was reallly upset, but he got another. These lessons are aboslutely wonderful. Every one of them that I have done, the children really get into and really learn. Thank you so much. This is the second or third year I have subscribed to your site and it has been sooo worth it. Thank you so much and may God bless you abundantly. :-) 10/15/12
I want to thank you for the all the resources. This is my go to first and certainly the one I use the most. Thank you and God bless you in your work. Sandra 6/20/12

I CANNOT begin to thank you for the treasure trove of information here. I am the Children’s Minister at our small church, and I teach every week on Wednesdays and Sundays. Without your website, I know I would be struggling to find material because of our limited budget at the church. Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you have done for so many of us teachers out there!! The children love the lessons, crafts, games and activities we do each week
from this website. We have been doing the fruits of the spirit series, and it has amazed me what they remember when we review each week. May God bless you immensely!! Lori, Maryville, TN 10/20/2011
Thanks a million! Your ideas are wonderful. I have been going to Ukraine to teach Bible camp at an orphanage to the same kids for the past four years and have used so many of your ideas and they are always well received! God Bless, Lorie Kelly 9/6/2011
I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your lessons. I use them all the time for our children here at Hope Covenant. Keep up the great work! Kathy 7/31/2011
I want to tell you how much of a blessing you are. I have taught Sunday School for over 30 years. Your lessons and ideas are so great, and they always get my creative juices flowing. I love to keep things upbeat, fresh and interesting so the kids will learn. "God bless you and keep the ideas coming. God is good. Glenda 4/19/2011
Thanks. And I might add, WOW, I have been on your website all day and will be on most of the night. I love your ideas. Thank you for this wonderful resource. Rebecca, 2/15/2011
Just wanted to let you know how helpful your site is for our Junior Church and Master Club Program for the children. We live a considerable distance from the city, and this resource is absolutely the best thing we have come across. It saves us an incredible amount of time. I have been teaching 48 years and always need something fresh and new. Many of the children are with us through the elementary years, so we don't like to repeat. Thank you so very much for your program. Sincerely, Diane 10/08/10
Thank YOU for providing this invaluable site!! The ideas and games and songs on your site are just amazingly helpful! Thank you SOOOOO much! Karen, 9/17/2010
Hi. Thanks for the lessons re Fruits of the Spirit. We had a great time in the camp studying the Bible with these lessons. Your teachings are well written, the frame with Squirmy is lovely, and the activities are very different in each lesson. The printables are very clear, nice, ready to use. It was such a joy to teach with your help. We took a few photoes, I am attaching them for you to see. God bless you. Lilla, Hungary, 9/9/2010
I just want to thank you for these lessons. I have been given the task of taking care of the choir member’s children while they are practicing. They range in age from 2 – 12. When I first started I have five children and would bring random crafts and games. The group grew to 11 and it could get downright chaotic. Until I found your website and joined, I was not looking forward to Sunday nights and wished I could quit. I knew I needed to find structured lessons. I have been using your lessons the last three weeks and the children enjoy it tremendously and I do as well. I now look forward to Sunday nights and teaching them. Right now we’re doing the Watchdog series. It is wonderful. Not only is it good for the children, but I needed to hear this lesson as well. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and sharing these wonderful lessons. Michelle, 5/23/2010
Happened on to your site. I was impressed with the amount of ideas you had and the apparent simplicity. I have been teaching youth and children's worship off and on for over 25 years. It is great to have these wonderful resources. In Christ, Walter Johnson
I just wanted to thank you for all the incredible activities that you offer and all the ideas for the children's ministry. It has been really helpful to prepare my lesson for each week! You're a blessing for God's kingdom.
You're blessing a lot of teachers like me that have to deal with many things at the time and find incredible solutions and ideas for the children's ministry every week! Thank you for your work! God Bless you abundantly! Thanks! Venessa, 4/20/2010
Been teaching SS for years and our literature is so boring and repetitive. The activities are not practical , especially in 45 minutes. I did 'Watchdog' last week and they loved the activities and really got into a discussion. I'm going to do 'ants' next week. Elaine, Columbia SC, 4/20/2010
Thank you for all the work you do for all of us. My Children's neighborhood outreach ministry is doing so well and much of it is because of the things I've been able to get from your website. PRAISE the Lord and YOU. Donna, 3/29/2010
Your web site is fabulous and I am soooo glad that I subscribed to it. It enhances my already planned out Sunday School lesson and gives me more options and my class is having a wonderful time. I have a lot of young children as I have e-mailed you in my letters before. It is very difficult sometimes to keep their attention long enough to tell a story but with the extra things I get from your site, it is working better. Vicki 3/29/2010
Thank you for all the work you do for all of us. My Children's neighborhood outreach ministry is doing so well and much of it is because of the things I've been able to get from your website. PRAISE the Lord and YOU, Donna - 3/18/2010
Carolyn, I've taught Bible classes for almost 30 years. Even though I always added my own ideas, I had gotten really tired of the purchased curriculum our church used. I found your material online several years ago and finally asked our education director last year for permission to use it instead. You've rejuvenated me as a teacher and my students love the lessons. The crafts are more work than the punch-outs in the purchased curriculum but so much better! Our church has a good support group for us teachers that make it much easier for us. We have wonderful volunteers who work each week in our Teachers' Workroom. I make copies of your craft/game/visual pages and give to them at least two weeks before I plan to teach the lesson. They have the material ready for my students tell me they really enjoy getting your crafts ready for the students.
Beginning this summer, our kindergarten class will use your site, too. Those teachers have seen your material that I'm using and are very excited. Thanks again for all you hard work and great ideas. Your ideas for presenting the Bible lessons are as good as your crafts and games! God bless you and keep your ideas flowing!
Cheryl Blansett -03/15/2010
Thanks so much for the labor and love you put into preparing these lessons. They are organized, creative, and present a clear message. Both the children and I have enjoyed the lessons. Thanks for allowing God to use you to minister to others. In Christ, Phyllis -3/08/10
These are the best Sunday school lessons I have ever used! I have been looking for fun lessons that would keep the kids interested and this are the best ! Tracy - 03/02/10

I teach a group of children ages 18 months to 3 years so basically it is a toddler class. I taught your lesson on Jesus Feeds 5000 with the ant and the fish crackers and soda crackers. I made the little baskets and put scripture in them just like your instructions. It was absolutely wonderful. The children loved Arnie the Ant and they listened and I feel they really got something out of this lesson. They all took their little baskets home with their little treats .It was a big hit and I loved preparing it for them as well as
watching their excitement about the lesson. It was a little different and it added a lot to my already prepared lesson that is provided for us to teach. It was much more interesting and just made it FUN! Thank you so much. Vicki in Indiana, 3/01/10
Your website is awesome, the best resource! Thanks for making it easy to organize 3unday school!! Sincerely, Bronwyn 10/12/09
I am attending a new, small church in northeast Georgia. My pastor's wife and another person do the lessons and I have joined the ranks! Yesterday was my first encounter with the lesson and materials. Without having much time to 'plan' or read the lesson, etc.. I was able to easily go through and learn your way of doing things. I thought to myself.. this is so wonderful... this lady is either a teacher or a very creative mom.. and I was correct on both accounts!
I am a special education teacher and I home schooled my daughters many
years ago. Throughout the years of teaching in private Christian
schools, homeschooling and teaching in public schools (for the last 14
years... every grade and most exceptionalities) I have had to create
curriculum most of the time!! I have always left my 'creation' with
the people who took over the class, as I moved on. Thank you for keeping it simple and creating with excellence!! It is
obvious that you incorporate The Creator as you use the gifts and
talents He has blessed you with immensely!! God Bless You and your family!! 09/22/09
Thank you so much for consistently updating your website with new ideas and lessons! I've been a subscriber for 3+ years now and I am a huge procrastinator, so it's such a blessing when I'm out of time to prepare a lesson for 3unday morning and I can go to your website and find something new and relevant within minutes! Keep doing what you're doing and we'll keep subscribing!! Sincerely, Jeannette 8/24/09
Just wanted to send a note to thank you for all you do and have done on your website. I used you for a year until our tiny church decided it was time to expand to printed curriculum and all that "jazz". But I have to tell you that even though I have my own curriculum (2 years now), I still come to you first when I need something to add to my lesson (and that is quite regularly.) Your work is terrific (so many ideas, such creativity) and it clearly shows your heart for the Lord and for children to know Him too. I pray that God continue to use you in this manner and bless you abundantly as you use your computer savvy coupled with your gift for teaching to aid many 3unday School teachers and home schooler Moms to teach their children about the Lord. Thanks for doing what you do. Mary-Ellen - 7/28/2009
I have been using your lessons for a couple of months now and I have to tell you that it has been a fabulous experience. I am especially impressed by the insect study. What a great way to relate the world around our children to their God. Thank you! This has been the best money I have ever spent on an educational website. Lisa - 7/16/09
Hey, I am so glad that I decided to subscribe to your website. This is the best resource website that I have come across. I have been teaching preschool since high school (1989). I have lots of pattern books and lesson idea books. But none of them come close to being as useful as your site. The illustrations are the best. Most of my pattern books are hit or miss when it comes to good illustrations. Your illustrations are clean and simple and are well drawn. You have great ideas and they are well put together. I love the fruit of the spirit lesson. I love that there are Bible verse cards that go along with the lesson. And it is great that there is a picture tab for each verse. Great idea!! I can't say enough about your content. I will definitely recommend your website to others. I am a homeschool mom now and will be able to use it for school. And I have a preschooler. I will be able to use the website for my 8 year old and 4 year old. Thank you for the work that you put into your website. It is very clear and well put together. I hope that you can feel good about helping other moms and teachers tell our children about God. Thank you. Jill - 05/05/09
I so enjoy this website. I tell people about it all the time.
I am the Children's Director for a small church in Missouri and I use your website often. The ideas are fun, creative and so easy to use. Currently, we are using the
ABC I Believe lessons for our Wednesday night program. Our children and our workers love it. The kids love trying to guess what animal goes with each lesson and the adult workers like that the lessons aren't just another revamped Bible story. I have had nothing but positive feedback and
I am so glad I don't have to reinvent the wheel. Thank you for sharing all the ideas and making them
available to those of us who work with children.
M. Hartman 2/26/09
I just want to take the time to say what an awesome web site this is. I have been teaching a Sunday school class of mentally disabled adults now for a little over 10 years and have used many books trying to find crafts to reinforce my Bible lesson. This website is the absolute best for getting ideas and it is very complete. Some websites give you crafts and no stories, or stories and no activities or puzzles. I have used many of the ideas and it’s great not having to spend a couple of hours searching through my books or the Internet. Thanks again – keep up the good work!! Mary Vaglica, 11/01/2008
Greetings in the name of the Lord, Your ABC I believe curriculum is completely wonderful!!! I love it. You have such great ideas!!! Thank you for making it so affordable to teach our children about the Lord and with so many fun ideas!!!! Thank you so much. Laura (6/13/2008)
I’ve only been a member for a few months and I wonder how I ever survived without you. This sight is the biggest blessing for me as a teacher and I thank you for all of the time and creativity that is in this wonderful website. In Christ, Pamela 4/24/08
Hi, I just wanted to say that I joined your website because it’s awesome! Your activities are very much age appropriate and the crafts are very easy for preschoolers to make. I am the preschool coordinator for our Jr. Kids Church, children ages three to kindergarten. I have been in kid’s church for around 14 ½ years! I am so pleased to find your site. It is refreshing and easy to use. It’s certainly worth investing my money in! Thanks for sharing. May God continue to bless you and your family! Sincerely, a sister in Christ, Sherry- 3/9/2008
I have been a member of your site for almost a year. I used to go for the free lessons prior, but decided last year that I wanted more. I absolutely love, love, love your lessons for Bible Themes! Your site really helps me teach the kids about God in such practical and fun ways that I cannot teach a lesson without first consulting your website! Thank you for all the work that you put into each lesson. They are truly amazing and are the biggest blessing for someone like me who doesn't want to just lecture my kids. I cannot stop telling people about your website. I make sure that Carolyn Warvel gets all the credit in my notes home to the parents. I just want to give her a hug. I would love to pass on to Carolyn all the blessings that she has given to me by having such wonderful ideas for Sunday School. Thank you so much! You are incredible! Keep up the great work! Stephanie
Just wanted to let you know that your site has been the best investment our Children's Ministry has made toward curriculum. We've tried lots of different types of lesson plans, crafts, etc. . . and is still the best! Your rock-solid Bible lessons, fun activities, and really fun crafts make my job so much easier. I don't know how you do it, but I sure am glad that you do! May your 2008 be blessed beyond measure. Heather
I just had to take a minute to let you know how much I appreciate your site. I find myself commenting "incredible!" as I scan through the various lessons. The material covered and the crafts suggested, I know, must have taken a long time to prepare. We are reaping the benefits. I am so glad I subscribed to your site and will be taking full advantage of your hard work! Thank you SO much!- Carrie, Nova Scotia, Canada
These are the best Sunday school lessons I have ever seen! They are fun, exciting, and easy. I know my class will not be able to wait to see what happens week after week. Tracy, 2/19/2007
Hey, just want to drop a line to let you know I love your site... I find it very useful. I just opened a preschool in my home and I use your ideas all the time.. Keep up the good work. Tracey, 2/24/2007
Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for posting your notes, crafts, lessons, ideas, etc. on a website that is easily accessible to people. I am a pastor's wife of a new, smaller church, and wear many hats - one of them being a Sunday school teacher. To say the least, I am very busy and don't have a lot of time to spend searching our local Christian Bookstores for the ideal curriculum. This website has saved me a lot of time, as well as given me lots of ideas!!! For that I say thank you! Your Faithful viewer!! 6/20/2006
First, let me tell you that your lessons have transformed our early childhood ministry not only for the children but the workers as well. This site has sparked great passion within our ministry . . . Thank you so much! Sincerely, Melissa (9/20/2006)
Thank you so much for this awesome resource. As a small church without a large budget for children’s ministry and a mixed bag of ages in Kid’s church, this site is phenomenal and well done for me to use. Sam Walker
I absolutely LOVE your site; it’s excellent; I write a lot of curriculum for our preschoolers and yours is the first resource I go to; I have approx $1000 worth of books, but your site is my first choice… God bless. Marilyn
We have been using your lessons for about two years now and I just HAVE to tell you how impressed I am!! I am using them for Children's Church. I am "in charge" (so to speak) of getting the lessons for our four teachers who teach once a month (including myself). Your lessons are PERFECT for our children's church hour!!!! The teachers tell me time and time again how great and fun these lessons are! There are always fun stories of how the kids enjoyed them as well. You do a terrific job getting these lessons put together! I have NEVER had better lessons and I've been teaching for quite some time. Please don't stop with the lessons. We all would be very disappointed. Also, I have used your ABC Lessons for my own 3-yr. old daughter here at home and she has really enjoyed it and has learned her alphabet well! This website has been a HUGE blessing in my life and I say "thank you" for using your talents for God! You are reaching many! I have shared it with many people and will continue to do so. Thanks again! Amy
I wanted to write and let you know how much your site has meant to me over the last two years. I do mission work in foreign countries, BS, where the children do not speak English and your lessons are so basic that I am able to adapt them and the adults who do speak English can translate what I say and it works very well. The children especially enjoy the crafts.
Fun translates well in any language and hand signals let them know what to do with the games. I have used your lessons on Psalm 23 and some of the things about friends and your ladybug crafts. The Psalm 23 lessons I will be using again in October in a different place than the first time and am looking forward to it so much that I just had to write and tell you what a blessing your site has been to the Lord's work in the Pacific Islands where the natives are hungry for the Lord's Word. Thank you so much, Phyllis
I am just so "blown away" (in a good way) by your website. The resources that are available are unbelievable. I use the ideas for our children's church program. I am not a creative person, but certainly can take ideas from creative people and put them to good use. I thank you sincerely for all the work that I know has gone into your resources and pray God will bless, in an awesome way, you and your family and anyone associated with your ministry! Sandy Turner
Hello, I teach 4 yr olds at church. I had great difficulty finding appropriate lessons for them on the internet until I found your site. I have used several of your lessons and the crafts that go with them. I love them and my children do too. They seem to understand them pretty well. THANK YOU!!!! Cindy
As a third grade Sunday School teacher, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the wonderful ideas on your website. I always come here first when searching for crafts to supplement my lessons. They are always so popular with the kids! Thanks again for all your work. You are making a difference in the lives of many!! Jeanette
Just got signed up for a subscription today and I wanted to tell you that I love this site. The
crafts are doable and there are just so many good ideas. I have been teaching Sunday School for about 30 years and my church sort of bounces around in their pre-school ages so I keep having to change my lesson plans so your site is very flexible in that area. It's wonderful, I really appreciate it, should have done it sooner. Thanks. Kae
HI! I use these resources all the time. We work on a tight budget and have been so blessed by this site and your ministry. I just wanted to say thank you and God Bless! Andrea Porter
My husband and I teach a 3rd grade Sunday School class and we are novices. Your website has been an AWESOME resource for us. THANK YOU! Catherine & Kevin Soto
I just want to say thank you. Your web site has been a blessing to me. Along with the Bible it has helped me to grow in the Lord; and has made it possible for me to spread the word of Jesus Christ to the children in a fun way. I appreciate all your work and effort to keep this site going. So again Thank You. April
I am so happy I found this. Thanks so much. I teach 2 to 5 year olds in Sunday school and right now we are talking about Joseph and the coat of many colors. I am so happy and I know the kids will love what we will do. Thanks again. Teanna Bryant
Thank you so much for your wonderful site. It is an excellent resource and inspiration for my Sunday school program. I find myself coming back week after week to see what you offer. What a blessing! Sincerely, Amanda Fieldhouse (grateful Sunday school teacher)
I just paid for my subscription yesterday, and I want to tell you I've already gotten my money's worth! This site is amazing! I teach 1st graders, and the text we have is very boring. I've been struggling to come up fun ideas for the kids to keep them interested, and now I have more than I could ever use in one year!! Thank you so much! I can't wait for class tonight for our lesson on the Good Samaritan. I'm not even going to be using our books tonight now that I have so many great activities planned! Keep up the great work! Kasha
Thank you so much for your work! I just want to let you know how blessed I am to have found your website, and how blessed you are with such great talent and for the generosity in sharing it with all of the rest of us. We have been struggling with different curriculums and none touched me until I stumbled onto "Danielle's Place". It is worth every penny and then some. I have been teaching Sunday School, almost non-stop, since I was 16 years old. That
means about 23 years! I have used many different methods, curriculums, made my own, etc. but I think this website is my favorite! I have been telling everyone I know about it. Thank you again, and may God bless you all and your families in your endeavors. You are truly wonderful! In Christian Love, Mrs. Hart
Thank you for this web site. This is a real positive web site that really does offer fun ideas. I believe learning should be fun because sometimes Bible truths can be interesting!!!!! to teach to small children. Your format allows teachers a great resource; there are times when we need fresh ideas. Sometimes all we need is inspiration and encouragement . Thank you also for the input of other teachers. This site is truly a positive way to hear and share with others. God Bless you as you continue to spread the God's word thru crafts, stories and fun games. Joanne
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have used the free crafts on your site for about a year now, and I just subscribed to the resource room and bought the We Can Learn e-book. What a wonderful resource for my preschool class at church!!! You have been used mightily in the work we are doing in Elkton, SD, and I hope to continue with the blessing your website has been.
May God continue to bless your very important work as we lay the foundation for these kid’s lives.
I have been teaching Sunday School and Children's church for over 30 years in various places (my husband was military). I use active "hands on" activities and dress in costumes etc. But I have been doing this for so long I was beginning to feel a little dry. Now I have your web site and the new ideas have just been what God has ordered to get my creative juices going for His Glory once again.
Thank you I appreciate this site and all the wonderful ideas.
PTL Nancy Eldridge
I am tickled with the ideas I find on your website! I work with small children one Saturday per month and although I don't always use the lesson, the craft is always a hit. When I am inspired by the Lord to use a particular subject, I can find support material at The Resource Room. When I don't feel so inspired, I browse your website and always find the perfect material! I also purchased your book and it is a great saver when unexpected occasions arise. May the Lord continue to use you to spread His word. Jessie
When I first started teaching at my church. I was really nervous because I was not organized, not knowing how or what to teach I was ready to give up because I did not want to be one of those teachers that just give the children something to color. I really wanted them to learn. Well I came across this website and every Wednesday I am excited going into class and teaching your lessons. I thank God first and thank you because you have been a blessing in my life as well as the children. Tammy

These lessons are marvelous - so well laid out, with every resource needed available!! Every Sunday School teacher should know about these and utilize, if not all, that at least parts of the lessons! Children love the crafts, and absorb much more than they would if simply given "memory verses." Respectful, Elizabeth
My husband and I pastor Church in a country town of about 7,500 people in Victoria, Australia.
I have just come across your web site and would like to say THANK YOU very much for the effort that you have put in, and the wonderful resources that you have provided on there. Our Church has about 20 people with 10 children ranging from 1 month - 9 years, so as I am sure you can understand due to our size we don't have a lot of money for resources, so when I came across your site I just had to let you know what a blessing your gifting is not only to those that you are in direct contact with but also those who will benefit from your generosity of your web site. Thank you again. May God Bless You, Your Family and Your Ministry Abundantly. Yours Also In Christ's Service, Samantha
I just wanted to send you a thank you. I am a Sunday school teacher to ages 6 - 9 and I love your materials. It really helps me to bring out the lessons. I appreciate what you do and I believe you will be rewarded for it someday. Thanks. Tina
Dear Carolyn, My name is Samantha. My husband and I pastor Church in a country town of about 7,500 people, in Victoria Australia. I have just come across your web site and would like to say THANK YOU very much for the effort that you have put in, and the wonderful resources that you have provided on there. Our Church has about 20 people with 10 children ranging from 1 month - 9 years, so as I am sure you can understand due to our size we don't have a lot of money for resources, so when I came across your site I just had to let you know what a blessing your gifting is not only to those that you are in direct contact with but also those who will benefit from your generosity of your web site. Thank you again. May God Bless You, Your Family and Your Ministry Abundantly. Yours Also In Christ's Service Samantha
Your lessons are always a joy - cheerful, simple, complete, enchantingly fun and easy to prepare and clean up. I tell everyone about this website. Have a great day and thanks for blessing us with your knowledge and creativity.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I love you website! I have been searching for so long for things to do with my kids in Sunday School that fit them. It's a really hard thing to do when you have ages 3 and under! Your website is perfect because there is a lot to pick from for different ages! Just perfect for me! I just got my membership yesterday and I just had to get up and see if I had access yet! Thank you so much! You don't have to write back, I just wanted to share my joy and thanks with someone on your end! Heather
Your website is so fantastic!!!!! We don't have to buy books for my class anymore, just the materials to do the activities and crafts. The kids and parents love it. And I do too, You are doing a great work with this website, and it is worth every penny! Nancy
Love your lessons! I homeschool our son and have several of your ideas with him. I also teach Children's Worship on Sunday morning and evenings for ages 4-10. I was wanting to teach about the "fruit" next month so I truly appreciate your lessons. Thank you for your dedication to the Lord! It takes so much time to prepare lessons and your material is excellent! Glenda, Texas
I discovered this website a few months ago and absolutely love it! It has so many good ideas that are practical, easy to follow, and lots of fun for kids. Everything in the lessons are written so clearly and I get excited taking one of these lessons to my group of first graders. Thank you for this invaluable resource! Karen
Greetings from Australia! I am a children's minister and just wanted to thank you for a brilliant site! Keep up the great work! In Christ, Yvonne
I love your website! It has really helped me with a lot of my units that I teach in my Christian school classroom. Gayla
l teach the little ones aged from 18 months to 3 years old. l find your lessons and craft tips excellent. The children, myself and their Mum's are enjoying the lessons and activities. Thank you for this great service. Marion.
We are loving the curriculum and do use the stories, songs, crafts, and snack ideas. You are what we were looking for - it took us 2 years to find you! Now I tell everyone I know about you! Thank you again! Tammy
I am always so excited to search for a craft for my 4-5 yr old children's church class on your site. I used some of your ideas for VBS and the kids and grownups loved them. Thank you again for the inspirational, wonderful ideas. I get excited just preparing for class. I think the kids will have a ball. Thank you and God bless you for your wonderful work. Misty
Dear Carolyn, My name is Toinette'. I'm from Port Elizabeth, South Africa and I teach 2 Sunday School classes. An English class in the morning (3-5 years) and an Afrikaans class on Sunday afternoons (5-8 years) I'm sure that you get a lot of these "thank you e-mails" but I'll send you another one anyway :) I just want to sincerely thank you for all the great ideas. I don't know what I would of done without you! There are lots of sites out there but none that are nearly as good as yours. Thank you again and GOD BLESS YOU!
I am so thrilled that I have joined Danielle's Place. Wow!!! I have also recommended your site to others. You are sooooo organized, and the ideas and crafts are awesome! The patterns are easy to use, and the pictures are so helpful. The children love everything that I have used from your creative site. Thank you, Thank you!! Pam, KCC
Thank you for the wonderful materials for these lessons. Our small church has been purchasing materials for some time, but these lessons touch the children's hearts and minds like no other! Thanks for your wonderful site! My 3-5 year olds love everything about these lessons and by the end of class time, they have learned the week's memory verse. Their parents are so pleased to hear them and the children are so pleased with themselves. Thanks again! Lori
Dear Danielle's Place, I teach Sunday school at a very small church. It is the only activity we have for the children in our church. I feel honored to be chosen to teach the class. I found your site a few months ago and ever since, I use it every week! Thank for having such inspiring ideas. I know "my" children are better off because of your site. Praise God, Brook Breed
These lessons are fab, very clearly laid out & fun packed. Thank you. Best wishes Judie
As a small church, I am a volunteer and must scrounge for teaching materials. Your website is a treasure trove that I always go to first. The subscription cost has more than paid for itself! thank you. Rhonda Steelman
Thank you for your response and instructions. Danielle's Place is a gift of creativity, innovation, and just sheer fun! Teaching Sunday School is so much better because of your resource. Blessings, E. Henderson
I have been using your lesson and crafts for over a year now. I have never wrote to you before. But God impressed me to let you know how grateful I am. I don't know what I would do without your web site. I teach Sunday School to ages 3 to 5 year old. Our church is small and we have a very limited budget. I can always count on you to have something I can use for ever lesson I teach. The children love your crafts. Thank you for all your hard work. You are God sent. Respectfully, Kathy
I love your web site. I am teaching 4 & 5 year olds. I have taught Sunday School for years. I never really liked the teaching material but I used it because I wasn't sure where to get really great stuff. I found your web site when I was looking for a craft for Joseph and his coat of many colors. You have great ideas and have been a real blessing to me. I have taken your ideas and used them in my teaching. I also incorporated flannel graphs and other ideas that I have come up with. I think you have inspired my creativity and brought me a new desire to teach. Thank you for your ministry. Sincerely, Lynn S.
I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed all of the things you have on your site. I am a Sunday School teacher of 4-7 year olds and we are always making things. My children love to do hands on things and they have really been enjoying all of the things and learning from them. I am a member of the resource room and I have been telling everyone about you. Thanks for all you do and God Bless. Barbara Smith
Just to let you know everything I have used is wonderful. All of it! I have a Sunday School with just my daughter and I helping. We never know how many children and their ages vary from 3-11. So your site has been an answer to prayer. I love to see the crafts before I make them. We live in a small town and have little access to Materials. I have used other curriculum but this is user friendly. I have also used it for ideas for Kid's club. We have about 24 kids come after school once a month. Interfaith sponsored. It is great. For VBS I will be using your site too. The Lord has made it light and easy. God Bless your ministry! Your Sister in Christ, Shelley
I praise my Lord that I found your website, I am not a computer person, but just having "Daniellesplace" is a great blessing to me. I used many stories in my Sunday school class (4 & 5) and in Awana story time and its always a great success. Thank you so much and God bless you. Yours very truly Benedikta
I just used your resource room materials for the first time this month. So far I found it very helpful. I am the SS Superintendant for my church and I really find it time consuming the other way I used to prepare for the prek/kindergarten class. Your site helps me save time. I loved the stories and the craft ideas, well, I never would have thought of such cute ideas. The kids love it too. We started this year with the stories of God creating the world, then, animals (even spiders..yuck). We have had a great time with them and we like to keep their lessons simple and crafts simple as well. Thank you for sharing your talent God has given you, I'm very happy with everything I find on your website. Peace, Blessings and Joy, Laura J.
Dear Daniellesplace, I just would like to let you know that our church has enjoyed this site very much. I was working at a day care when I found your site. I enjoyed it so much that I asked my pastor if we could use it for our Sunday School lessons and he agreed. Our children have been so happy with new lessons and our teachers too. I thank the Lord that I found this site and hope and pray that he sends blessing on you each and every day. Please let me know when it's time to renew my membership. Once again thanks ,God bless. Mary
I am a new subscriber here but I have truly enjoyed your site. I have done the Jonah lesson and the lost sheep and this past Sunday we did the Jesus knows My Name lesson. The children really enjoy not only the crafts but that can also understand the meaning of the lessons more easily. Thanks again for a wonderful site. Barbara
I am a new subscriber here but I have truly enjoyed your site. I have done the Jonah lesson and the lost sheep and this past Sunday we did the Jesus knows My Name lesson. The children really enjoy not only the crafts but that can also understand the meaning of the lessons more easily. Thanks again for a wonderful site. Barbara
I teach 2nd and 3rd grade Bible Class and each week I supplement with the resources from Danielle's Place! I have come to truly depend
on the resources you offer on your website! Please keep up the GREAT work - you all don't realize just how many children/families lives you touch through your resources! THANK YOU!
I am so happy with your project ideas. This is my second year using them and after the kids and parents raved about how much their kids enjoyed the lessons I knew I found the right place. The best part about everything is that my class has more then doubled since the word got out that I am going to continue with using lessons from your sight. Thank you Jeanie
When I was asked how many books I needed for the fall session, I just said "if it is O.K. NONE, I"m continuing on with daniellesplace" I have been with you since the beginning of summer. The kids and I love your lessons, crafts and games. The kids that got promoted in September to the next class keep telling me that they wished they were back in mine. It does take more time to get the lessons and things copied off but I must say it is well worth it. Thanks for all you've done. Keep it up. God bless, Wadeanne
Thank you so much for your website Danielle's Place. I am a Junior Church (Sunday School) teacher in the UK and have been using your site for several months now.
I teach a variety of ages at our church and have appreciated my subscription to Danielle's place. I often use the different lessons and craft ideas. I especially like the different patterns that are ready just to print out. This has saved me time and the kids have enjoyed putting them together while learning about the Bible. Carla Burtoft
Before I discovered your site, I used different material involving leaflets that included a lot of reading. This caused problems for some of the children in our inner city church and often they left unexcited and inevitably without their leaflets.
I would like to recommend Danielle's Place to any Sunday School teacher - it's great. Since I started using the site, I am in charge of my own planning. I write to the parents to tell them the lessons and themes I plan to use every six weeks or so. The children have a great time with stories told in an interesting and relevant manner. The crafts speak for themselves - each child leaves clutching their masterpiece. Also, since new lessons are added to the site regularly, I never run out of ideas. There is only one small downside to using the Danielle's Place lessons - the time required for preparation, printing and cutting out. However, when you see the difference these lessons make to the children's spiritual lives, the time spent in preparation is worth the effort. May God continue to bless you and the others working on Danielle's Place. You are making a big difference to childrens lives. Kay
I just wanted to let you know how much of a blessing you are to me. I am the Nursery Coordinator at my church and I have children up to the age of five. These lessons have really made an impact on my kids. When they graduate up to the next level they leave with a good understanding of Gods' love for them. They come to understand even the little and simple things in life can glorify God. They enjoy the creativity of the different crafts and the stories that relate to the crafts. The crafts have the children talking about the lesson to their parents and of course the parents love the crafts. Thank you. Lorraine Armenta

This is Beena from India. Thank you once again for making your site available to me. It is really very helpful and wonderful in the slum ministry that I do. The strength used to be 7 but now after making use of the ideas from your site it is 27. Praise God. The children are mostly the maid servants' children. So most of the kids are uneducated (only quite a handful are going to school) and Hindus.
Since this Sunday school is being taken at home we usually begin
the class by 4 every Sunday evening. Since I started using your materials the children are here at our place by 2 in the noon itself. The elder ones have started bringing in new children also. Since some kids are uneducated I have to make my lessons more visually based. The memory verse cards have become a success with the kids. The kids keep visiting me during the week days to let them know what is in store for the next week. I am happy for them all. This is because of you. May the Lord Almighty bless you, your family and your ministry. Though we couldn't do much to show our appreciation for your wonderful help we always want you to remember that there are a small group of children who are praying hundreds of miles away for you and your family's peace, happiness and well being.
May you and your ministry be abundantly blessed. In God's love,
I must first tell you that I have loved this past year and the wonderful things that I was able to bring to the youngster at my church. I am a coordinator for the kindergarten classes and the curriculum that we have used in the past has been very repetitive and boring. This year, we have truly enjoyed teaching your lessons and I have been inspired with ideas that the Lord has given me after doing some of your lessons. Because of this I have purchased a church membership to allow my teachers to have the same blessing that I have enjoyed.
Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas! I use this site every week for fresh perspectives in teaching my toddlers' Sunday school class. The crafts here are great, and the lessons help to put the Bible stories on a level that is simple for the smallest children to understand. Sarah Albert
I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your website. I have used it many times for craft ideas for my church's Thursday night Kids Club. In fact, tonight the kids will be doing Father's Day crafts, and I used two from your site: the peanut jar and the "Dad Rocks" paperweight. You have so many wonderful ideas on your site. You make my job a lot easier. Thanks for the great work, and have a blessed day. Donna
I FOUND A GOLDMINE!!! I teach bilingual Sunday evening class and on Saturdays I would be racking my brains to prepare a lesson and some crafts, I've seen that the children learn more making something that goes with the lesson. They really look forward to go to class. I just joined about two weeks ago since I just found the site and on Saturdays I'm like, ooh this is a nice lesson, here's another good one, decisions, decisions. I really appreciate this site. God Bless You. Mercedes
Hello I just wanted to let you know that we did the lessons on Jesus King Of Kings. Our ages were from 5yrs to 13 yrs. I want to thank you for all the lessons you offer. We look forward to having a new lesson every Wednesday night. The children love the lessons and stay interested and really enjoy doing the crafts. Thank you.
Christina Penley
I just wanted to thank you for your web site. We are a small church and I am in charge of all of the childrens classes, including Sunday School, Children's Church,and Wednesday night. That is a lot of lessons to get together. With everything your web site gives me I am able to print out the lessons, crafts, coloring pictures, and games, and then give them to my teachers. It is easy for them to understand and they love teaching. The kids love the lessons also. I did the Lost Sheep Sunday and the kids loved it. They especially loved the sheep game I made for them to play. Thank you for a web site where church's like mine can come and find great King James Bible lessons. Barbara, from Memorial Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.
I put off joining the resource room for a long time but I finally joined last week and boy! am I glad I did. There are so many wonderful lessons there that I plan to teach my Sunday School kids (aged 3-7 and occasionally an older one) and I can't wait to get started! Thank you so much for this wonderful site! Dana
I teach Sunday school and children's church. We purchase a ready-made Sunday school curriculum, but for three years I had to come up with lessons on my own for children's church. Because I also homeschool, this became extremely time consuming and difficult. In the process of doing a search on the internet, I found your site. What a blessing it has been to me! Teresa
Our children's church ranges from three years old up to 6th grade, so I usually use the younger lesson and go up or down depending on the average age of the children. I always use the craft because the younger children love it and usually the older ones do, too. The older ones will even help the younger ones and that is a blessing to see and a wonderful character trait to instill in them.
I LOVE your website. It has been a lifesaver. I didn't subscribe until recently and it's something I wish I had done a long time ago. I love the ABC lessons. I am going to work on them with my 4 1/2 year old son. He can learn about his abc's some more (recognition and writing) and also learn more about God. This has been the best investment for me. Tracy Williams
I just wanted to say that I just bought quite a few books for ideas to use in Sunday School and although they do have some good ideas, they were $10-$15 each which is a lot considering that all the ideas were not something I would use. I find more ideas on your site that I can use and think the subscription is well worth the price and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it. Rebecca
Just finished doing 2 weeks of the creation story with my class aged 3-6 years of age. It is so wonderful for we teachers of mixed aged classes to be able to just take your materials and use them. There are ideas for all ages and they are right there at our finger tips ready to use! Thank you for you wonderful materials and ideas especially from a very busy person who loves to teach the little ones - and has for so many years but I needed help to get fresh ideas. God bless you all. Carol Roberts
I cannot tell you how often I use ideas from your website. I am in charge of crafts for 60 Bible school students every Sunday. They are first through third graders. I have used many of your craft ideas. I am also teaching in a Christian school. I have used ideas for crafts and Bible stories with my class. Your lesson ideas make everything interesting to the kids. They love getting to make crafts too! Thank you so much for your creativity!! Corinna
My Sunday School staff and I have been using your lessons since we joined as a church group the resource room and I was using the free lessons before. I want to thank you for all the lessons you have created they are marvelous and we are enjoying using them so much. I am teaching the preschool class and they just can't wait to come to class to find out what we are going to talk about and what craft they will be making. I know the other teachers are so excited too. Thank you again for your dedication to making God come to life for so many young people. Sincerely, Nancy
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I love your site. It has help me many times for last minute lessons or when I have more time to really plan. The kids love the lessons and I have used your site more in the last year than any book I have purchased for my classes. Thank You so much. Shelly
Just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated the wonderful resource you provide. Not only has it given me an often much needed activity and lesson, but has prompted and challenged my own creative processes as well as being able to look for the principle within God's Word rather than just knowing the "story". Cindy
Thanks for the GREAT ideas..I just became a member of your site a few weeks ago. Believe it or not, I was DESPARATE for some NEW and FRESH ideas to stimulate the little children I teach. I typed an inquiry into ASK JEEVES, a question "guy" on AOL.... and your site popped up. I typed in your screen name..and was THRILLED with what I found there!I have taught Sunday School for over 20 years. Your new ideas and story personations are wonderful! I will look forward to using the new alphabet/bible verse theme. I will let you know how it's "received" by the students and parents. Keep up the wonderful job of lighting up the world with God's word and love!
Thanks, Carolyn, for all the good ideas. I've been doing preschool child care for the women's Bible study group for the last 3 semesters, and your site has been the source of great craft ideas to correspond with our Bible story. The kids have had fun, it reinforces the message of our Bible story, and the mom's are pleased that their children are also having a time of learning while they study the Bible and have a time of fellowship. Thanks for a great site! Janice
I have enjoyed being a subscriber this past year, my first. I teach 3-5 year olds in Sunday School at St John Neumann Church in Bryn Mawr, PA with three other mothers who rotate with me on a monthly basis. I have used many of your lessons and craft ideas with great success. Thanks for your fabulously helpful work. God bless you. Sincerely, Susan Stavish
Thank you for a great web site. Your crafts and instructions are simple and easy for kids to understand. I only teach Sunday school once in a while so site is a great help. Thanks Again
Hey!!! I'm a teen age girl who teaches the young kids at my church. It is enjoyable but sometimes difficult to find interesting stuff to do. I want to commend you on your sight VERY much!!!!!!! It's AWESOME!!!!! It has the cutest ideas and everything! It is completely amazing. No have the BEST site for this that I've ever seen! Thanks VERY much for having it out there! It's great and keep up the great work! Thanks again and I LOVE your site!
Sincerely, Beth
Hi. I am a new member, and just wanted to tell you that I think your website is wonderful. It has so many good ideas, I am just amazed. In October, I was asked to be in charge of craft projects for the "Kids Club" bible class on Thursday nights at my church. I know your site will be very valuable to me in this endeavor. Donna
Just a note to tell you I've received a wealth of information from your site. I've taught Wed. night children's classes, Sunday School, VBS for years. My husband is a new pastor. We've been at our new church for about 3 months. We've just started a Wed. night class for the small children & your site is getting me excited again. May God richly bless you. Rhonda from Tennessee
My name is Patty Schappell and I am the Director of Preschool Ministries at my church. Each level has different needs and abilities, so it is nice to use the same lesson and give one class just the coloring sheet, another class the story and coloring sheet, and the older ones the craft as well. The diversity of lessons helps me to find something for whatever topic we are covering. Thank you!
Hi. Each time I need a new idea for Sunday school, or a different craft, I come to your site. It is always so helpful and inspiring. This week we'll try the Joseph and his colorful coat lesson. Thanks so much again for all your ideas and expertise. It is GREATLY appreciated. Beth Laramee
The children have really loved the crafts that I have gotten from your web site and they are so so so much better then what they write in books. Thank you to you and your daughter for all the hard work you have done. This has been the best money I have sent. Thank You, Peggy
My name is Christie Pape and I am a teacher at Bayside Covenant Church. I use your lesson plans and craft idea's weekly. I really enjoy watching the children in my classes grow with the craft/outreach ideas that you provide. Thank you for "pushing the envelope" when it comes to the activities.....many of the lessons provided by my leader are too young for the "advanced" children I teach, but yours are right on track. Keep up the great work! Blessings, Christie Pape
Hi. Each time I need a new idea for Sunday school, or a different craft, I come to your site. It is always so helpful and inspiring. This week we'll try the Joseph and his colorful coat lesson. Thanks so much again for all your ideas and expertise. It is GREATLY appreciated. Beth Laramee
This web site is so wonderful. I'm amazed at all the wonderful things you share with me. You are worth more than your membership fee any day, the patterns for the crafts are priceless!!!!!!
I just wanted to take the time and write to tell you how much I appreciate your business. I use this site all the time. I'm the Children's Ministry director in my church and I have found over and over that the curriculums we buy do not have enough activities to go along with the lessons so this is where I get most of my Bible related crafts, etc. Thank you for your spirit of excellence that I sense about this site. It's very well done and attended to. Have a blessed day!
I can't begin to tell you what an incredible blessing your site has been to me for the past two years of teaching Pre-K Sunday School. Ever since I found it, I use it for almost every lesson I teach. Usually the curriculum we use doesn't have quite enough craft ideas to fill up the time frame or the lessons need just a little something else, and your site is the 1st place I go. And now that I've become a Resource Room member, I get all the regular stuff, plus all the extras! I use both the lessons and the crafts. I think you're doing an awesome job and the site is terrific. I'd like to see just a bit more on Advent and maybe some other craft ideas for basic topics, like Forgiveness, Friendship, etc. It's hard to convey these things some times to little kids without some kind of craft. Other than that, God has truly given you a gift to share with others. MaryBeth
I just wanted to let you know how much I use this site. I am on it at least once a day trying to get new ideas!!! My Husband and I are missionaries in Ontario Canada. And as a Missionary, recourses are usually limited. I thank God for all of the hard work you put into this site, I now have Sunday school resources at my disposal for merely pennies!!!!! I love to search your site daily because I always find something there that I have not seen before!!!!! Thank you so much and may God bless all of your efforts Living to serve HIM, Barb
Just last week I subscribed to your site and I gave my first Sunday school lesson this past Sunday. We did the "God sends Rain" topic and thanks to your site my first class was an overwhelming success. The other teachers and parents were very impressed. I can tell the kids are excited about having a new and fun way to learn about God. Thanks, Cindy
I had to let you know how much I am really enjoying the bible lessons. I have been teaching Sunday school for 11 years and have never enjoyed or even gotten so excited to provide the lesson to the kids. I teach preschool/Kindergarten and the kids and I both have enjoyed the lessons so much. Whenever someone asks me where I get the ideas for the lessons I tell them exactly where. The lessons are just the right level for them. Not boring like my lessons had been. I just love it! The lesson is right there and the craft and the color page. Jeanie Wilson
Your resource room has been a blessing to our Mission Friends teachers. As Mission Friends Director, I love to tell teachers about the site and I'm so happy that we were able to have this available so that they could gather ideas. Have a blessed day. In His Love, Angela Sipes
We attend a small church and I am teaching Children's church ages 3 to 8. I have had a hard time finding lessons. I am so thrilled that I found your web site. I love the fact that the lessons and the crafts go together. I did the story about the "lady bug". The kids loved it as we had been talking about being friends. Thank you so much. You are truly a blessing. Shirley Lynch
As side note, I've structured my entire 9 month long class around the lessons that are available on you site. I'm really excited about all the neat ideas you have. I have also told several friends about your site and have made sure to tell them that I am blessed to have found it. It was an answered prayer! -bj
I have just recently joined your website. I am a Sunday School teacher of the 3 to 5 year olds. In the past I was using a standard type curriculum, but after awhile it started getting very routine for me, as well as the children. The kids were getting bored of just putting a sticker on a page and coloring it. Then, I found your website. Being a former schoolteacher, I quickly saw how
well developed the lesson plans were for the children. Most lessons are well developed to help kids learn in many different learning modes - visual, auditory and kinesthetic. I immediately asked my Pastor if I may use this website for my class, instead of some expensive "store" bought kind. I have not been disappointed. Carolyn Whalen
I am compiling curriculum for our preschool department and LOVE how things are linked together to show complete idea options. Sometimes the crafts are so clever in and of themselves that they'll open up another "teaching point idea" all of it's own. It's so easy to find a variety of fun crafts to fit most any subject or teaching focus. Thank you! Kristi Morkert
Our church Goldens Point decided to join the Resource room after my suggestion and everyone is so pleased with the materials available. I love the idea of very interactive lessons and a keepsake pattern available for every lesson. Thanks for making Children's church more enjoyable for the children and for me. Kathy Huls
Hi Carolyn
Greetings all the way from Australia. First of all I just wanted to thank you for a fantastic site. I coordinate a preschool group known as Grasshoppers at our church. We used a number of different ideas and curriculum before coming across your site. We have been using it for just over a year now - and WE LOVE IT !!! You have an excellent understanding of preschoolers and what works. Anyway keep up the fantastic work From a very happy subscriber. Kim.
I've been using many of your ideas and lessons this past year. They've been so WONDERFUL!!!! I can't tell you all the "time" you saved me. Thank-you, Thank-you!!! Everyone comments about the creativity of the lessons. I've been especially impressed by the way you tackle the "heart" issues of things. Kids need that so badly!!!! Christie Hart
I have to tell you that your site has been as true lifesaver for me. There has been more than once that I have gone to your web site and found just the right lesson for my children church class ( ages 4, 5 and 6). It is a wonderful site ... I look forward to seeing even more great lessons in the months to come. Sincerely, LaWanna
I love your ideas!!!!!!! People ask me where I come up with my ideas and I tell them all about your site. I also told a dear Christian friend who attends a different church than I. I told her how spiritually filled and Bible correct your stories are. I'm glad to have your site and it is well worth the money. Bobbi
I am teaching Sunday Bible School for the first time for Primary class (First Grade) The children were doing so so with the standard lesson plan I was following (they seemed bored). Then I started looking into your site. What a difference! The kids cant wait to see what project we are going to be doing next. I also found that if they have a project to go with the lesson they seem to absorb more of the lesson. This week we did Jonah and the Whale ( I had the milk jug whales done ahead of time) and the children colored TP Jonahs. They had a blast! When the parents picked them up they were thrilled with the project and the lesson itself. Terrie Feher
All the other teachers were asking how I came up with the project, I told them of your site and I expect a lot of them will be looking into it! I am going to speak with our Sunday Bible School Superintendant about a church subscription, I feel it will benefit all!
The Resource Room has been a lifesaver for me. I've done numerous lessons with the children and they have loved them all! God Bless, BRM
Hi! Just wanted to let you know how excited I am about your website. I am the nursery director for a small church, and already I've found tons of great ideas, printouts, etc. Thanks for being such a blessing! I'm telling several others who I think would be interested. God Bless! Alison
Carolyn, I am the director for children's ministry at The Orange Park Vineyard Church in Florida, which my husband pastors. Thank you so very much for the interesting resources that you have available for us. I have brought in your curriculum for my 4 & 5 year old children and the teacher that is working with them for this 1st quarter has been so excited about working with these lessons. Thank you once again for making it so interesting and easily accessible for us. We appreciate all your devotion in making this a wonderful and helpful program. Janet (Orange Park Vineyard Church)
I have used several of your craft ideas for children's church and my preschool class. I have just finished preparing for my next children's church. I am so excited. I can barely wait to work with the children on this project.("Help One Another" Gal.5:13) I also plan to use this with my preschool class. I teach three year olds at a Christian School. I decided to use stick glue for the wiggly eyes and also punch holes for the antenna. My membership to The Resource Room has been money well spent. Thank you all for GREAT ideas.
Dawn Michelle
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I did the Lost Sheep lesson last week in my Sunday School class, and my three to six year olds just loved it! They especially liked when I, the shepherd, came in looking for the lost sheep. They listened very well to the story, and participated a lot. I got this lesson off of your sample page of the site, and as soon as I saw the success, I became a subscriber. I love all of the fun information and activities on your site. It is well worth the money paid. I plan on using this site for all of my lessons in the future. I just want to say thanks! I know that this site will help our little Sunday School class grow in numbers and spirit. I'm so excited to see what happens. God Bless all of you!!!!! Sincerely, Nichole Adrian
I am a teacher for children ages 3 - 5 yrs. The other teachers and I have been looking for a curriculum that will be able to adapt to the different ages and levels of these children. I believe that we have found it here. We have about 30 children each Sunday, sometimes more, sometimes less. We are loving this site. The lessons are at the childrens level, and are so easy to teach that anyone can do it. We look forward to doing a lot with this site. Thank you all and God Bless. Lee Anne Steed
Just wanted to drop a note and let you know how much I have thoroughly enjoyed your resources. I use them almost weekly in preparing for Sunday School, Children's Church, our Christmas Play, etc. It's even easy enough for me to use! and I'm not a computer expert by any means. Thank you so much for the work that has gone into your website. I'm sure it has enriched the work of others too. Linda Rife
Just a quick note to say thank you for your site. I'm looking for meaningful crafts to do at my daughter's Christmas/birthday party coming up soon and really appreciate the ideas. I've also just started running a large children's church program without a lot of materials, so also appreciate ideas for that. Many thanks for your very helpful ministry! Jan Fischer Bachman
I just wanted to take the time to let you know how much I have enjoyed you site!!! Thank you and may God bless you this holiday season! Lori G.
Dear Carolyn,
There isn't a Sunday that goes by that I don't check the resource room for something to add to our Sunday School lesson or a whole lesson all together. For a long time I just enjoyed Danielle's sight, but since I've been teaching Sunday School I am so thankful to have The Resource |Room. The Sunday after the terrible bombings I decided to do something other than my planned lesson. I did God's Masterpiece to remind the children and myself how important and special each one of us is to God. This last Sunday our church had a special service on "The Greatest of these is love..." and so I chose "God's love is Immeasurable." I always take the lessons and develop a worksheet for my students, because they love to read for me and write the answers. You always have so much for me to work from and it is such a marvelous help. I always share news about your site with our friends and parishioners, when I have the chance. Thanks for all the hard work you put into it! Janet
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your site!! I teach 3 & 4 year olds in my Sunday School class and your site is such an inspiration! If I don't find the exact idea I'm looking for, I get inspired by all the great stuff and modify something to work for "my bunch". Jeanne Young
I've done a lot of the lessons, but "following in His footsteps has to be one of the best. Our class today consisted only of kindergarten and first graders. We followed the lesson plan except for the first part of the lesson. To emphasize walking in His footsteps, we walked down our hallway with the kids simply following in our steps. (taking small steps so they could follow) They got tickled trying to literally walk where we walked. Then we walked back to the classroom and explained the second way to follow. This time when we walked down the hall, they had to do what I did. We shook hands with people we met, spun around, marched, etc. The kids loved it. The exciting thing was that the children were then able to explain the lesson to me, before I even started actually teaching. As soon as we got back to class, they were able to tell me that we were supposed to follow in Jesus' footsteps the second way, by acting the way He did. They seemed to have all the answers. Usually I leave wondering if they even heard a word I'd said, but this week was different. In fact when we got upstairs to the sanctuary for church, our Sunday school superintendent did a short talk about what was going on in our Sunday school program. She introduced the teachers and asked about what we were teaching. One of our children told the congregation what they learned today. Wow, today I feel like a real teacher. We also made the feet critters and did the poster. They were icing on the cake. I couldn't have done it without your wonderful lesson plan, and a lot of prayer. I always pray throughout the week and ask God to prepare their hearts. Today there wasn't even a pebble in the ground. The soil was perfect, the seed was perfect, and all I had to do was drop it in. Thanks so much. Kandy
Have enjoyed lessons, I teach Sun.School-4years to 12 Years. Find all the kids like your crafts. Used some ideas in VBS, They were simple and fast to do. Keep up the good JOB. Tina Ragsdale, Childrens Director, Limestone Baptist Church
We are new subscribers to your web site, and are SOOOOO excited to see the lessons and crafts you have available. We are a very small Sunday School class in a small town church, and are trying to spark a renewed interest in our program. I have printed numerous lessons and crafts to help us in that effort. Thanks to you and all your helpers for the work you do - it is certainly making our jobs easier in the effort to reach children with the Word of God. Sharon Ingrum
I am so thankful I joined the Resource Room you have written excellent material for us to use, I know the children will learn a lot and have fun at the same time. Thank you again and God Bless you. Sincerely, Patti Paisley
Your site is so helpful for my age group-lessons which are short and a craft or games to go with the lesson. I try to be real good and spend a lot of time preparing for Sunday School but after working full time and taking care of a home not much time left. You save me the time through your site and with the good materials I receive, I don't feel like I am short changing the kids. Thanks again. Sandie VanVolkenburg
Hi there: I just got back from teaching Sunday School and I wanted to tell you how TERRIFIC the lesson went thanks to Danielle's Place. We did the lesson of the Prodigal son. We played both games......the snorting one, (which was a BIG success) and the memory Bible verse feeding the pigs. They enjoyed working as a team on this. We then made pigs in a basket and I really left feeling good. The kids and I both enjoyed our Sunday. I always recommend Danielle's Place to all the teachers. Sincerely, Joni Wilson, Foothills United Methodist Church, La Mesa, California
By the way, I love the Resource Room and Danielle's Place. I'm getting ready to use many of the lessons both in Children's Church and in my home day care. God bless, Rita Neve
I visit your site weekly. I always find ideas to use with my Bible preschool class. I especially enjoyed the scripture armor lessons. The lessons are so easy to adapt to the age of the children who are in my class. Sometimes I have drop in siblings and the lessons seem to keep their interest too. I' m using the Palm Sunday lesson too. Keep up the good work. I recommend your site to all my friends. Thanks, Melonie
I recently joined the resource room, but have already found it to be a blessing for me and all my children, (the reason I say "all" my children because I homeschool as well as teach 5/6 grade Sunday school). I especially enjoy the ideas for bulletin boards I spent hours searching for ideas for my class and that is how I came to find you all the other wonderful things that I have learned since then has only been added benefits. Tomorrow will be my first lesson used but I'm confident the kids will enjoy it as much as I have. Angie Sharp
I thank you for your site and myself and my daughter (7) have a lot of fun learning about the bible and Jesus together all the time, you have made the lessons fun and exciting my daughter is ADHD and even she is sitting still and focusing on what we are learning. Again thank you for your great site. Regards Jennifer Rixon
I enjoyed teaching this lesson (“Solid like a Rock”) and I want to thank you for providing such great lessons. They all keep the childrens attention, but they are also teaching me as well. Renee Goodman
I LOVE the Resource Room. I use it weekly! I am director for our children's church (age 5-8). It is so wonderful to be able to have a new lesson each week and the crafts or coloring sheets to go with each lesson. The children are also excited each week to see what new lesson we are going to talk about. Our children's church is growing and I feel it is because the children are interested in what we are doing each week. I love how you put "seasonal" crafts and lessons out a few weeks ahead of time. I Again, thank you for this web site- I was almost ready to give up children's church until I found you. Tammy Patton
This site is GREAT, the lessons are wonderful. I used them last year at our Family Camp for the Children's Camp, we have about 50 children twice a day, ages 3 - 9. They loved the lessons and the crafts that went along with them. I really meant to e-mail you after our camp last year and thank you for making my job so much easier. I also use the lessons once a month for Children's Church. Thanks again for all of the work that you and the others put into this site you are doing a wonderful work for the Lord.
This is THE best site for everything I need. Because your lessons are so complete, when I need to check out a link, I appreciate how it takes you directly to what you're looking for rather than the cyber run around. I have told several friends and relatives about your site. Bless you. Marsha Frost Holliston
Just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for your site. It has been a blessing for me and a resource I have been unable to find in the Christian book stores. I teach Sunday School and Children's Church for a small church in central California. You have given me new inspiration and a willingness to continue teaching even though I am struggling with burn out. Thank you so much and God Bless you and your work. Tammy
I just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed using your ideas for children’s church. I've used lessons from primary for my class and lessons from preschool for my little girls preschool class, the children have enjoyed everything we've done. My preschooler enjoyed the lesson on soul food, she proudly showed her granddaddy her sack of food and told him all about it. I want to thank you for your website, it is such a help to me when preparing lessons. I work, homeschool, teach childrens church and we have an outreach to underprivileged kids on Wed. so I need all the help I can get. Thanks again. Sharron
Hi, my name is Muyrl Kilpatrick. We used (the lesson) Jesus is my best friend in my 1-2 year old class today. It went very well. They loved making the finger puppets. We did the books marks & color sheets too. They acted out the story with their puppets after we finished making them. All during the time I was in the choir, they were playing with them. The other children were taking them away from the little ones. One of the parents made a remark about what I was doing with the children. They said the crafts that we did really got their child to talking about what we did in Sunday School. He could even tell them about the lesson & was so amazed at what he was doing. I give GOD & you the credit.
I have really enjoyed getting the subscription to the resource room. For a long while I had enjoyed the craft ideas and things-sharing them with my daughters who are both teachers in Christian school. Now I am teaching Sunday School and I have really appreciated your site. This August we will be having VBS at the small church where my husband is pastoring and your site has been a great resource for me. We will be using many ideas. Tomorrow I am doing The Lord is My Rock lesson for the class. (I should have checked the web site earlier and I would have done the Independence Day lesson, but instead I have printed it out for my husband to use with ideas for the Children's Sermon.) For our craft tomorrow I am having the children write JESUS on a small rock with colored glue and then glue it on a red construction paper circle with Psalm 18:2 written around the edge. I found the lesson very meaningful. Thanks, Janet Haberoth
I just want to let you know how helpful Danielle's Place and the Resource Room have been for me. I have the craft center for our 3 year-kindergartners. I have no children and some times am not too imaginative. Your website has been a life saver. I've used many of your ideas and patterns from Easter to Christmas to our summer program. . . . You have so much to offer, that I end up spending hours reading and making copies for future lessons. Thanks again. Ann Keeler
I teach pre-K and taught your lesson on David and Goliath last Sunday. Your lessons are complete, story-color page-craft. I have used Danielle's Place for my primary teaching source since I joined, almost a year ago. Don't see how I could do without Danielle's Place, your heaven sent! Renee Goodman
I love the Resource Room. It has brought me great joy teaching the kids and having such fun doing it with all the help from your site. Bev Nicol, Christ United Methodist Church
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for making this website. I started helping out teaching our Sunday night "Kid's Club" at the church, my kids had been attending for a couple years. I decided I wanted to see what it was all about and get closer with the kids. While the head of the program gave us the outline, we needed to come up with the story. I LOVE the net and set about to find a website that would help me. While my husband grew up going to a Christian High School and attending Church almost everyday growing up, I had no clue! I knew that God is there if I need to talk and the Bible will answer any question I have, but I didn't know enough about it to teach my 1st/2nd graders. While there are numerous sites out there, I found your the easiest to follow for me. Then in November it was my turn to teach our 3 - 5 year olds during Sunday morning worship. This requires a story and a craft...EEK!!! Well, I just hoped onto Danielle's place and found a lesson about Jesus. I found so many wonderful stories that I ended up taking over the morning class so I could lead the kids up to the magical birth of Jesus! It didn't take me long before I was signed up to the Resource Room. In fact there are so many wonderful stories, that I am stayed teaching 3 Sunday's a month. The 4th Sunday is Kids in Worship.