Beatitudes Crafts and Activities- Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Bible Crafts and Activities for the Beatitudes
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit". In this lesson children learn from Jesus' example what it means to be poor in spirit. Children are introduced to the story of the Pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:10-13, and the story of Jesus and the children, Mark 10:13.
This lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.
Member's - Available in both KJV and NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Beatitudes Messenger Bee Bible Craft
What you will need:
White Paper and Yellow Paper, Brass Fasteners, Crayons or Colored Paper, Scissors, Tape or Glue, Chenille Stems, and a Hole Punch
Children color the bee’s body and the bees on the Beatitudes sheet. When they are finished,Chenille stem antennae. Attach the wings to the bee’s body with the brass fasteners.
Roll up the bee pattern and glue it into a tube shape, and then roll up the Beatitudes Sheet and place it inside the bee.
Member's - Available in both KJV and NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Color or Paint a Flower and Bee Bible Verse Sheet

Sunflower - “Blessed are the peacemakers . . ." Matt. 5:9
From a distance sunflower plants look like they have one or several large flowers on very long stems, but the flowers are actually flower heads consisting of hundreds of smaller flowers neatly arranged side by side in a cluster. This cluster of flowers can remind us of people living side by side in peace. The flower not only resembles the sun, but points towards heaven reminding us that those who are peacemakers will be called sons of God.
Children color or paint the picture. As they work talk about what is written at the bottom of the sheet.
Member's - Available in both KJV and NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Peacemaker Sunflower Paper Plate Craft with Bible Verses
The sunflower center contains two pages of Bible verses about peace including, Hebrews 12:14, Romans 5:1, Hebrews 12:14, and Romans 5:1.
From a distance sunflower plants look like they have one or several large flowers on very long stems, but the flowers are actually flower heads consisting of hundreds of smaller flowers neatly arranged side by side in a cluster.
The cluster of flowers can remind us of people living side by side in peace. The flower not only resembles the sun, but points towards heaven reminding us that those who are peacemakers will be called sons of God.
Have your children color the petals yellow, then put their thumbprints in the center of the flower, and then draw faces on the thumbprints or use the sunflower faces patterns.
Member's - Available in both KJV and NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Little Bee Learns about Peacemaking Puppet Skit
Before class stick a Band-aid on the head of your bee puppet.
The Skit:
Teacher: Good morning class! I’m so glad you can be here today. Little Bee is here again to help us with our Beatitude lessons.
Little Bee, where are you?
(Little Bee pops up with a Band-aid on her head.)
Teacher: Good morning Little Bee. How are you today?
Little Bee: Not so good. My head hurts, and I am soooo mad.
Teacher: Little Bee did you hurt yourself?
Little Bee: No!
Teacher: Well, what happened?
Little Bee: I got in a fight.
Teacher: A fight!
Little Bee: Yeah! I hate Buster Bee! He is so mean! Why are some bees so mean?
Teacher: Well, I don’t know about bees, but I think some people are mean because they don’t know Jesus.
Little Bee: Well, I don’t think Buster knows Jesus.
Teacher: Would you like to tell us what happened Little Bee?
Little Bee: I found this big, beautiful sunflower out in the middle of the field and was collecting pollen to take home when Buster Bee showed up. He started acting like it was his flower! He went crazy buzzing from one bloom to the next; knocking into me and making me loose some of my pollen. He was trying to get the pollen so fast that half of it fell to the ground. After the third time he bumped into me I yelled at him. I said, “Go away, Buster, I was here first and you’re just making a mess!
Well, Buster didn’t like that. His face turned all red, his antennae started flicking, and he looked at me like he was going to kill me. I was so scared! He is twice my size. He flew towards me full-force and knocked me down. My head scraped on something. When I got up Buster was gone.
Teacher: Little Bee I’m sorry you got hurt. Is Buster Bee always like that?
Little Bee: No, not always.
Teacher: Do you think there is something you could have done to have prevented this?
Little Bee: No, Buster Bee is a bully.
Teacher: But you said Buster isn’t always this way.
Little Bee: Not always.
Teacher: Our lesson today is about being a peacemaker. When Jesus was up on the mountain he said, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) Jesus wants us to be happy and live in peace. He doesn’t like it when we fight about things that aren’t important.
(A complete lesson is available on The Resource Room.)
Working Together in Peace Activity
1. Children will work together in groups of twos to form letters that spell out a word. Remind them that they should use their peacemaking skills such as: listening, cooperating, compromising, being considerate, etc. while forming their bodies into the letter shapes because they will be rated on their performance.
2. Give each team thirty seconds to form the letter. The letters should be standing up, not lying on the floor.
3. The other children should observe the performing team and rate the team on a scale of 1 – 10 on how well they worked together and if they accomplished their task.
4. Add up the scores and then ask some of the children why they gave the score they did. Teams may lose points if they weren’t cooperating, one team member was trying to run the show, a team member said something that wasn’t nice, or a team member wasn’t helpful or didn’t compromise, etc.
5. The team with the highest score wins.
If you have a camera, take pictures of the children in their letter poses and then print them out and display them on your bulletin board. You only need to use P-E-A-C-M-K-R because some letters are used twice.
Discuss Bible Verses about Peace (Older Children)

1. Before class print out the Peaceful Words Activity Sheet and make copies.
Member's - Available in both KJV and NIV
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. In class have your children look up the following verses and ask them, according to the verse, what keeps us from being peacemakers: (Proverbs 15:18) - wrath, (Proverbs 16:21) - talebearer, (Proverbs 28:25) - proud heart, (Proverbs 10:12) - hatred, (Proverbs 17:19) - transgressions.
3. Hand out the Peaceful Words Activity Sheet and some crayons or markers. Tell your students to read the words on the sheet and to color any spaces with words that are related to peace or peacemakers. If the space has a word that is related to strife, they can color it any color except blue. When they have found all the “Peace” spaces. The blue shapes will reveal the word “Peace”.